Parents and Families Need to Communicate Intent for School by Aug. 5
The Carson City School District School Board of Trustees approved the district’s proposed School Reopening Plan last night by a 4-3 vote. The trustees also voted to update the 2020-2021 Academic School Calendar, moving the official first day of school for students to begin Monday, Aug. 24, a week later than the day previously set for Monday, Aug. 17.
As part of the approved reopening plan, the district needs all parents and families to communicate their student’s intent for the 2020-2021 school year as soon as possible and no later than Aug. 5. The reopening plan offers parents the opportunity to select whether their student(s) will participate in school via full-time online learning (recommended for students who have known medical issues or family members in high risk categories for COVID-19) or through a hybrid – blended learning model where students will attend in-person twice weekly and participate remotely three days each week.
An online Parent Intent Form (available on the district’s website and in Spanish here) needs to be completed and submitted by the parents or guardians of each student as soon as possible (no later than Wednesday, Aug. 5) so cohorts can be assigned and student schedules finalized. Students will either be assigned by individual school sites to Cohort 1 (in-person attendance: Tuesdays and Thursdays with remote learning Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays) or Cohort 2 (in-person attendance: Wednesdays and Fridays with remote learning Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays).
The school district emphasized that families with multiple students will be assigned to the same cohort, alleviating household scheduling conflicts. Also for ease, the Parent Intent Form allows families to submit one form per household instead of multiple forms for siblings.
In addition to completing the Parent Intent Form, parents and guardians will still need to complete their annual online registration updates in Infinite Campus (IC) for each of their students. Families who have completed the IC updated for the coming school year will only need to complete the Parent Intent Form.
The district also said the Parent Intent Form must be submitted electronically using desktop or mobile internet resources. Parents and families without access to internet or electronic mobile device means are asked to contact their school site or the district office for assistance.
Students will also need to register for transportation (buses) this year, which will be submitted through the Parent Intent Form. As detailed in the reopening plan, buses will not exceed 42 seats (less than 50 percent occupancy).
“This is obviously not the most ideal situation to face a return to school under these circumstances,” said Superintendent Richard Stokes. “Given the restrictions of social distancing and building occupancy, we understand there is not one plan that will meet everyone’s needs. All people will face some risk to return to school, but we are seeking to minimize risk the best way we can while still fulfilling our mission to empower students with skills, knowledge, values and opportunities for them to thrive and be contributing members of our community.”
The reopening plan also detailed some additional considerations including
- Face masks for all (all students, employees, volunteers, visitors and contractors are required to wear face masks at school)
- Health wellness checks at home (conducted by parent or guardians)
- Social-distancing
- Limited school activities and visitors
- Employ cleaning and disinfecting protocols
- Follow local health agency guidance
- Nutrition Services available
- Social and Emotional Learning and Services
The district has also provided a helpful Frequently Asked Questions document in both English and Spanish that should provide additional information.