Fifth graders from all six public elementary schools as well as Carson Montessori and Saint Teresa’s will perform as a unified holiday choir for the 30th annual Silver and Snowflake Festival of Lights on the Capitol steps in downtown Carson City Friday, Nov. 30, at 5:30 p.m. The students have been practicing the musical arrangements since the end of October.
Tentative Schedule of Events:
5:00 to 7:00 p.m. – Free Sleigh Rides
5:00 to 7:00 p.m. – Holiday Market at McFadden Plaza
5:30 to 6:00 p.m. – Annual Tree Lighting ceremony
6:00 to 7:30 p.m. – Choirs Caroling in downtown
Carson City School District's Nutrition Program will host "Thanksgiving with a Hero" during lunch (11:30 a.m. to 12:50 p.m.) Thursday, Nov. 15, at Seeliger Elementary School. The Carson City Fire Department, Sheriff’s Department and School Resource Officers will take time to serve, sit and eat with students. More than 350 students will be served.
“The event is designed to engage students with first responders in a positive and safe environment,” said Chris Cooper, nutrition coordinator for the Carson City School District. “It allows them to become acquainted with and feel more comfortable to talk more openly and freely with concerns they may have.”
The Carson City School District is needing local community members to attend the quarterly Community PLC (Professional Learning Community) meeting Wednesday, Nov. 28, 6 p.m., inside the Carson High School Library.
Typically, the purpose of the meeting is to accumulate feedback from community members on how the district’s strategic plan is performing and suggest ideas and systems to meet the goals and objectives of the plan.
NOTABLE FUTURE DATES (Dates & Times are Subject to Change)
Nov. 15 (Thursday) Thanksgiving with a Hero, lunchtime (11:30 a.m. to 12:50 p.m.), at Seeliger Elementary
Nov. 16-17 (Fri.-Sat.) Annual Holiday Craft Fair, at Carson High School
Nov. 21-23 (Wed.-Fri.) Thanksgiving Break (School Holiday)
Nov. 27 (Tuesday) School Board Meeting, 7 p.m., Community Center, Sierra Room
Nov. 28 (Wednesday) Community PLC Meeting, 6 p.m., Carson High School Library
Nov. 30 (Friday) Silver & Snowflake Festival of Lights, 5:30 p.m., Capitol steps in downtown Carson City
Dec. 3 (Monday) Early Release Day (District-wide)
Dec. 4 (Tuesday) Holiday Choir and Band Concert, Fremont Elementary, 5:30 p.m., MP Room
Dec. 4 (Tuesday) Holiday Musical Theatre Concert, Carson Middle, 7:00 p.m., Cafeteria
Dec. 4 (Tuesday) Strings/Orchestra Winter Concert, Carson High, 7:00 p.m., Community Center
Dec. 5 (Wednesday) Holiday Choir Concert, Carson Middle, 7:00 p.m., Cafeteria
Dec. 5 (Wednesday) Musical Theater/Choral Concert, Carson High, 7:00 p.m., Community Center
Dec. 6 (Thursday) Wind Ensemble Concert, Carson High, 7:00 p.m., Community Center
Dec. 11 (Tuesday) 1st Grade Holiday Program, Fritsch Elementary, 5:30 p.m., MP Room
Dec. 11 (Tuesday) School Board Meeting, 7 p.m., Community Center, Sierra Room
Dec. 12 (Wednesday) Holiday Band and Choir Concert, Mark Twain Elementary, 5:30 p.m., MP Room
Dec. 12 (Wednesday) Winter Concert, Eagle Valley Middle, 6:00-9:00 p.m., Gym
Dec. 13 (Thursday) Holiday Band and Choir Concert, Fritsch Elementary, 5:30 p.m., MP Room
Dec. 13 (Thursday) Holiday Band and Choir Concert, Seeliger Eementary, 6:00 p.m., MP Room
Dec. 18 (Tuesday) Holiday Band Concert, Carson Middle School, 6:00 p.m., Gym
Dec. 19 (Wednesday) Holiday Band and Choir Concert, Bordewich Elementary, 6:00 and 6:45 p.m., MP Room
Dec. 20 (Thursday) Pre-K Holiday Performance, Early Childhood (Student Support Services), 12:30 p.m.
Dec. 20 (Thursday) Early Release Day, CHS (1:00 p.m.) and PHS (12:50 p.m.) only
Dec. 20 (Thursday) Choir Concert, Empire Elementary, 6:00 p.m., MP Room
Dec. 21 (Friday) Holiday School Sing-A-Long, Empire Elementary, 1:00 p.m., MP Room
Dec. 21 (Friday) Early Release Day (District-wide)
Dec. 24 – Jan. 4 Christmas/Winter Break (School Holiday) Classes resume Monday, Jan. 7
Jan. 8 (Tuesday) School Board Meeting, 7 p.m., Community Center, Sierra Room
Jan. 14 (Monday) Early Release Day (District-wide)
Jan. 17 (Thursday) Joint Meeting Board of Supervisors and Trustees, 6 p.m., Community Center (tentative)
Jan. 21 (Monday) Martin Luther King Jr. Day (School Holiday)
Jan. 22 (Tuesday) School Board Meeting, 7 p.m., Community Center, Sierra Room
Jan. 28 (Monday) Early Release Day (District-wide)
Feb. 4 (Monday) Professional Development (No School for students)
Feb. 12 (Tuesday) School Board Meeting, 7 p.m., Community Center, Sierra Room
Feb. 15-18 (Fri. & Mon.) President’s Day Weekend (School Holiday)
Feb. 25 (Monday) Early Release Day (District-wide)
Feb. 26 (Tuesday) School Board Meeting, 7 p.m., Community Center, Sierra Room
Feb. 27 (Wednesday) Community PLC Meeting, 6 p.m., Carson High School Library
March 4 (Monday) Early Release Day (District-wide)
March 12 (Tuesday) School Board Meeting, 7 p.m., Community Center, Sierra Room
March 15-18 (Fri. & Mon.) No School Days
March 26-27 (Tues./Wed.) Elementary Parent Conferences (Minimum Days)
March 26 (Tuesday) School Board Meeting, 7 p.m., Community Center, Sierra Room
April 1 (Monday) Early Release Day (District-wide)
April 8 (Monday) Professional Development (No School for students)
April 9 (Tuesday) School Board Meeting, 7 p.m., Community Center, Sierra Room
April 15-22 Spring Break (School Holiday)
Two Carson High School teachers, Billy McHenry, Math and Entrepreneurship, and Matt Morgan, AP U.S. History, were nominated by their peers as Blue Angels' Key Influencers: people who help to shape attitudes and opinions of youth in their community. As part of the honor, they both had the opportunity to fly tandem with the US Navy’s Lieutenant Commander Andre Webb, pilot of the No. 7 Blue Angels F/A – 18 Hornet.
Both McHenry and Morgan felt the need…the need for speed!…after donning flight-jumpsuits and undergoing the pre-flight briefing. After strapping in to the five-point safety restraint system and properly fitted with a “Maverick or Goose” semblance helmet and visor, the two teachers each gave a thumbs up as the canopy of the cockpit closed and the supersonic, twin-engines flared loudly. Following the vertical takeoff, a few barrel rolls, a couple hard-banked 2-G turns, a 7-G bank and more than 45 minutes of flight over Tahoe, Carson City, Yerington and Minden, the two teachers were less than thrilled to admit who lost their lunch and who passed out.
The teachers were first nominated by their colleagues as teacher(s) of the month at Carson High School during the 2017-2018 school year. Being selected to fly in a jet with a Blue Angels pilot was, in their words, a chance of a lifetime.
Did you see them? More than two dozen Carson High School students from Mrs. Jennifer Chandler’s AP Government and Mrs. Angila Golik’s Honors Government classes worked at the polls Tuesday, Nov. 6, for Election Day.
The students volunteered at the Carson City Community Center and Courthouse throughout the day during their government classes and their campus periods. They experienced the ebb and flow of voters as they participated in the 2018 Midterm Elections, and they plan to reflect upon the unique civic participation opportunity by connecting it to their classroom learning regarding campaigns, elections and voting trends.
Nine out of the 10 Carson City School District schools earned the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA’s) ENERGY STAR certification, which signifies their buildings perform in the top 25 percent of similar facilities nationwide for energy efficiency and meets strict energy efficiency performance levels set by the EPA.
The school district also touts the lowest energy expenditures, on a per pupil basis, of all Nevada school districts. Energy and utility costs generally account for 20 to 40 percent of a school’s maintenance and operations budget, and can be much higher if equipment is beyond its useful life.
In acknowledgement of the Carson City School District’s sustainability achievements, the Northern Nevada Development Authority (NNDA) provided a Special Recognition of Excellence for Sustainability Practices during its monthly ‘The Business Edge’ meeting at the Carson Nugget Casino, Oct. 24.
A plaque for the award was accepted by Andrew Feuling, director of fiscal services, for the Carson City School District. NNDA also presented Mark Korinek, director of operations for the District, with a plaque acknowledging his specific efforts spearheading most of this work and as being recognized around northern Nevada as a leader in green initiatives.
By utilizing district resources to model sustainability goals and provide cost savings, the district has become a stage for students to benefit from sustainability, to learn about first hand, and then take their knowledge and skills to benefit the employers (or become the employers) of northern Nevada.
Paula Cannon, a neighbor and supporter of Pioneer High School, wanted to honor students who were making a difference in their communities through their volunteer efforts. Kaysie Beauford, a sophomore at Pioneer High School, became the first recipient of the Paula Cannon Service Award.
Kaysie spent many hours volunteering in the lunch room at PHS, serving lunch to other students and cleaning up after. He also volunteered his time setting up and moving equipment for the Earth Day Garden Festival at the Foreman-Roberts House.
Winners of the 91st National FFA Nursery and Landscape Career Development Event held in Indianapolis were announced at the annual awards banquet, and students Connor Arnold, Alexsandra Knowlton, Maritza Filson and Hayden Story took home the Silver Emblem as a team.
CHS team members Maritza Filson and Hayden Story also won the individual Silver Emblems with Alexsandra Knowlton and Connor Arnold winning the Bronze Emblems. This event tests FFA members’ knowledge and skills in nursery practices and landscaping as they complete a general knowledge exam testing horticultural principles including plant anatomy, production, marketing, turf, landscape design and maintenance.
The Sierra Nevada Chapter of the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) announced the winners of their prestigious public relations and integrated communications awards during the 32nd Annual Silver Spike Awards held in the Grande Exposition Hall at the Silver Legacy Resort Casino Thursday, Nov. 1.
School Board Trustee Laurel Crossman and Public Information Officer Dan Davis, accredited public relations (APR) practitioner, for the Carson City School District, accepted a Bronze Spike Award on behalf of the Carson City School District’s Strategic Communications Plan for the 2017-2018 school year. The school district’s winning entry was submitted in the ‘Overall Campaign’ category.
In both 2017 and 2018, 100 percent of Pioneer High School seniors enrolled in JAG (Jobs for America's Graduates) graduated.
On Wednesday Oct. 10, Pioneer High School JAG students participated in their annual Initiation and Installment (I and I) Ceremony at the Plaza Hotel. The I and I ceremony inducts new members and installs newly elected officials with peers, family members and mentors in attendance.
This year's officers include: President—Siana Escobosa, Vice Presidents—Nick Allen and Kaya Burdett-Wanamaker, Treasurer—Chase Cramer, Secretary—Cassidy Lingenfelter and Historian—Taylor Odle.
Fritsch Elementary School in Carson City helped engage positive male role models Friday, Oct. 12, where more than 150 people attended “Supermen with Donuts.” The effort was designed to get dads, uncles, grandparents and father-figures more involved in school and childhood learning.
The school and several others in Carson City are creating more volunteer opportunities for dads and father-figures. As the school year continues, teachers and administrators want to see more men volunteer for a day at the school.
Men may volunteer for the full school day or as time permits. They may read and work on flash cards with students, play at recess, eat lunch with students, watch the school entrances and hallways, assist with traffic flow and any other assigned activities where they actively engage with not only their own students, but also other students. Many school principals report that the mere presence of a man dramatically reduces reports of bullying.
In partnership with the History Channel and Charter/Spectrum Communications, Carson High School hosted a ‘Take a Vet to School’ event in the school’s library, Wednesday, Nov. 7, in honor of Veteran’s Day.
CHS’s Lieutenant Commander Dan Meyer (Navy), NJROTC instructor, moderated a panel of local military veterans where more than 200 students were educated on the five branches of the U.S. Military and the general mission of each branch. Veterans in the panel discussed their primary roles in the military and brief stories before opening up the discussion for questions and answers.
Among other planned events, the Carson Middle School Choir programs and Marching Band performed a selection of patriotic songs to thank all of the brave men and woman who formerly and currently serve in the U.S. military.
The zSpace Virtual Reality Mobile Classroom paid a visit to Carson Middle School, Tuesday, Oct. 23. As the use of virtual reality in education continues to grow, this mobile classroom traveling the country made a stop in Carson City to offer an up-close look at 3D modules and virtual learning tools that provide experiences such as dissecting organs and a lot more.
The traveling 3D educational experience was equipped with computers and 3D virtual learning tools. While inside, students had the opportunity to go through modules and solve science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) related challenges. With these types of virtual tools, they could perform anything from virtual EKGs to examining the inner workings of a car, learn how to take it apart and put it back together.
Eagle Valley Middle School (EVMS) went ‘dough to dough’ in the Parent Teacher Organization’s (PTO) annual cookie dough fundraiser. In total, the gross sales were equivalent to more than $23,000. The school earns about 40 percent of total gross sales, bringing the net total to $9,200. A total of 1,547 units were sold.
The top three fundraisers from the school each earned a cash prize. Drew Coburn, a 12-year-old 7th grader, earned $100 for First Place, selling 112 units. Abby Elliott, a 13-year-old 8th grader, earned $75 for Second Place, selling 69 units. And Haley Sisk, a 12-year-old 6th grader, earned $50 for Third Place, selling 55 units.
Eighteen students, who were the top fundraisers from Bordewich Bray Elementary School, were treated to a catered luncheon at the Governor’s Mansion Tuesday, Oct. 16. In total, more than $15,000 were raised at the Jog-a-Thon event, Oct. 5.
The money, raised for the Parent Teacher Association (PTA), will be used to support and enhance the students’ education through various enrichment activities throughout the year.
Carson High School band students were awarded a check for $8,000 from Capital Ford in Carson City following a successful Drive 4UR School fundraiser held Sept. 15 from which students were able to raise the maximum amount.
Proceeds from the Sept. 15 Drive 4UR School fundraiser were presented to band students on October 12 at Carson High School before the 2018 homecoming football game. The money earned from Drive 4UR School will help students afford the costs of equipment, uniforms, travel and competition expenses.
Celebrating more than a quarter century of turning the round, orange members of the squash family into memorable Halloween carving traditions, Seeliger Elementary School in Carson City hosted its 26th annual Pumpkin Patch Saturday, Oct. 13.
The community was invited to this annual tradition, which brings hearty pumpkin pickings, games, food and fun to the outdoor quad. All proceeds went toward Seeliger classrooms to pay for field trips and extras for the children.
This year's fall festival featured a raffle, dunk tank, craft fair, silent auction, cake walk, carnival games, prizes, food, bake sale, pumpkins, jugglers, bouncy castle, wagon rides and other family fun.
Sixth graders in Ms. Laurel Dority’s science class at Carson Middle School (CMS) were able to send interplanetary messages to the Mars Rover “Opportunity,” which has been battling to survive an epic dust storm. While NASA waits for any signs of life from the robot, these students were able to beam support through digital communications or postcards. More than 2,000 postcards from supporters around the world have already traveled to the rover, encouraging it to “wake up” and survey the Red Planet again.
One of Ms. Dority’s students commented how incredible it would be if his message, which was sent to the rover in both written English and the computer code binary, was received and archived on another planet.
“I just thought it would be really cool to have my name be a part of something that went to another planet,” said 11-year-old Tyler Fratis of Carson City. “I just hope everything is spelled correctly,” he giggled.
In connection with National Suicide Prevention Awareness Month, students at Carson Middle School (CMS) wore teal or purple and were offered informational activities during lunch Sept. 26. They also were able to print their names on ribbons posted to a large banner indicating their pledge to “Acknowledge, Care and Tell” if they know someone who may be experiencing suicidal thoughts.
Partnership Carson City also provided informational cards with a suicide hotline number to all students engaging in the lunch activity. Members of the CMS Upstanders Club helped distribute the cards provided with the hotline number.
Students and staff members in the Carson City School District rocked and rolled in an earthquake drill Thursday, Oct. 18. The event was part of the Great Nevada ShakeOut, an annual statewide earthquake drill designed to teach students and educators about how to protect themselves during an earthquake.
Drop, Cover, and Hold On is the technique promoted by the Great Nevada ShakeOut as the safest way to protect yourself during an earthquake. It was expected some 19 million people worldwide would participate in similar drills and activities in their community.
In partnership with UNR, CHS offers the dual credit EDU 110 course for students interested in pursuing a teaching career. The university level introductory education course is offered during the school day to accommodate high school student schedules and is led by CHS Teachers Jenny Chandler, American Government and Art History, Sarah Lobsinger, TOSA/implementation specialist – math, and Cheryl Macy, English.
The school effort is designed to grow the local teaching workforce. For the 2018-2019 school year, all 34 students enrolled in the course will receive college credit through UNR.
Students at Empire Elementary School began the 2018-2019 school year with a special school assembly featuring music artist and motivational speaker, C.J. Luckey. The assembly kicked-off the first day of school by talking to the students about the power of the word “Yet.”
The concept of the school campaign places the word ‘yet’ at the end of any negative statement. Thus, whatever the challenge may be, now becomes positive and accomplishable.
“You see, there is a difference between ‘not knowing,’ and ‘not knowing, yet,” C.J. Luckey raps in his inspirational music video. “That three-letter word ‘yet’ is very powerful if you think about it. ‘I can’t do this…yet. Perseverance is paramount.”
Mr. Luckey also presented a similar assembly at Seeliger Elementary Aug. 22.
Pioneer High School collaborated with Project Discovery to create an amazing and meaningful outdoor experience. Students spent four days and three nights out in the wilderness participating in challenging activities and relating those activities to actual life challenges. Students rappelled, scrambled, climbed, and zip lined. They did a lot of reflecting as well.
Each challenge they encountered had a lesson to be learned, and these lessons were discussed during a debriefing at the end of every day. Students considered the challenges they faced, what got them through the challenge, and how they might apply those concepts to school and life in general.
In preparation for the approaching winter months, we wanted to provide you with information that will be helpful in the event of school delays or closures caused by wintery conditions. If you would like to read more about school emergency operations, Board Regulation 805 can be found on the District’s webpage at within the “School Board” tab or by clicking here.
Should it be necessary to delay the start of a school day or cancel school due to severe or unsafe weather conditions, you will most likely hear about the decision from local news sources. Beginning as early as 5:15 AM, watch or listen to your favorite local TV or Radio stations to get updates about changes to school schedules. Our District webpage is also a good place to learn if there are school delays or closures. A banner on our home page will display the essential information as early as 6:00 AM on a day when the weather is questionable. The third method, which you may hear about a school delay or closure, will come in the form of an automated text and/or telephone call as early as 6 AM. This text or call from the District Office will provide you with the general details for the day.
Extreme weather swings are possible in Carson City. Here are some terms that you will want to understand about school delays or closures.
- Delayed Start – Schools will start two-hours later than usual. Principals will adjust the school schedule for the shortened day. If possible, staff should arrive at the school at least 15 minutes before school is to begin on the shortened schedule. The school day will typically end at the normal time. Breakfast will not be served.
- Closure – Schools will be closed for the entire day. No student activities or programs will occur. This includes afterschool programs, practices, performances and contests including interscholastic athletic events. No school services such as transportation, nutrition, or student health will be provided.
- Early Release – In the unlikely occurrence that conditions warrant early release from school, after-school programs, practices, performances and contests, including interscholastic athletic events will likely be cancelled.
- Parent Discretion – If at any time you feel that conditions are unsafe to take or send your student to school, you may keep your child home for the day regardless of the District’s decision to hold school. The schools will support your decision and work with you to make-up any school work or assignments.
As you and your family prepare for the winter months ahead, here are some useful tips.
Be prepared: Keep your automobile with enough fuel and in good working order for winter travel. Snow tires and/or tire chains may help while driving on snowy or icy roads. New wipers and clean windows will be important. A fully charged mobile phone may come in handy.
Plan ahead: Allow plenty of time for your student to eat breakfast at home. Breakfast will not be served at school if a delayed start has been called. If you rely on child care, speak to your provider about alternate plans if school schedules change. Leave your home early enough to compensate for hazardous driving conditions.
Stay informed: Use the local media to learn about changes to school schedules, road conditions, and relevant weather forecasts. District sources such as the website (, automated phone calls, text messages or emails can help keep you informed.
Stay safe: Dress accordingly; have your children wear protective outer clothes articles such as boots, a hat, gloves and a coat. Automobile speeds should be appropriate for the road conditions. Use your headlights as needed. Drive defensively.
This quarterly newsletter serves as an information tool to communicate Carson City School District news and events to the community.
You can read the latest newsletter or past issues by selecting issues from the left drop-down menu on our website here.
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Be sure to FOLLOW and LIKE CCSD’s Facebook: ( and Twitter ( pages. Each provide real-time district and school news to the community. The pages are used as a tool to relay information of school closures, emergencies, good news, events, etc.
The pages aim to engage the community about local, state and national education news/topics, report from live board of education meetings and other district meetings and events and post student and staff pictures and achievements.
Have you captured some amazing photos at some of our school sites? Please share your photos with us. Feel free to email our Public Information Officer Dan Davis,[email protected], with any shots you’d like to share publicly through our social media. Or tag us @carsoncityschooldistrict on Facebook or @carsonschools on Twitter.