Senior Spotlight: Pioneer Academy’s Rogan Stryffeler is Moving in the “write” direction
For some students, moving can be exciting and something to look forward to, but for others moving can present barriers that are challenging to work through. Rogan Stryffeler, a full-time online student at Pioneer Academy, experienced one of her most challenging times as a high school student: she had to move across the country to a new high school just before she started her senior year. To Rogan, the thought of uprooting and starting over, again, was daunting and stressful. She was concerned about how she would manage her new school, work, life balance and maintain her success.
Since Rogan started at Pioneer Academy in the full-time online program, she has thrived both academically and socially and has found a life balance. Coming from a very supportive family Rogan has adapted well. She said the moving experience has taught her how to plan ahead more and use an organizer to keep it all together. Morgan stated she has had good experiences with all her schools she has attended and that her teachers have helped prepare her for her goals. She reflected on a quote from one of her English teachers in Ohio, Ms. Nord, “If you’re not uncomfortable, you’re not growing. That saying has stuck with Rogan over the years and has become her motto. Rogan also appreciates the teachers at Pioneer for how willing they are to help her. She said the flexibility that the online program offers has given her the opportunity to participate in activities that she would not have been able to do if she were at a traditional school.
Learning how to manage her online classes with work and other activities, Rogan feels ready and prepared for her next move to college. Rogan is planning to major in English with a minor in Philosophy with the intention of going to law school with a focus in criminal law. Her interest in law was enhanced last summer while attending a two-week pre-college program at Harvard University. Rogan stated that the experience was amazing and meeting people from other states and other countries has broadened her world perspective.
The teachers and staff at Pioneer are excited for the next journey Rogan has planned.