School District
Community Quarterly Newsletter | CARSON CITY, NEVADA | Fall, 2021
I am very happy to welcome our students back to school this year. I am glad to hear school bells ring and student chatter in hallways. I love seeing school buses rolling around town and backpacks shouldered by our community’s most precious assets. These are the happy signs of school happening again. Much like last year, returning to school this year has been unusual. But I am most pleased to see all students attending school in-person 5-days a week. The safest and best place for students continues to be learning each school day in their desk at school. The voice in my head reminds me to continue to think about our children. No matter our individual beliefs, I implore all of you to remain focused on our children. They need us. They count on us to work together, communicate with one another respectfully, and advocate for them to receive the educational experience they deserve. We teach and expect our students to model a culture of respect and value individual differences. We encourage parents and families to emulate the example of their students to be kind, courteous, responsible and respectful.
As we start this new adventurous school year, I hope to count on you and your support to make this year great for our students. Navigating the third school year touched by a pandemic will not be easy. But the pandemic will not define us. It will not limit us, nor will it stop us from making every effort to provide the finest educational services for our children. Safety is a paramount priority of ours. To ensure our children can thrive in the healthiest learning environment and to keep our schools open for in-person learning, we plead with you to complete a Daily Self-Screening each morning before school and keep any child home if they experience any cold or flu symptoms.
Thanks for all you do. You are truly appreciated!
Richard Stokes, superintendent, Carson City School District
Before any student steps on a school bus or enters a school campus, parents are asked to perform a health and wellness assessment. In the Daily Self-Screening tool available on in the “Return to School 2021” tab. These daily health and wellness checks focus on specific symptoms students or family members may have experienced within the last 24 hours. It also characterizes those symptoms as “new” and “different” from on-going health issues such as asthma, allergies, reflux, COPD, etc. These symptoms would be “Not Normal” to the parent or the student.
Carson City School District continues to monitor data concerning the current COVID-19 conditions in the Quad County area and individual school sites. A COVID-19 School Dashboard is available at the State of Nevada Department of Health & Human Services Office of Analytics website.
The school district continues to work in close cooperation with a dedicated school investigator at the health department to identify active cases and close contacts. This data is reported to the Office of Analytics. Investigations are supported by Abbott BinaxNOW Rapid test kits being administered in school health offices. The tests may be performed on students and staff who become symptomatic during the school day and their close contacts. Tests are only administered on student and staff who have symptoms or are identified as close contacts of a school related case. For information on asymptomatic testing, please visit the health department’s website for the current calendar of testing sites.
PLEASE NOTE, a positive case reported by the Carson City School District does not mean that individuals contracted COVID-19 at a district school or any other district facility.
In accordance with the State of Nevada Emergency Declaration 048, COVID-19 testing will be required for unvaccinated students, staff and volunteers participating in activities that involve travelling to schools outside of the county. Testing will also be required for all unvaccinated participants in NIAA sponsored full-contact and close-contact sports.
The district will implement a weekly scheduled COVID-19 testing program for students and staff or volunteers, including but not limited to coaches, leaders and advisors, who are not fully vaccinated and who are involved in travelling to other schools or venues outside of the county for athletics and activities such as games, tournaments, competitions, concerts, meets or similar events. Testing for these program participants will be offered on a scheduled basis at Carson High School. No test will be performed during school hours for school travel or athletics programs. The calendar of testing dates and times will be published separately.
Random screening of unvaccinated persons is not currently anticipated in the testing program but may be introduced if necessary to keep schools open. Click here for more information.
As poor air quality may return to the area, we have provided additional guidance regarding school closures. At the beginning of each school day, the superintendent will review the Air Quality Index (AQI) and the day’s weather forecast. If the AQI is reported at or above 400 by for the 89701 zip code by 5:30 a.m. and the weather forecast predicts that conditions are not expected to improve, all employees, students and families will be notified that school will be cancelled. Additionally, if the school day begins and the AQI reaches or exceeds 400, school will remain in session for the day and students and staff will remain indoors.
If schools are closed because of a natural disaster, inclement weather, accident or any other extraordinary circumstance, per instruction from the Nevada Department of Education, those days including Smoke Days are not considered "days in school" regardless of the digital ability to provide remote instruction. Consequently, neither teachers nor students are expected to participate in remote learning activities during a canceled school day. No student activities, schoolwork or programs will occur, and homework should not be assigned. Any canceled school days will need to be made up at the end of the school year in June.
The ravaging toll of wildfires caused thousands of residences and families in Lake Tahoe communities to evacuate their homes and were displaced to shelters throughout northern Nevada. The Carson City School District invited all evacuated families in Carson City with school-aged children to enroll their students through the McKinney-Vento Students in Transition program.
The district is seeking to return a sense of normalcy to the lives of these students and families impacted by the fire. Students can be enrolled in school immediately, where they can receive free breakfast and lunch, as well as assistance with clothing needs and school supplies. Counselors, peers and other resources are also available to assist. For more information, please contact Christie Perkins, 775-283-1537, [email protected] or visit the website.
We are still looking to fill some positions as the new school year begins. There are still 18 teachers to hire, including seven classroom teachers, six special education teachers and five teacher-on-special-assignment (TOSA) interventionist positions offered through the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) funds to address learning loss. For classified vacancies, 18 educational support personnel openings were available as of Aug. 10 as well, with approximately 9 SPED paraprofessionals, three bus drivers, two regular education paraprofessionals, one custodian, one safety officer, one library media technician and one bus attendant. The district brought on several custodians at the beginning of hiring season.
Because of the staffing shortage, additional opportunities are now available. If you are a retired educator or former employee, you are encouraged to check with Human Resources. To search and apply for jobs, please click here.
Wide-eyed and filled with excitement, 46 new teachers joined the Carson City School District in an orientation welcome meeting at the Governor’s Mansion Larry Ruvo Stateroom Wednesday, August 4. New teacher orientation has traditionally been a celebrated affair with a kick-off event with Superintendent Richard Stokes and other administrators, principals and directors.
The district was excited to host the event again this year since last year’s event was dropped amid the pandemic restrictions and escalating hybrid schedules. Click here to read more on this event.
First-day jitters were not just for students. We are pleased to announce the appointment of 10 new principals and district administrators (left-to-right, alphabetically by school) for the 2021-2022 school year.
- Cheryl Richetta as principal for Bordewich Bray Elementary School
- Jon “Shelby” Tuttle as vice principal for Bordewich Bray Elementary School
- Rodney Wade as dean of students for Carson High School
- Lois Linehan as dean of students for Eagle Valley Middle School
- Kari Pryor as vice principal for Fremont Elementary School
- Cheryl Macy as director of Equity in Curriculum and Instruction
- Tanya Scott, Ph.D., as assistant director of Equity and English Learner Programming
- Michelle Cleveland as coordinator of MTSS and Project AWARE
- Brittany Witter as coordinator for Humanities Curriculum and Assessment
- Christine Perkins as special projects coordinator for McKinney-Vento and Foster Care
Please click here for additional information about each leader and to read the full announcement.
The Carson City School District’s Board of Trustees is pleased to sponsor the 20th Annual American Citizen Essay Contest. Completed essays are due to the Carson City School District at 1402 West King Street no later than 5 p.m. Monday, Nov. 1, 2021. Click here for more details.
Any public, charter, private or home-schooled student in Carson City may participate in the contest. The essay should be no longer than five (5) pages and may be as short as the student desires. The essay may be handwritten or typed.
Essays will be judged within each grade level as they follow adherence to the topic, their quality of writing and their originality of thought. The topic for this year is the following:
“Twenty years ago on September 11, 2021, many people became heroes in the face of tragedy. As we honor the 20th anniversary of the tragic events of 9/11, pick someone in your life who you feel is a hero and describe why.”
Winners will be publicly announced at the Nov. 23, 2021 school board meeting. Click here for more details.
Carson City Health and Human Services (CCHHS) is working with the Carson City School District to offer qualifying children COVID-19 Event and Flu Vaccinations free of charge Saturday, Oct. 9, from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at Carson High School. Additionally, annual seasonal flu immunizations will be offered at school sites throughout October. See dates, times and locations listed below.
In order for children to receive a flu shot, please:
- COMPLETE and SIGN the consent form that is available on the district’s website here.
- SEND the completed consent form back to the child’s school/teacher no later than ONE DAY BEFORE THE SCHEDULED CLINIC.
- READ the Influenza Vaccine Information Statement. It will be given to your child on the day of vaccination or can be obtained from the CCHHS website, where you can also access more information:
Here is a quick reference to the 2021-2022 Academic School Calendar. This document details the start and end times of each school within the district, as well as designated make-up days. Take some time to plug in all those important school dates to your calendar.
These include Early Release Days, Minimum Days and Holidays. Also take time to note Winter and Spring Break dates as well as other Non-school Days, Graduation and Middle School Promotion dates, which can all be found here.
NOTABLE FUTURE DATES (Dates & Times are Subject to Change)
Please refer to the School District’s Academic School Calendar for additional information regarding school holidays and other important releases. Below are some notable and important future dates.
- Sept. 20 (Monday) District Early Release Day
- Sept. 28 (Tuesday) School Board Meeting, 7 p.m., Community Center, Robert Crowell Board Room
- Oct. 4 (Monday) Non-School Day (Staff Professional Development)
- Oct. 9 (Saturday) COVID-19 and Flu Vaccination Clinic at Carson High , 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
- Oct. 12 (Tuesday) School Board Meeting, 7 p.m., Community Center, Robert Crowell Board Room
- Oct. 14 (Thursday) Flu Vaccination Clinic at Carson High School, 7:30 a.m. to 12 noon
- Oct. 15 (Friday) Flu Vaccination Clinic at Early Childhood, 10:30 – 11:00 a.m.
- Oct. 15 (Friday) Flu Vaccination Clinic at Carson High School, 12 noon to 3:00 p.m.
- Oct. 18 (Monday) Flu Vaccination Clinic at Fritsch Elementary School, 8:30 – 11:30 a.m.
- Oct. 18 (Monday) Flu Vaccination Clinic at Empire Elementary School, 12 noon to 3:00 p.m.
- Oct. 18 (Monday) District Early Release Day
- Oct. 19 (Tuesday) Flu Vaccination Clinic at Mark Twain Elementary, 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
- Oct. 20 (Wednesday) Flu Vaccination Clinic at Bordewich Elementary , 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon
- Oct. 21 (Thursday) Flu Vaccination Clinic at Fremont Elementary School, 8:30 – 11:30 a.m.
- Oct. 21 (Thursday) Flu Vaccination Clinic at Pioneer High School, 12:30 – 1:30 p.m.
- Oct. 22 (Friday) Flu Vaccination Clinic at Seeliger Elementary, 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
- Oct. 25 (Monday) Flu Vaccination Clinic at Eagle Valley Middle School, 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
- Oct. 26 (Tuesday) Flu Vaccination Clinic at Carson Middle School, 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
- Oct. 26 (Tuesday) School Board Meeting, 7 p.m., Community Center, Robert Crowell Board Room
- Oct. 26 (Tuesday) Elementary Parent Conf. Min. Day, all elementary dismisses at 12:40 a.m.
- Oct. 27 (Wednesday) Elementary Parent Conf. Min. Day, all elementary dismisses at 12:40 a.m.
- Oct. 28 (Thursday) Elementary Parent Conf. Min. Day, all elementary dismisses at 12:40 a.m.
- Oct. 29 (Friday) Nevada Day (School Holiday)
- Nov. 1 (Monday) District Early Release Day
- Nov. 1 (Monday) Deadline for American Citizen Essay Contest, 1402 W. King, 5:00 p.m.
- Nov. 9 (Tuesday) School Board Meeting, 7 p.m., Community Center, Robert Crowell Board Room
- Nov. 11 (Thursday) Veteran’s Day (School Holiday)
- Nov. 22-26 (Mon.-Fri.) Thanksgiving Break (School Holiday)
- Nov. 23 (Tuesday) School Board Meeting, 7 p.m., Community Center, Robert Crowell Board Room
- Dec. 6 (Monday) Non-School Day (Staff Professional Development)
- Dec. 14 (Tuesday) School Board Meeting, 7 p.m., Community Center, Robert Crowell Board Room
- Dec. 16 (Thursday) CHS and PHS Early Release Day, CHS dismiss at 1:00 p.m., PHS at 12:50 p.m.
- Dec. 17 (Friday) District Early Release Day
- Dec. 20-Jan. 3 Christmas Break (School Holiday)
- Dec. 28 (Tuesday) School Board Meeting, 7 p.m., Community Center, Robert Crowell Board Room
There are some exceptional employees in our district who assist with students needing special support. Student Support Services help extraordinary learners like Ginger each day. Because of their efforts, we have come to know when supported appropriately, these special needs students can go on to lead and live successful lives on their own. Click here to watch the video.
As the most energy efficient school district in Nevada, we work closely with many organizations across the state to develop programs where we can grow and prosper, while maintaining our natural resources for generations to come. Please enjoy this short video created by Partners for Sustainable Nevada, featuring Mark Korinek, director of operations with the Carson City School District. Click here to watch the video.
We have worked closely with Carson City government officials to conduct a Safety Review Study designed to improve bicycle and pedestrian safety at our schools. As a result, last year, all school zones in Carson City were modified to reflect speed reductions for the full duration of the day, 7 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday. This effort was part of the Carson City Western Nevada Safe Routes to School Master Plan to implement a School Zone Speed Standard at all elementary, middle and high schools in Carson City. Please take caution and note the 15-mile-per-hour limits surrounding all of our schools.
Now through October 31, all current and new payroll deduction enrollees will be eligible to win a free tablet and keyboard (provided by Greater Nevada Credit Union).
School district employees can support the Carson City Schools Foundation (CCSF) with an ongoing contribution via Payroll Deduction. $1 per payroll equals $24 per year. If 960 employees donated $24 per year, the foundation could raise $23,040 per year. District employees interested in making a payroll donation should obtain a Payroll Deduction Form from their site office manager. Community members can also make a one-time donation by visiting
The CCSF was created to increase student achievement through philanthropic investment and involvement. Although relatively new, it is a growing partner for public schools in Carson City. The foundation, directed by community volunteers, does not compete with Parent Teacher Organizations (PTO’s) or other school activity support groups. The foundation rather seeks support and donations to fund programs that expand education opportunities.
At its heart, it supports many programs including Pre-K Education (so all students are prepared for success), Mini Grants (for teachers and staff to help fund classroom innovation and creativity) and STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math). This past year, the foundation awarded nearly $20,000 in funds supporting special grants, mini grants, department grants and scholarship money.
The Carson City Schools Foundation, in support of the Carson City School District, is pleased to announce its ‘Sponsor a Student’ for Western Nevada College (WNC) Jump Start College program raised nearly $17,000 for textbooks and other necessary materials for high school Jump Start students.
The approximate cost for Jump Start College materials for the projected enrollment of 125 students was expected to be $12,500 or $100 per student. The Foundation committed matching funds of $6,250 for half of the amount. Community and corporate donors contributed a whopping $10,745 in total, rounding out a combined total of $16,995 in funding. Click here to read more.
The Carson City School District’s Nutrition Services is pleased to announce the U.S. Agriculture Department (USDA) plans to provide free breakfast and lunch for all students 18 and under for the 2021-2022 school year (ending June 2022). In the past, this program was only offered during summer months when school was not in session.
The USDA’s national school meal programs have long been a vital source of nutritious meals for students. Families normally need to meet income requirements to qualify for free or reduced breakfasts and lunches. But as schools closed during the pandemic, the USDA eased restrictions so schools could focus on providing meals while keeping families and staff safe. We are excited to continue to do this without the hassle of free or reduced applications. Meals will be provided at the student’s request. Parents and families may also contact Nutrition Services at 775-283-2150, if they have additional questions.
In partnership with Nevada Health Centers, the Carson City School District offers a School-Based Health Center open to Carson City families of school-aged children. The health center located at 618 W. Musser Street (behind the Professional Development Center at 604 W. Musser) in Carson City provides the following services:
- Preventive health and wellness
- Well child checks
- Sick visits
- Sports physicals
- Immunizations
- Health Management
The health center also accepts the following payment sources:
- Private Insurance
- Medicaid and Medicare
- Nevada Check Up
- Women’s Health Connection
- Sliding fee for low income uninsured patients
Appointments Call: 800-787-2568. Open: Tuesday & Thursday, 7 am – 5:30 pm (closed for lunch 12-1 pm).
Carson City School District provides a 24/7/365 (24-hour, 7-days-a-week, 365-days-per-year) safety tool. SafeVoice is a live tip reporting system for school safety and student well-being offered in partnership by the Nevada Departments of Education, the Nevada Department of Public Safety and, more locally, the Carson City Sheriff’s Office to all K-12 schools, students, parents and community members in Nevada.
Students, parents and community members can report concerns about their friends or themselves by using the free SafeVoice app, calling 1-833-216-7233 (SAFE) or visiting The reporting tool is easy to use, and when the person who reports an incident logs back in, he or she is able to dialogue with SafeVoice Communications Specialists who will determine if law enforcement is needed immediately to protect life safety. Reports are sent to the schools where administrators and counselors will respond with support, intervention and a safety plan for the child of concern. Similarly, any reports where law enforcement are needed, will be sent directly to dispatchers in Carson City. Reporters may remain anonymous, and by law, all reports are confidential – they are never shared outside of the SafeVoice response system.
Online registration, annual updates need to be finalized for the Carson City School District. The annual update is an online process that allows families to verify and submit yearly-required information such as current home address, contact information and emergency contacts necessary in the event district administrators or teachers need to contact parents or families regarding their child.
This online process eliminates forms and paperwork that used to be required for annual registration. With the Infinite Campus online tool, parents and families can view class schedules, attendance records, teacher communications and other information regarding the school and their student.
The district also needs this information updated each year to allow students to have their photo taken, update medical records, use district technologies, etc. In the event you cannot remember your Username or Password, contact your child’s school to have them reset. For more information about Infinite Campus, including training, how to navigate the campus portal, installing the app on your phone and more, please click here.
There is so much great news about Carson City School District. Below are links to some of the recent and popular stories from events and activities throughout the district.
Carson High Renames Weight Room in Honor of Shane Quilling
Posted on 06/03/2021
Carson High School renamed its weight room in honor of Shane Quilling, who died unexpectedly in late February 2018. Quilling served as the weights coach for nearly two decades (2000-2018) prior to his death. Carson High lost an influential figure that day as well as a longtime teacher and coach at the school. The campus that adored him named the ‘Shane Quilling Weightroom’ in his honor. READ MORE...
Carson City Teacher Pursues Passion, Publishes Fantasy Novel
Posted on 06/21/2021
Bordewich Bray Elementary School Physical Education Teacher Kinkade DeJoseph celebrated a 25-year accomplishment with the release of his novel, “The Raven and the Crow: Dark Storm Rising.” The epic fantasy novel was released under his pen name, Michael K. Falciani, in honor of his father, Michael Falciani. The “K.” represents his own first name, Kinkade. READ MORE...
Carson High Students Honored at Annual SkillsUSA Championships
Posted on 07/06/2021
Several Career and Technical Education students from Carson High School were recognized at the 2021 SkillsUSA Championships, the largest skill competition in the world, that took place virtually. Carson High’s two teams of students competed amongst 3,700 students invited to demonstrate their technical, workplace and personal skills in 107 hands-on occupational and leadership competitions. READ MORE...
New Carson Teacher Back at his First American School
Posted on 08/09/2021
German Fernandez-Hernandez is described by Eagle Valley Middle School teacher Maria Reynolds as a “golden” student most educators have the fortune of teaching in their classroom once in a great while. He transferred to EVMS in January 2013, and learning English in addition to staying on par at eighth grade was one of his biggest challenges at the time. READ MORE...
More than 635 Freshman Joined Carson High in Orientation
Posted on 08/11/2021
More than 635 apprehensive but excited freshman from the Class of 2025 joined the ranks of Carson High School in an orientation lead by administrators and school leadership teams. READ MORE...
Carson City Students Head Back to School
Posted on 08/16/2021
KTVN, Ch. 2’s Chris Buckley shares tips from Superintendent Richard Stokes as Carson City students head back to the classroom. WATCH VIDEO...
Carson High Student’s Performance Honors U.S. Service Members
Posted on 09/01/2021
A suicide bombing on the Kabul airport killing 13 U.S. service members and at least 169 Afghans devastated Carson High School freshman Devin Linehan so much, he knew he had to do something. After receiving help and hope from his mother, Lois Linehan, dean of students at Eagle Valley Middle School, he found his call to action. READ MORE...
Perkins: Good School Days Start Off with Essentials at McKinney-Vento
Posted on 09/08/2021
Students’ success in school often depends on making sure they have a backpack to carry, the right pair of shoes on their feet or a gift card supplied with enough cash for a meal. Christie Perkins, new special projects coordinator, is making sure students who are experiencing hardships have what they need to get off to the right start for their school day. READ MORE...
Log on to our website,, regularly to remain updated on all the wonderful events and accomplishments occurring across the district as we transition through the fall months together. This tool will inevitably help you stay informed as we continue through another fun and exciting school year.
And if you don’t already, be sure to “LIKE” us on Facebook, and choose to “See First” so you never miss an important news update. Also find us on Twitter, Instagram and YouTube.
Be sure to FOLLOW and LIKE CCSD’s Facebook: (, Instagram (, Twitter ( and YouTube ( pages. Each provide real-time district and school news to the community. The pages are used as a tool to relay information of school closures, emergencies, good news, events, etc.
The pages aim to engage the community about local, state and national education news/topics, report from live board of education meetings and other district meetings and events and post student and staff pictures and achievements.
Have you captured some amazing photos at some of our school sites or around town?
Please share your photos with us. Feel free to email our Public Information Officer Dan Davis, APR, [email protected], with any shots you’d like to share publicly through our social media. Or tag us @carsoncityschooldistrict on Facebook or @carsonschools on Twitter.
This quarterly newsletter serves as an information tool to communicate Carson City School District news and events to the community.
You can read the latest newsletter or past issues by selecting issues from the left drop-down menu on our website here.
If you do not already receive email notifications for this publication, please subscribe by completing the form at the bottom of the page. If you know someone who would benefit from this news, please share the link so they can sign up.
Contact Information:
For more information regarding the Carson City School District, don’t hesitate to reach out to us.
Hours of Operation
Monday - Friday
8:00 a.m. -5:00 p.m.
Carson City School District
1402 West King Street, Carson City, NV 89703 | Phone 775-283-2000 | Fax 775-283-2090