Scheduling Professional Development

Scheduling a Professional Development Course

When planning a professional development course for a specific site or district wide, please adhere to the following guidelines to ensure that the appropriate persons are notified and resources are available.

The Use Request From must be completed and emailed to [email protected] to schedule a course. This ensures that professional development courses are scheduled on the PD Calendar and that professional development is not overbooked on any given day.

  • If the course is to be scheduled at PDC, the Use Request From will be forwarded to the appropriate party at PDC to schedule a room. A confirmation e-mail will be sent to the instructor upon approval of scheduling on the PD calendar and scheduling a room at PDC.
  • If the course is to be added to MyLearningPlan, the appropriate fields must be completed in the Use Request From.
  • District wide courses must have a minimum enrollment of fifteen participants. Course facilitators must obtain approval from the Associate Superintendent of Educational Services if enrollment is below 15 participants.
  • Courses require 24 hour notice for cancellation. Cancellation communication must be sent to [email protected].