Carson High School is set to host two admission-free music events that will not only ‘B Sharp’ but also showcase student talent and refined skill.
“Music programs within the Carson City School District carry a time-honored tradition, and Band-O-Rama and Choirpalooza are the pinnacle of effort and training our students have invested throughout the school year” said Kelly Ehrenfeuchter, music director at Empire Elementary School.
Choirpalooza will be held Thursday, March 21, 7 p.m., in the main gym at Carson High School. The concert will celebrate vocal music and music education with featured performances from choirs of all age levels including elementary, middle and high school choral ensembles. Ehrenfeuchter said they will have a total of 519 performers including 251 elementary, 135 middle school and 80 high school singers. They will also have 53 Musical Theater singers performing.
The Carson High Wind Ensemble and Concert Band will host the annual Band-O-Rama concert Thursday, March 28, 7 p.m., in the main gym at Carson High School. The concert, which celebrates instrumental music and music education in the schools, will feature Bands from all age levels, both elementary, middle and high school. There will be a total of 616 performers in grades 5-12 participating including 220 elementary, 301 middle school and 95 high school instrumentalists.