The Carson City School District announced plans for Pioneer High School’s senior graduation ceremonies and Carson Middle and Eagle Valley Middle Schools’ eighth grade promotions Friday, April 9. Carson High School has not yet determined whether graduation ceremonies will be a traditional ceremony or a drive-through event. To help assist in the decision, CHS is sending out a ParentSquare message today requesting input from parents and guardians as to whether they would prefer a modified traditional in-person or drive-through ceremony. A similar document is currently available to all seniors.
The schools are operating under capacity limits set forth under the large gathering provisions in Step 4 of the Nevada’s Roadmap to Recovery Transition Plan due for submission to the governor’s office by Tuesday, April 13. The decisions for graduations and promotions are based on the requirements that the city has put forth in its proposed plan. Under those proposed directives, schools would be unable to meet the gathering occupancy for these ceremonies.
“Just because Carson High School has not announced it, does not necessarily mean in-person graduation ceremonies are not going to happen, nor does it mean they will happen,” said Dan Davis, public information officer for the Carson City School District. “We are watching closely what directives are being applied regarding limitations on group gatherings. If restrictions loosen, we would be severely disappointed if a decision was previously made to not host in-person graduation.”
Last year, amid the pandemic where many schools were canceling graduation ceremonies, Carson High School hosted a drive-through ceremony with varying times throughout the day where graduating seniors and their families stayed in their vehicles until it was time for the graduate to exit their car. Graduates then had their name announced on the loudspeaker as they walked across a stage, collected their diploma, had their picture taken, returned to their vehicle and then proceeded to the exit.
“The good news is, Carson High School knows how to host in-person as well as drive-through or virtual graduation ceremonies, both of which can be prepared and implemented in only a matter of weeks,” Davis continued. “We are just taking a cautious approach to not put the cart before the horse in announcing something that later has the possibility of being changed for better or worse.”
To ensure families and seniors receive the ParentSquare message with the survey about how they would like to have graduation this year, district officials said they must ensure their Infinite Campus information has been updated.
Pioneer High School and the middle schools, which traditionally hold their ceremonies in the community center and their school gyms, selected the drive-through format to accommodate more families this year.
Under current restrictions, Pioneer High School plans to hold events similar to last year with the current restrictions in place. This includes a drive-through in-person event, a live online session with staff, a video presentation and a senior dedication ceremony.
Carson Middle School at 1140 W. King St. will host a drive-through promotion ceremony for eighth graders at 10 a.m. June 4, celebrating its year-end tradition in a new way for the first time. Eagle Valley Middle School at 4151 E. Fifth St. also will hold a drive-through ceremony from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. June 4, holding to its plan from last year. Students are required to pass all classes, have all necessary credits and make sure they do not owe any outstanding fees to the school to participate. Staff will conduct a final grade check on May 21.
Details about fifth grade, kindergarten and Pre-K promotions have also not yet been determined. The school district is encouraging families to look for more information from their individual school sites and classes as the date of those events approaches.