Winter 2019



School District 

Community Quarterly Newsletter | CARSON CITY, NEVADA | Winter, 2019



Richard StokesWhat an enjoyable fall this year has been. The weather has been delightful, and I hope everyone has made the most of it, whether it was partaking of the warm and sunny Nevada Day parade or venturing out on a Saturday afternoon hike to see the beautiful foliage in some of the Sierra canyons. If you haven’t yet, I hope you schedule time to be with family, friends and loved ones this coming holiday season. May we all consider the preciousness of those key relationships and extend an added effort of kindness, love and compassion.

Please mark your calendars with all the “Notable Future Dates” included in this newsletter. There is an extensive list of events, musical performances, holiday programs and key meetings that may appeal to the many differing tastes and interests that help make up the culturally diversified population of our local community. Additionally, whether you’ve read recent newspaper articles, online publications or seen video reports in broadcast news or social media, the stories told in this newsletter cannot fully recognize all the good and wholesome and uplifting work, effort and success our students, educators and employees demonstrate on a daily basis. I hope you and your children share in the excitement.

Richard Stokes
Superintendent, Carson City School District


Crossing Guard 1It only takes a split second and an unexpected bolt from an unfocused, inexperienced teen or grade-schooler. It may be dark or the sun shining too bright. It may be the behavior of another impatient, uncourteous driver. You may be distracted by music, cell phones, breakfast or lunch. You may not have seen the posted speed limit or school zone. You may be late. You may be mentally focused too deeply on deadlines that need to be met. It only takes a split second, and all can be lost.

When it comes to student and pedestrian safety, we want all drivers to treat their vehicles with as much respect and attention as they would a loaded gun. As safe and as cautious as you may feel while driving your car, van or truck, we encourage you to repeatedly reevaluate and assess your speed, focus, attention and respect while traveling around and through school zones, drop-off and pick-up lanes and surrounding side streets.


Crossing Guard 2The Carson City School District has some very special individuals who perform an everyday service that is too often overlooked, primarily by drivers. Crossing Guards were recently equipped with new 18 inch LED Stop Signs. The signs were funded by Carson City through the Safe Routes to School program, coordinated by Kelly Norman.

The school district is always looking for additional guards. There are currently two positions open and the pay is $10.69 an hour. Crossing guards work for two hours in the morning and two hours in the afternoon. It's a great way for retired people to supplement their income. Crossing guards should have good vision, hearing, be able to stand for 2 + hours and get along well with others. Those interested in applying should click here or contact human resources at 775-283-2130.


With the recent death of a high school student in Reno last month and countless other pedestrian/vehicle accidents here locally and nationwide, the Carson City School District is encouraging drivers to take extra precaution when traveling in and around schools. Here are a few helpful tips.

  • Driving 3Slow down. Speed may likely be the No. 1 contributor in most accidents.
  • Stay alert and free of all distractions. Put all cell phones, away and refrain from eating, drinking or adjusting the radio.
  • Make visual eye-contact with pedestrians. Be prepared to stop at all marked crosswalks. Wave them across if you are stopped at a marked crosswalk.
  • Make sure your windshields are clean, clear and unobstructed. Turn on your headlights.
  • Yield to pedestrians in crosswalks and at intersections. Be courteous to other drivers. Let another car back-out of parking stalls or go before you.
  • Remain in your vehicle at Crossing Guard 2all times in the drop-off and pick-up lane.
  • Be aware of bicyclists and skateboarders whose approaches to crosswalks may be much swifter than those of pedestrians.
  • Come to a complete stop providing adequate distance if pedestrians are crossing or preparing to cross.
  • Never pass another vehicle that has stopped or is slowing down at a crosswalk.
  • Do not perform a U-turn within school zones.


It may be a jaw-dropping experience to read the ticket fee associated with traffic offenses in school zones, and rightly so. It should sting a little bit. It should be somewhat of a hardship to help thwart future infractions. Below is a list of penalties and fines associated with common school-related traffic violations. 

  1. Crossing Guard 3Failure to yield to pedestrians in a crosswalk earns a $195 ticket and 4 demerit points on your driver’s license.
  2. Performing a U-turn in a school zone may cost you upwards of $115 and 3 demerits.
  3. Using a cell phone while driving in a school zone or anywhere else may land you with a minimum $115 fine.
  4. Speeding in in excess of 10 miles-per-hour over the limit in marked school zones may fit you with a minimum $115 fine and as many as 2 demerit points.
  5. Passing a school bus while the lights are flashing and stopping arm is extended will cost you $250 on your first offense, $500 on the second and $1,000 on your third or subsequent violations with your driver’s license suspended for 6 months and 3 demerits for each offense.
  6. Police CruiserRunning a stop sign may also cost you as much as 4 demerits and a minimum $150 in traffic violation fees.
  7. Exiting or entering a vehicle in an active lane of traffic may land you a $115 fine.
  8. Parking unlawfully on the sidewalk, crosswalk, driveway or in a bike lane may cost $90 in parking fines.
  9. Parallel parking more than 18 inches from the curb may cost as much as $115.
  10. Parking in a handicapped zone or stall will cost a minimum of $355 in fines and court fees.


Parent SurveyOver the past few months, Carson City Public Works has been working closely with the Carson City School District to analyze pedestrian and bike safety to and from the 8 public elementary and middle schools across the city. One of the first steps in this effort was to capture drone footage of pick-up and drop-off periods at each school during the month of October and conduct site visits at each school. They are now at the most important step: hearing from you!

The following survey will help identify parents’ concerns and perceptions regarding their child walking or biking to school. Participation in this survey will help guide the development of the 2019 School Safety Review Study, set to be completed in May 2020. By completing this survey, you will have a chance to win a bike from Bike Habitat or a scooter from Wheel House right in time for the holidays! Please take the survey by this Friday (November 22nd) in order to be eligible to win the bike or scooter! Just click on the link here to take the survey in English or click here to take the survey in Spanish.


Strategic PlanThe Carson City School District needs local community members to attend the quarterly Community PLC (Professional Learning Community) meeting Wednesday, Nov. 20, 6 p.m., inside the Carson High School Library.

The purpose of the meeting is to accumulate feedback from community members on how the district’s strategic plan is performing and suggest ideas and systems to meet the goals and objectives of the plan.


Silver Snowflakes Fifth graders from all six public elementary schools as well as Carson Montessori and Saint Teresa’s will perform as a unified holiday choir for the 31st annual Silver and Snowflake Festival of Lights on the Capitol steps in downtown Carson City Friday, Dec. 6, at 5:30 p.m. The students have been practicing musical arrangements since the end of October.

Tentative Schedule of Events:
4:30 to 5:30 p.m. – Free Sleigh Rides
5:30 to 6:00 p.m. – Annual Tree Lighting ceremony 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. – Free Sleigh Rides (continue) 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. – Santa & Grinch at McFadden Plaza 6:30 to 7:00 p.m. – Carson City Youth Theater 7:00 to 7:30 p.m. – Carson Middle School Band

NOTABLE FUTURE DATES (Dates and Times are Subject to Change)

Please refer to the School District’s Academic School Calendar for additional information regarding school holidays and other important releases. Below are some notable and important future dates.

  • Nov. 20 (Wednesday) Community PLC Meeting, 6 p.m., Carson High School Library
  • Nov. 26 (Tuesday) School Board Meeting, 7 p.m., Community Center, Sierra Room
  • Nov. 27-29 (Wed.-Fri.) Thanksgiving Break (School Holiday)
  • Dec. 2 (Monday) Early Release Day (District-wide)
  • Dec. 4 (Wednesday) Musical Theatre/Drama Winter Concert, Carson Middle, 6:30 p.m., Cafeteria
  • Dec. 5 (Thursday) Holiday Choir Concert, Carson Middle, 6:30 p.m., Cafeteria
  • Dec. 6 (Friday) Silver & Snowflake Festival of Lights, 5:30 p.m., State Capitol grounds, downtown
  • Dec. 7 (Saturday) Middle School Orchestra, Empty Bowls, 3:00 – 5:00 p.m., Carson Mall
  • Dec. 9 (Monday) Chamber Orchestra Performance, 3:00 – 4:00 p.m., The Lodge Assisted Living
  • Dec. 10 (Tuesday) School Board Meeting, 7 p.m., Community Center, Sierra Room
  • Dec. 10 (Tuesday) CHS Musical Theater/Choral Concert, 7:00 p.m., Community Center
  • Dec. 11 (Wednesday) Holiday Band and Choir Concert, Mark Twain Elementary, 5:30 p.m., MP Room
  • Dec. 11 (Wednesday) Holiday Choir and Band Concert, Fremont Elementary, 6:00 p.m., MP Room
  • Dec. 11 (Wednesday) Winter Concert, Eagle Valley Middle, 6:30 p.m., Gym
  • Dec. 11 (Wednesday) CHS Wind Ensemble Concert, 7:00 p.m., Community Center
  • Dec. 12 (Thursday) Holiday Band and Choir Concert, Fritsch Elementary, 5:30 p.m., MP Room
  • Dec. 12 (Thursday) Holiday Band and Choir Concert, Seeliger Elementary, 5:30 p.m., MP Room
  • Dec. 12 (Thursday) Holiday Choir Concert, Empire Elementary, 6:00 p.m., MP Room
  • Dec. 12 (Thursday) CHS Holiday Band Concert, 7:00 p.m., Community Center
  • Dec. 16 (Monday) New Hire Event (Holiday Cookies & Milk), 3:00 – 5:00 p.m., Governor’s Mansion
  • Dec. 17 (Tuesday) ESL Night (Posada Event), Mark Twain Elementary, 5:30 p.m., MP Room
  • Dec. 17 (Tuesday) Holiday Band & Choir Concert, Bordewich Elementary, 6:00 p.m., MP Room
  • Dec. 17 (Tuesday) CCSD Combined Orchestras Holiday Concert, 6:30 p.m., Community Center
  • Dec. 18 (Wednesday) Holiday Band Concert, Carson Middle School, 6:00 p.m., Community Center
  • Dec. 19 (Thursday) Early Release Day High Schools Only – Dismissal: CHS 1:00 p.m., PHS 12:50 p.m.
  • Dec. 19 (Thursday) Pre-K Holiday Performance, Early Childhood (SSS), 12:30 p.m.
  • Dec. 20 (Friday) Early Release Day (District-wide)
  • Dec. 20 (Friday) Symphony Youth Strings Christmas Carol Play-along, 3:00 – 5:00 p.m., Carson Mall
  • Dec. 23-Jan. 3 Christmas Break (School Holiday)
  • Jan. 6 (Monday) Classes resume following Christmas Break
  • Jan. 13 (Monday) Early Release Day (District-wide)
  • Jan. 14 (Tuesday) School Board Meeting, 7:00 p.m., Community Center, Sierra Room
  • Jan. 16 (Thursday) Joint Board Meeting (Supervisors/Trustees), 6 p.m., Community Center (tentative)
  • Jan. 20 (Monday) Martin Luther King Jr. Day (School Holiday)
  • Jan. 27 (Monday) Early Release Day (District-wide)
  • Jan. 28 (Tuesday) School Board Meeting, 7:00 p.m., Community Center, Sierra Room
  • Feb. 3 (Monday) Staff Professional Development (No School for students)
  • Feb. 11 (Tuesday) School Board Meeting, 7:00 p.m., Community Center, Sierra Room
  • Feb. 14 – 17 (Fri./Mon.) President’s Day Weekend (School Holiday)
  • Feb. 24 (Monday) Early Release Day (District-wide)
  • Feb. 25 (Tuesday) School Board Meeting, 7:00 p.m., Community Center, Sierra Room
  • Feb. 26 (Wednesday) Community PLC Meeting, 6 p.m., Carson High School Library
  • March 2 (Monday) Early Release Day (District-wide)
  • March 10 (Tuesday) School Board Meeting, 7:00 p.m., Community Center, Sierra Room
  • March 13-16 (Fri./Mon.) Non-School Days
  • March 24 (Tuesday) School Board Meeting, 7:00 p.m., Community Center, Sierra Room
  • March 25 (Wednesday) Elementary Minimum Day (elementary schools only) dismiss at 12:40 p.m.
  • March 26 (Thursday) Elementary Minimum Day (elementary schools only) dismiss at 12:40 p.m.
  • March 30 (Monday) Early Release Day (District-wide)
  • April 10 – 17 (Fri.-Fri.) Spring Break (School Holiday)
  • April 14 (Tuesday) School Board Meeting, 7:00 p.m., Community Center, Sierra Room
  • April 20 (Monday) Classes resume following Spring Break
  • April 27 (Monday) Staff Professional Development (No School for students)
  • April 28 (Tuesday) School Board Meeting, 7:00 p.m., Community Center, Sierra Room


ThornburgCTE DonationTo help raise money to support Breast Cancer Awareness, HOSA-Future Health Professionals at Carson High School placed bins to collect spare change and dollars in six teachers’ rooms. The students were encouraged to donate to their favorite teacher they would like to see dressed in All Pink Thursday, Oct. 31. CHS language arts teacher Joe Thornburg was the winner raising more than $200. Overall, the six teachers and HOSA-Future Health Professionals raised more than $350 for the cause. 


Dolan Auto DonationWe want to share special thanks to Dolan Auto Group for donating $5,000 to Fremont Elementary School’s Comprehensive Life Skills (CLS) class. The money was awarded as part of a community benefit program the dealership hosts each year. As part of the application, CLS Teacher Megan Malkmus provided two videos (one here and one here) to inform Dolan of the classroom needs.

“This is a great honor to win this contest prize,” Malkmus said. “We are so excited to start learning outside of our classroom and exploring our community. We plan to go on community-based field trips to help our students learn about daily life skills, which requires us to have a nurse travel with us, because we have special medical needs. This will help assist us so we can make hands-on experiences. We also plan on making care packages for our military to bring their spirits up and teach our students the act of giving back.”

Dolan AutoMalkmus’ CLS classroom is brand new (one of the new expansions that opened the start of the school year at Fremont Elementary). It is self-contained but also involves inclusion. They have students with mild to severe disabilities in their classroom that are in grades kindergarten through second. The students range from low to high cognitively. Among Ms. Malkmus and the five para-professionals who work with her in the class, they teach academics, life skills and social skills to this specific student population. They use adapted materials to help successfully access the curriculum for their students. They use a lot of routines and breaks between work to regain focus back before moving on. They also use pictures and real-life situations to help students learn words and help them have hands-on learning experiences.


Flight 4Many thanks to Mr. Mike Reynolds and the Young Eagles Program at the Carson City Airport. They took several science teachers and students for flights Nov. 9 to learn about aeronautics and career paths in the aerospace industry. The program was developed to welcome young people into the world of aviation, which provides an exciting and vital part of our nation’s future. 

Flight 1Flight 2Flight 3


Chamber LeadershipThe Carson City Chamber’s Leadership Institute held a workshop on public education at Carson High School earlier this month. The class is one of the most significant programs involving the Carson City Chamber of Commerce. It provides nine monthly learning workshops at various industry leading locations, the second Wednesday of each month. Workshops include in-depth training from diverse industries including public safety, healthcare, government and municipalities, public education, community welfare, banking and finance, public lands and spaces, etc. The class also provides long-term networking and relationship building among classmates, all from varying career and business organizations. 


Milken AwardNietzsche wrote that "Without music, life would be a mistake." But thanks to band teacher Nicolas Jacques, that's a mistake no one is making at Carson Middle School. Music is everywhere in the school, the district and the surrounding community as students throng to join Jacques’ concert band, marching band and jazz band ensembles. Employing smart technology through music apps for sight-reading and testing, Jacques challenges students to expand their minds to work together communally as well as improve their skills individually. Band students develop superior discipline under his tutelage even as they have fun expressing themselves. More than just a high energy elective, Jacques’ band program inspires and elevates student engagement while strengthening academic achievement.

Milken 2But it was Jacques who was elevated Thursday, Oct. 24, at a surprise school assembly where he was presented with a Milken Educator Award by Milken Family Foundation Chairman and Co-Founder Lowell Milken and Nevada Superintendent of Public Instruction Jhone Ebert. An elated Jacques was named a 2019-20 recipient of the national recognition, which comes with an unrestricted $25,000 cash prize. He is one of two Milken Educator Award winners from Nevada this year, and is among up to 40 honorees for 2019-20.

Milken 3The Milken Educator Awards, hailed by Teacher magazine as the “Oscars of Teaching” has been opening minds and shaping futures for over 30 years. Research shows teacher quality is the driving in-school factor behind student growth and achievement. The initiative not only aims to reward great teachers, but to celebrate, elevate and activate those innovators in the classroom who are guiding America’s next generation of leaders. Milken Educators believe, “The future belongs to the educated.” READ MORE… WATCH MORE…


Veteran's DayCarson City students recognized and honored military men and women earlier this month with Veteran’s Day displays and events. Veterans from all branches of military service, as well as families of students, were encouraged to attend.

Veteran's Day“Providing students with opportunities to recognize the sacrifices others make is highly beneficial at both school and at home,” said Richard Stokes, superintendent. “Appreciation is not a difficult skill to execute. Patriotic events and displays like these fill many with gratitude, which in turn makes us happier, more likeable and healthier." 


Free Throw ShootThe Carson City Elks Lodge is sponsoring an annual Hoop Shoot event for Carson City youth ages 8 through 13 (must be of age on April 1, 2020 to qualify) on Saturday, December 7, 2019, at the Multi-Purpose Athletic Facility (MAC) on 1860 Russell Way in Carson City (just in back of the Boys and Girls Club of Western Nevada). Registration goes from 9:00 to 10:00 am, and the Hoop Shoot Contest begins at 10:00 am. Contestants compete by shooting 25 free throws, and making as many as they possible can. 

Contestants compete in one of six divisions:

  • Boys – ages 8-9, 10-11 and 12-13
  • Girls – ages 8-9, 10-11 and 12-13

First place in each of the three divisions will receive a trophy and basketball, and second and third place winners will receive small basketballs. Winners also have a chance to advance to district and state events.

The Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks (also often known as the Elks Lodge or simply The Elks) is an American fraternal order founded in 1868 originally as a social club in New York City. There are approximately 2,200 local Elks Lodges throughout the United States. The Elks nationwide are known as a charitable and community-focused organization. The Elks started Hoop Shoot events for youth in 1946.


VradenburgFifth-grade Teacher Steven Vradenburg at Fremont Elementary School was recently offered and selected, one of only 40 teachers in the country and the only teacher from Nevada, to participate in a nationwide fellowship program from Empatico

VradenburgThe fellowship, titled “Empathy in your Backyard” focuses on working with the students in Vradenburg’s classroom on developing empathy skills both at school and out in the community. The program is designed to allow his students to work collaboratively with students around the world through video interactions and activities designed to foster meaningful connections among students ages 6-11. READ MORE… WATCH MORE…


Star RatingsSeventy percent of the schools in Carson City showed improvements in the latest Star Ratings report, according to the Nevada Department of Education. With the recent release of the Nevada School Performance Framework (NSPF), 7 of the 10 schools within the Carson City School District improved enough to earn a higher star ranking.

All the elementary schools within the district showed improvements. Two of the biggest success stories are found in Mark Twain and Seeliger Elementary Schools. Both schools jumped up two-star ratings from the year prior. Mark Twain previously scoring two-stars, jumped to four-stars, and Seeliger previously scoring three-stars, jumped to the highest five-star rating.

  • Star RatingsSeeliger Elementary School earned a five-star rating
  • Fritsch Elementary School earned a four-star rating
  • Mark Twain Elementary School earned a four-star rating
  • Carson High School earned a three-star rating
  • Bordewich Bray Elementary School earned a three-star rating
  • Empire Elementary School earned a three-star rating
  • Fremont Elementary School earned a three-star rating
  • Carson Middle School earned a two-star rating
  • Eagle Valley Middle School earned a two-star rating
  • Pioneer High School earned a two-star rating

Additionally, two of the heaviest impacted schools including Empire and Fremont have increased their star ratings, a higher ranking each year, for the last two years. The district also noted that it was important that none of their schools rated at a one-star level. READ MORE…


STEM GrantThe Carson City School District, on behalf of the Rotary Club of Carson City, is pleased to announce Empire Elementary School as the winner of a $5,000 Grant to hold four (4) STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) Parent Nights at their school. Nearly a dozen applications from teachers and teams of teachers were received for this competitive grant.

The purpose of the grant is to provide funding for a school, department or teacher(s) to implement an innovative, classroom-based project that meets the following criteria.

In this case, the school plans to host Quarterly Family STEM Nights with the awarded money. Each Family STEM Night will have stations that focus on specific content standards taught during regular classroom instruction to help reinforce and extend learning. READ MORE…



Snyder PropertyAs reported in the Nevada Appeal: The Carson City School Board has given its approval for Superintendent Richard Stokes to draw up the purchase agreement on the 1600 Snyder Ave., Capital Christian Church, property in the amount of $5.67 million.

Opportunities, Stokes has expressed frequently, have been limited elsewhere in the city to purchase vacant land and build a new school from scratch. The 1600 Snyder Ave., campus is one of the few available properties in the city that would accommodate a larger school population.

The property sits on 10.02 acres of land and features five buildings totaling 41,000 square feet. Stokes and district personnel have said they would make tenant improvements, transforming the site into a school and open the former sanctuary as a community performing arts center. It would be available to the public with its audiovisual equipment, staging areas and seating.

“We know the community is growing,” Stokes said. “We know the school district has limited opportunities for property, and as enrollment grows over time, we need to ask ourselves how prepared is the school district to meet some of those enrollment challenges?”

Trustees gave Stokes approval to move forward on the agreement in a 4-2 vote, with board members Richard Varner and Mike Walker objecting and Lupe Ramirez absent from the meeting. READ MORE…



EVMS ExpansionThe Carson City School District is exploring classroom-space expansion plans for Eagle Valley Middle School (EVMS). The consideration was prompted to address anticipated long-term growth of the district and the need to find solutions for a growing school enrollment.

The district hosted the first of likely several public meetings Wednesday, Nov. 13, at Eagle Valley. The district sought community feedback and plans to consider all options and matters of discussion as they proceed forward with considerations to student populations. WATCH MORE…


Eagle ScoutAs reported in, more than 60 volunteers showed up early Sept. 7 to help Gabe Crossman, a 17-year-old senior at Carson High School and member of Troop 45, restore the “C” on C-Hill for his Eagle Scout and Senior Projects. Crossman had the idea for the project but first wanted to find a way to preserve the “TJ3” memorial made by classmates for Timothy Jones.

TJ3C-HillVolunteers included members of Troop 45, scouts from other troops, Carson High School students, and community members, including several families.


PhotographyCheck out this new video explaining the Career Technical Education (CTE) Program at Carson High School. The program offers students cutting-edge, relevant, rigorous courses that prepares them for high-wage, high-skill and high demand careers.

FFA GardenAdditionally, CTE provides students with opportunities beyond the classroom through membership in Career and Technical Student Organizations, project-based learning, and work-based learning.


As recounted in the Oct. 19 issue of Senator Square, the results from the CHS HOSA Future Health Professionals career display winners were reported as follows: 1st Place to Faith Luis and Ava Ponczoch, 2nd Place to Millie Arroyo and Julia Kaiser and 3rd Place to Brooklyn Robertson and Nick Batien. Health Science II Future Health Professional HOSA students competed in a Health Career Display event, Sept. 24-27, in which groups of two students researched a specific health career of choice, developed a visual display and gave a five-minute presentation to guest judges explaining why they chose that career, what they learned by researching that career, what forms of research they used to complete the display and what they included on the display and why. READ MORE…



BusMr. Richard Stokes was interviewed by KUNR’s Paul Boger regarding several challenges facing the Carson City School District. Among those includes hiring enough qualified teachers to serve its growing community. To address that shortage, Stokes said in the interview, he is hoping a relatively new program aimed at introducing high school students to the teaching profession might help bring more college graduates back in the future.



CheerKudos to Walmart on Market Street in Carson City for their $5,000 Community Grant donation to the Carson High School Cheer Team. The money will be used for the 2019-2020 Competition Season. Last year, the team earned a third place prize in their division in the USA Spirit National Cheer Competition. Their goal is to earn a first place award this year. READ MORE…


State ChampsState ChampsCongratulations to the Carson High School Girls Cross Country Team! They are the 2019 NIAA Academic State Champions, averaging the best GPA of all 4A schools in the state at a 3.96. Woo Hoo! Now the big question...does running really make you smart? You do the math. Hahaha!



Kudos to Mrs. Irene Waltz, technology teacher at Edith W. Fritsch Elementary School. Many of her students took time to learn about online and computer safety during National Digital Citizenship Month in October. Several of her students submitted drawings on how they may be safe and responsible with technology. Congrats to Eliza Walker, Gretchen Bell and Sofia Pinto Garcia for being featured. Eliza says "Never post your real name." Gretchen says "Do not post your number online." Sofia says "Always ask a parent when going online."


Science PartnerOver the past summer, Phyllis Atkinson, a leadership teacher, and Toni Nielsen, a fourth grade teacher, met and planned activities that would partner Pioneer High School (PHS) leadership students with Seeliger fourth graders. It was decided that PHS students would mentor the younger students as they participated in a joint exploration of the Carson River, its wildlife and its water quality. Thus far, it has proven to be a successful endeavor.

ClassroomIn the PHS classroom, leadership students learned about benthic macroinvertebrates and their adaptations. Additionally, they learned about pH and dissolved oxygen. On Sept. 10, the well-prepared mentoring students went to Seeliger and shared their knowledge with Mrs. Nielsen’s fourth graders. The PHS mentors lead them through a number of activities such as making representations of oxygen in a water environment, practicing measurement of pH, dissolving oxygen in water samples, and identifying the many parts of macroinvertebrates. READ MORE…


Winter DrivingIn preparation for the approaching winter months, we wanted to provide you with information that will be helpful in the event of school delays or closures caused by wintery conditions. If you would like to read more about school emergency operations, Board Regulation 805 can be found on the District’s webpage at within the “School Board” tab or by clicking here.

Should it be necessary to delay the start of a school day or cancel school due to severe or unsafe weather conditions, you will most likely hear about the decision from local news sources. Beginning as early as 5:15 AM, watch or listen to your favorite local TV or Radio stations to get updates about changes to school schedules. Our District webpage is also a good place to learn if there are school delays or closures. A banner on our home page will display the essential information as early as 6:00 AM on a day when the weather is questionable. The third method, which you may hear about a school delay or closure, will come in the form of an automated text and/or telephone call as early as 6 AM. This text or call from the District Office will provide you with the general details for the day.

Extreme weather swings are possible in Carson City. Here are some terms that you will want to understand about school delays or closures.  

  1. Delayed Start – Schools will start two-hours later than usual. Principals will adjust the school schedule for the shortened day. If possible, staff should arrive at the school at least 15 minutes before school is to begin on the shortened schedule. The school day will typically end at the normal time. Breakfast will not be served.
  2. Phone NumbersClosure – Schools will be closed for the entire day. No student activities or programs will occur. This includes afterschool programs, practices, performances and contests including interscholastic athletic events. No school services such as transportation, nutrition, or student health will be provided.
  3. Early Release – In the unlikely occurrence that conditions warrant early release from school, after-school programs, practices, performances and contests, including interscholastic athletic events will likely be cancelled.
  4. Parent Discretion – If at any time you feel that conditions are unsafe to take or send your student to school, you may keep your child home for the day regardless of the District’s decision to hold school. The schools will support your decision and work with you to make-up any school work or assignments.


Snow ShovelAs you and your family prepare for the winter months ahead, here are some useful tips.  

Be prepared: Keep your automobile with enough fuel and in good working order for winter travel. Snow tires and/or tire chains may help while driving on snowy or icy roads. New wipers and clean windows will be important. A fully charged mobile phone may come in handy.

Plan ahead: Allow plenty of time for your student to eat breakfast at home. Breakfast will not be served at school if a delayed start has been called. If you rely on child care, speak to your provider about alternate plans if school schedules change. Leave your home early enough to compensate for hazardous driving conditions.

Stay informed: Use the local media to learn about changes to school schedules, road conditions, and relevant weather forecasts. District sources such as the website (, automated phone calls, text messages or emails can help keep you informed.

Stay safe: Dress accordingly; have your children wear protective outer clothing including warm articles such as boots, a hat, gloves and a coat. Automobile speeds should be appropriate for the road conditions. Use your headlights as needed. Drive defensively.



There is so much great news about Carson City School District. Below are links to some of the recent and popular stories from events and activities throughout the district.

FundraiserFundraiser Helps Build New Clean Drinking Water Wells

Posted on 11/05/2019

The two-week long Apex Leadership Company training and fundraiser at Fritsch Elementary School not only provided a focused leadership and fitness curriculum that culminated in a school-wide fun run and obstacle course, but it also helped gross nearly $20,000 that benefited the school by more than $10,000 for specialist programs including playground equipment, musical instruments and technology. READ MORE…

GoverrnorGovernor Sisolak Took Time to Read to 1st Graders

Posted on 10/29/2019

Nevada Governor Steve Sisolak and First Lady Kathy took some time to visit and read to first grade students at Empire Elementary School in Carson City Tuesday, Oct. 29. READ MORE...


Day of DeadStudent Art Exhibit at Day of the Dead Event

Posted on 10/28/2019

The Nevada State Museum hosted a Day of the Dead Celebration from 5:30 to 7 p.m. Friday, Nov. 1, and 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 2. As part of the event and celebration, Carson High School ceramics students from Ms. Alisa Kuniya’s class and third graders from Bordewich Bray Elementary School exhibited Dia De Los Muertos masks and alters. READ MORE...


STEMStudents Explore Career Options in STEM

Posted on 10/17/2019

In partnership with Envirolution, a nonprofit organization dedicated to inspiring and empowering the next generation of leaders and workers to drive the growth of a sustainable economy, students in the Carson City School District had the opportunity to charge their minds and connect career options by exploring STEM and sustainability programs with local businesses, including Tesla. READ MORE...

LogoCHS Student Creates Winning Logo Design

Posted on 10/10/2019

The Nevada Department of Education and the Regional Professional Development Programs presented Makayla Mueller, a junior at Carson High School (CHS), with an award for designing the logo for the 2020 Computer Science Summits. READ MORE...


STEM GrantMiddle Schools Receive Grants for STEM Programs

Posted on 09/23/2019

Students and teachers at the two middle schools in Carson City (Carson Middle and Eagle Valley Middle Schools) now have access to a curricular program that will give students an advantage in their education and future careers. READ MORE...


Rachel CroftRachel Croft named ASCD Emerging Leader

Posted on 09/16/2019

Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD) was pleased to announce the selection of Rachel Croft, fourth grade teacher at Bordewich Bray Elementary School in the Carson City School District, as a 2019 Emerging Leader. READ MORE...


Fall FestivalRibbon Cutting and Fall Festival

Posted on 09/13/2019

Fremont Elementary and local dignitaries hosted a Ribbon Cutting ceremony Friday, Sept. 13, to celebrate the newly added classrooms and square footage completed from construction over the summer. READ MORE...


Barbie Bungee‘Barbie Bungee’ Stretches Student Minds

Posted on 09/10/2019

As Empire Elementary School continues to work towards becoming more STEM (Science Technology Engineering and Math) focused, all the students in grades K-5 participated in a school-wide project called "Barbie Bungee." The project was designed to allow students to stretch their minds and explore their engineering savvy by applying it first-hand through an outdoor bungee-jump…err…test. READ MORE...


SROsSchool Safety Grant Brings 2 Additional SROs

Posted on 09/09/2019

In support of the recommendations from the Federal Commission on School Safety's (FCSS) final report, the Carson City School District is pleased to announce the Nevada Department of Education has awarded $1.15 Million in grant funding for school safety. READ MORE...


MuralTwo New Playground Murals at Empire Elementary

Posted on 08/30/2019

Two new murals at Empire Elementary School completed by artists Bryce Chisholm and Bill Louis, celebrated completion with a ribbon-cutting Friday, August 30. The ceremony was hosted by Carson City School District officials and the Carson City Department of Arts and Culture. READ MORE...

Bow TiesTeacher and Students Honor Bow Tie Day

Posted on 08/27/2019

Each day, while many parents are packing lunches for their school children, Mr. Patrick Turner, third grade teacher at Bordewich Bray Elementary School in Carson City, finishes tying things up neatly in a bow…more specifically, his bow tie. READ MORE...


Back To SchoolInspirational First Week Back

Posted on 08/26/2019

Apprehensive students throughout the Carson City School District began the 2019-2020 school year with reassuring and motivational school assemblies, meet-and-greets and back-to-school nights.  “We want to thank all of those who make this first week back to school a special and memorable experience,” said Mr. Richard Stokes. READ MORE...


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The pages aim to engage the community about local, state and national education news/topics, report from live board of education meetings and other district meetings and events and post student and staff pictures and achievements



Nevada DayHave you captured some amazing photos at some of our school sites? Please share your photos with us. Feel free to email our Public Information Officer Dan Davis,[email protected], with any shots you’d like to share publicly through our social media. Or tag us @carsoncityschooldistrict on Facebook or @carsonschools on Twitter.


For more information regarding the Carson City School District, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. 

Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday, 8:00 a.m. -5:00 p.m.

Carson City School District

1402 West King Street, Carson City, NV 89703 | Phone 775-283-2000 | Fax 775-283-2090