The Carson City School District’s quarterly Community PLC (Professional Learning Community) meeting, Wednesday, Feb. 27, 6 p.m., will focus on sustainable practices. The meeting, held inside the Carson High School Library, will be the first part of a 1.5-day Executive Sustainability Summit.
The meeting will begin at 6:00 p.m. and end promptly at 7:30 p.m. Community members may park along the curb (both sides) in front of Carson High School and enter the building at the south entrance near the flag pole. Individuals planning on attending are welcome to share this invitation with colleagues, friends and neighbors who might be interested in attending this meeting and/or joining the group.
The purpose of these quarterly meetings with school officials is to accumulate feedback from community members on how the school district’s strategic plan is performing and suggest ideas and systems to better help meet the goals, objectives and strategies of the district’s plan.
This evening meeting will focus specifically on the strategic plan’s Objective 5.3: “Contribute to strengthening and expanding the economic development and sustainable practices of our community and region by creating a highly trained and motivated work-force with exceptional thinking, innovation and leadership skills.” Following the Community PLC Meeting at the high school, a Sustainability Action Team made up of educators, employees and school officials will reconvene for a full-day Executive Sustainability Summit workshop at Western Nevada College, Thursday, Feb. 28.
The Carson City School District has a successful track record as a sustainability leader, with many concrete achievements under its belt thanks to the leadership of an enormous number of people in the school district and community. As a leader in the green, healthy, sustainable schools’ movement, Carson City School District has been invited to join the Green Schools National Network (GSNN) Catalyst Network, a select group of school districts and schools across the country who will chart the course for advancing sustainable schools from niche to mainstream.
GSNN and the Carson City School District will become partners in this effort to translate how the triple bottom line of sustainability can drive innovation in K-12 schools. GSNN will support Carson City’s effort to document and share how the district engages faculty, staff and students in efforts to implement sustainability initiatives in these areas:
- Sustainable facilities design, operation and management that reduces environmental impact and operating costs.
- Buildings and programs that enhance the health and well-being of those who work and lean in schools.
- Creating a culture and curriculum that equips students with critical thinking and civic engagement skills through a deepening understanding of the interdependence of economic well-being, healthy environment and social well-being.
The partnership will begin with a 1.5-day Executive Sustainability Leadership Summit designed to introduce a sustainability leadership framework and lexicon, deepen understanding of how to use sustainability to drive innovation (allowing good ideas to come from anywhere) and define next steps for aligning sustainability with the district’s strategic objectives as a member of the Catalyst Network.