Carson City Health and Human Services (CCHHS) is working with the Carson City School District (CCSD) to offer students annual seasonal flu vaccinations. There will be a team of CCHHS licensed nurses at each school to administer the flu vaccine. The vaccination is safe and a health action that benefits all age groups to protect against influenza illness.
The Vaccine will only be available as injectable (commonly known as “a shot”) for all age groups for the 2017-2018 flu season. Based on recommendations from the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP), the nasal mist vaccine will not be available. The shot will protect against four (4) flu viruses.
In order for students to receive a flu vaccine, please:
- COMPLETE and SIGN the yellow consent form that is available on the district’s website here.
- SEND the completed yellow consent form back to the child’s school/teacher at least ONE WEEK BEFORE YOUR SCHOOL’S SCHEDULED CLINIC DATE.
- READ the Influenza Vaccine Information Statement. It will be given to your child on the day of vaccination or can be obtained from the CCHHS website, where you can also access more information:
Vaccination Dates & Locations:
Oct. 3, 2017 Carson High
Oct. 4, 2017 Carson High
Oct. 5, 2017 Fremont Elementary
Oct. 6, 2017 Pioneer High
Oct. 6, 2017 Empire Elementary
Oct. 6, 2017 Carson Montessori
Oct. 19, 2017 Fritsch Elementary
Oct. 19, 2017 Bordewich Elementary
Oct. 20, 2017 Mark Twain Elementary
Oct. 20, 2017 Seeliger Elementary
Oct. 24, 2017 Eagle Valley Middle
Oct. 25, 2017 Carson Middle
Oct. 26, 2017 Early Childhood (Bordewich)
Please click here for more information about the vaccination clinics.