Board meetings are held at the Carson City Community Center located at 851 E.
William Street on the second and fourth Tuesday of the month. Please refer to the meeting agenda for information related to the meeting start time and possible changes to the meeting location.
Special board meetings or work sessions are called when necessary to conduct school business and are publicly announced in advance.
All Board meetings, except closed sessions, are open to the public.
Public Comment will be accepted in person or through email; [email protected]. Comments may be made by members of the public
on any matter within the authority of this Board. Please note that Public Comment will be
taken on items marked “for possible action” before action is taken on such items, and members
of the public are encouraged to comment on such items at the time they are being considered.
In making public comment, speakers are asked to
sign in, speak into the microphone, and identify themselves for the record. Public comment is limited to three (3) minutes and speakers are asked to not simply
repeat comments made by others.