Carson High School has named Will Breeding and Serena Dantzler as the 2021 Winterfest King and Queen. Additionally, Wesley Dunkin and Reese MacKenzie were named the 11th grade Winterfest Prince and Princess, Trevor Britt and Anika Corder were named the 10th grade Winterfest Prince and Princess, David Stoffer and Corinne Ternau were named the 9th grade Winterfest Prince and Princess. Congratulations to all those involved and named as candidates.
The 9th grade Winterfest candidate girls were Corinne Ternau, Jessica Artz, and Hailey Osborne; 9th grade candidate boys were Edgar Fausto, Michael Hoffer, and David Stoffer; 10th grade candidate girls were Sydney Romeo and Anika Corder; 10th grade candidate boys were Lucas Gonzalez, Trevor Britt, and Nate Crossman; 11th grade candidate girls were Julia Kaiser, Reese MacKenzie, and Hannah Walker; 11th grade candidate boys were Denton Fitzpatrick, Jacob Campbell, and Wesley Dunkin; 12th grade candidate girls were Camille Larkin, Emma Peterson, Emma Tuttle, Kira Grist, Serena Danzler, and Abby Golik, and the 12th grade candidate boys were Ryan Graunke, Isaac Harrison, Max Gunkel, Sebastian Krueger, Will Breeding, and Levi Woods.