School District
Community Quarterly Newsletter | CARSON CITY, NEVADA | Fall, 2020
I am very happy to welcome our students back to school this year. It has been five months since the bells have rung in our schools and I am really glad to hear the happy sounds of school happening again. Returning to school this year has been quite unusual. Every week there are new types of learning experiences teachers are piloting and much of what is learned will continue to be used in the future. The teaching tactics we are applying now will continue, even after the echoes of a pandemic no longer resonate.
We are so fortunate to be the first school districts within our state to be able to ensure, with 100 percent certainty, every student has their own One-to-One Device (Chromebook) and home internet connectivity. With more than 7,700 students, the technology department has more than 8,500 devices and 500 Hotspots to assist students with educational services. Whether student(s) are attending school on campus or remotely, this will be a historic year for everyone. Even though we are still in the pandemic, we can all do our best to stay healthy by washing our hands, sneezing into our elbows, keeping socially distant from each other, and wearing our facemasks. I hope you have a great school year and enjoy making history!
Thanks for all you do. You are truly appreciated!
Richard Stokes, superintendent, Carson City School District
The Carson City School District has prepared and shared a Back-to-School Launch Video with all its teachers and employees, which details out the various nuances and changes associated in going back to school in Carson City this year.
With the start of the Fall 2020 school year, hindered by a pandemic, school officials said things will look a bit different. The video offers a series of short interviews with specialists and district leaders who provide additional insight and answers to many of the questions parents, teachers and community members may have or are concerned with the return to school. The video interviews discuss specificities surrounding many Frequently Asked Questions for parents and community members as well as Frequently Asked Questions for Staff.
We appreciate all the parents and families who continue to step up and helped transport students to and from school during the temporary halt of our bus services. Several transportation employees were advised to isolate after a confirmed case of COVID-19, and without those staff members, we are unable to effectively operate our fleet of buses. Since there have been additional cases confirmed, the soonest our transportation operations will resume is Tuesday, Sept. 29.
As detailed in the reopening plan, our school buses will not exceed 42 seats (less than 50 percent occupancy). But we also understand our Transportation Department supports a vital part of every student's education. We want to reassure our community we will provide a safe and nurturing transportation experience, utilizing a well maintained and safety-inspected fleet of school buses. Our transportation team is continually striving toward the utilization of the most innovative technology available and the fostering of best practices. For a listing of the current Bus Schedules, please click here.
Before any student steps on a school bus or enters a school campus, parents are asked to perform a health and wellness assessment. In the Daily Self-Screening tool available on the “Parent Dashboard,” the district reiterated its concern for the health and well-being of all those caring for their students.
The daily health and wellness check focuses on specific symptoms students or family members may have experienced within the last 24 hours. It also characterizes those symptoms as “new” and “different” from on-going health issues such as asthma, allergies, reflux, COPD, etc. These symptoms would be “Not Normal” to the parent or the student. The school district is also advising parents to visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention at for the most up-to-date information.
The Carson City School District recently responded to a media request inquiring about how the school district would report when a student or employee tested positive for COVID-19. As part of the response, the district’s Risk Manager Ann Cyr and the Carson City Health and Human Services Director Jeanne Freeman answered some Frequently Asked Questions. Please note that the information surrounding COVID-19 has been fluid and evolving as the CDC continues to update recommendations and guidelines. This information was dated Thursday, Sept. 3, so some of the details may have already been updated. But many students, parents and families may still find the information helpful. Also note, public information such as data on the number of employees and/or students who are absent due to Covid-like-symptoms or confirmed cases should be obtained from the health department after it has been reported to them by the school district and collated. The school district is not in a position to infer that such exposures took place in school as students and employees alike have many contacts outside of the school community, such as family gatherings and visits to other public places.
First-day jitters were not just for students. We are pleased to announce the appointment of seven new principals and district administrators (left to right, alphabetically by school) for the 2020-2021 school year.
- Robert (Bob) Chambers as principal for Carson High School
- Cody Farnworth, Ed.D, as vice principal for Carson High School
- Susan Moulden-Horton, Ed.D., as vice principal for Carson High School
- Susan Desrosiers as dean of students for Carson Middle School
- Steven Nelms as dean of students for Carson Middle School
- Amy Robinson as vice principal for Eagle Valley Middle School
- Gina Hoppe as vice principal for Fritsch Elementary School
We also recognize Mr. Nathan Brigham who was previously hired as the vice principal at Empire Elementary School back in April of 2020. Please click here for additional information about each leader and to read the full announcement.
We have created a new Parent Dashboard to help assist families in navigating the various remote learning resources. The dashboard hosts easy quick links to several digital tools along with Parent Guides and short informational videos to help parents sort through the nuances of a new learning model. Please take some time to poke around the site to equip yourself with needed resources to help your student succeed.
Last year, we worked closely with Carson City government officials to conduct a Safety Review Study designed to improve bicycle and pedestrian safety at our schools. As a result, all school zones in Carson City have been modified to reflect speed reductions for the full duration of the day, 7 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday, instead of the previous 2-hour windows before and after school.
The Carson City Board of Supervisors voted to approve extensions to the school zones in June, 2020. This effort was part of the Carson City Western Nevada Safe Routes to School Master Plan to implement a School Zone Speed Standard at all elementary, middle and high schools in Carson City.
Many may also have noticed speed feedback signs and flashing light school zone signs have been programmed to reflect the new School Speed Zone Standard hours. Work to install the updated signs and locations began Tuesday, Sept. 8. It is anticipated to take 3-4 weeks to complete. Please take caution and note the 15-mile-per-hour limits surrounding all of our schools.
It is important to note school zone times and hours are only applicable during school hours, not during holidays or weekends. Also, all school zones are 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. unless otherwise posted as ‘When Flashing.’
The Carson City Schools Foundation was created to increase student achievement through philanthropic investment and involvement. Although relatively new, it is a growing partner for public schools in Carson City. The foundation, directed by community volunteers, does not compete with Parent Teacher Organizations (PTO’s) or other school activity support groups. The foundation rather seeks support and donations to fund programs that expand education opportunities.
At its heart, it supports many programs including Pre-K Education (so all students are prepared for success), Mini Grants (for teachers and staff to help fund classroom innovation and creativity) and STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math). This past year, the foundation awarded nearly $20,000 in funds supporting special grants, mini grants, department grants and scholarship money.
School District employees and community members can support the Carson City Schools Foundation with an ongoing contribution via Payroll Deduction. $1 per payroll equals $24 per year. If 960 employees donated $24 per year, the foundation could raise $23,040 per year. District employees interested in making a payroll donation should obtain a Payroll Deduction Form from their site office manager. Community members can also make a one-time donation by visiting
NOTABLE FUTURE DATES (Dates & Times are Subject to Change)
Please refer to the School District’s Academic School Calendar for additional information regarding school holidays and other important releases. Below are some notable and important future dates.
- Sept. 22 (Tuesday) School Board Meeting, 7:00 p.m., Community Center, Sierra Room
- Sept. 23 (Wednesday) Community PLC Meeting, 7 p.m., via Zoom
- Oct. 10 (Saturday) Vaccination POD at Carson High School, 9 a.m. to 12 noon
- Oct. 13 (Tuesday) School Board Meeting, 7:00 p.m., Community Center, Sierra Room
- Oct. 14 (Wednesday) Vaccination POD at Eagle Valley Middle School, 4-6 p.m.
- Oct. 21 (Tuesday) Vaccination POD at Carson Middle School, 4-6 p.m.
- Oct. 27 (Tuesday) School Board Meeting, 7:00 p.m., Community Center, Sierra Room
- Oct. 30 (Friday) Nevada Day (School Holiday)
- Nov. 10 (Tuesday) School Board Meeting, 7:00 p.m., Community Center, Sierra Room
- Nov. 11 (Wednesday) Veteran's Day (School Holiday)
- Nov. 24 (Tuesday) School Board Meeting, 7:00 p.m., Community Center, Sierra Room
- Nov. 23-27 (Mon. - Fri.) Thanksgiving Break (School Holiday)
- Dec. 8 (Tuesday) School Board Meeting, 7:00 p.m., Community Center, Sierra Room
- Dec 21 - Jan. 1 Christmas Break (School Holiday)
Here is a quick reference to the 2020-2021 Academic School Calendar. At the July 21 school board meeting, the trustees voted to update the 2020-2021 Academic School Calendar, moving the official first day of school for students to begin Monday, Aug. 24, a week later than the day previously set for Monday, Aug. 17.
This document details the start and end times of each school within the district, as well as designated make-up days. Take some time to plug in all those important school dates to your calendar. These include Minimum Days and Holidays. Also take time to note Winter and Spring Break dates as well as other Non-school Days. Graduation and Middle School Promotion dates can all be found here.
The Carson City School District will host another quarterly educational meeting Wednesday, Sept. 23, 6 p.m., via Zoom. The purpose of the meeting is to accumulate feedback from community members on how the district’s strategic plan is performing and suggest ideas and systems to meet the goals and objectives of the plan. For those interested in attending the meeting, we invite them to contact the district office for information on how to participate.
“This meeting will be socially distanced at the high school and will provide an opportunity for school leaders to engage with business members, community leaders and parents in helping to improve our schools,” said Mr. Richard Stokes, superintendent. “Our schools are extensions of our community, so participation from the public is vital.”
Poor air quality and smoke forced our first ever full-remote learning day earlier this week. We understand these are very challenging times for everyone. It deeply saddens us that our teachers and students could not experience the rewarding routines of in-person education that day. The main reason for remote learning when air quality is very unhealthy, is to meet expectations for COVID-19. To fulfill those expectations, all our schools undergo full air exchanges three times each day. Ideally, that would mean us cycling in fresh, clean air into our buildings; however, when the Air Quality Index is at 200 or greater (very unhealthy), our buildings become just as smoky as the air outside. We feel very fortunate all of our students retain the necessary technology to facilitate remote learning in such strenuous circumstances. Unfortunately, given the status of many wildfires burning throughout most of our western neighboring states, full-remote days due to poor air quality may be more frequent than any of us would like.
In preparation for the approaching winter months, we wanted to provide you with information that will be helpful in the event of school delays or closures caused by wintery conditions. If you would like to read more about school emergency operations, Board Regulation 805 can be found on the District’s webpage at within the “School Board” tab or by clicking here.
Should it be necessary to delay the start of a school day or cancel school due to severe or unsafe weather conditions, you will most likely hear about the decision from local news sources. Beginning as early as 5:15 AM, watch or listen to your favorite local TV or Radio stations to get updates about changes to school schedules. Our District webpage is also a good place to learn if there are school delays or closures. A banner on our home page will display the essential information as early as 6:00 AM on a day when the weather is questionable. The third method, which you may hear about a school delay or closure, will come in the form of an automated text and/or telephone call as early as 6 AM. This text or call from the District Office will provide you with the general details for the day.
Extreme weather swings are possible in Carson City. Here are some terms that you will want to understand about school delays or closures.
- Delayed Start – Schools will start two-hours later than usual. Principals will adjust the school schedule for the shortened day. If possible, staff should arrive at the school at least 15 minutes before school is to begin on the shortened schedule. The school day will typically end at the normal time. Breakfast will not be served.
- Closure – Schools will be closed for the entire day. No student activities or programs will occur. This includes afterschool programs, practices, performances and contests including interscholastic athletic events. No school services such as transportation, nutrition, or student health will be provided.
- Early Release – In the unlikely occurrence that conditions warrant early release from school, after-school programs, practices, performances and contests, including interscholastic athletic events will likely be cancelled.
- Parent Discretion – If at any time you feel that conditions are unsafe to take or send your student to school, you may keep your child home for the day regardless of the District’s decision to hold school. The schools will support your decision and work with you to make-up any school work or assignments.
As you and your family prepare for the winter months ahead, here are some useful tips.
Be prepared: Keep your automobile with enough fuel and in good working order for winter travel. Snow tires and/or tire chains may help while driving on snowy or icy roads. New wipers and clean windows will be important. A fully charged mobile phone may come in handy.
Plan ahead: Allow plenty of time for your student to eat breakfast at home. Breakfast will not be served at school if a delayed start has been called. If you rely on child care, speak to your provider about alternate plans if school schedules change. Leave your home early enough to compensate for hazardous driving conditions.
Stay informed: Use the local media to learn about changes to school schedules, road conditions, and relevant weather forecasts. District sources such as the website (, automated phone calls, text messages or emails can help keep you informed.
Stay safe: Dress accordingly; have your children wear protective outer clothing including warm articles such as boots, a hat, gloves and a coat. Automobile speeds should be appropriate for the road conditions. Use your headlights as needed. Drive defensively.
Nutrition Program Updates
The U.S. Agriculture Department is extending a free school meal program to millions of children nationwide. The program allows families in need to pick up free food from any convenient school campus, even if their child is not enrolled there. In the past, this program was only offered during summer months when school is not in session. Now it has been extended through the remainder of 2020 (subject to change due to available funding).
The Carson City School District’s Nutrition Services began providing free lunch and breakfast for all children 18 and under Tuesday, Sept. 8, 2020. Meals are provided at the student’s request, and meals for the following day will also be available in grab-and-go style for students participating in the hybrid learning model where they attend school in-person twice weekly. Monday and Tuesday meals for Cohort 1 and Cohort 2 students will also be available every Monday through Dec. 31 from 9-10 a.m. at all Carson City School District school sites except Pioneer High School.
Beginning Monday, Sept. 14, and every Monday through Dec. 31, Monday-Friday meal boxes will be available for pick up from 9-10 a.m. for all full-time online remote learners at all Carson City School District school sites except Pioneer High School. Parents or families may pick up meals without student(s) present. Parents and families may also contact Nutrition Services at 775-283-2150, if they have additional questions.
Online registration, annual updates need to be finalized for the Carson City School District. The annual update is an online process that allows families to verify and submit yearly-required information such as current home address, contact information and emergency contacts necessary in the event district administrators or teachers need to contact parents or families regarding their child.
This online process eliminates forms and paperwork that used to be required for annual registration. With the Infinite Campus online tool, parents and families can view class schedules, attendance records, teacher communications and other information regarding the school and their student.
The district also needs this information updated each year to allow students to have their photo taken, update medical records, use district technologies, etc. In the event you cannot remember your Username or Password, contact your child’s school to have them reset. For more information about Infinite Campus, including training, how to navigate the campus portal, installing the app on your phone and more, please click here.
In partnership with Nevada Health Centers, the Carson City School District offers a School-Based Health Center open to Carson City families of school-aged children. The health center located at 618 W. Musser Street (behind the Professional Development Center at 604 W. Musser) in Carson City provides the following services:
- Preventive health and wellness
- Well child checks
- Sick visits
- Sports physicals
- Immunizations
- Health Management
The health center also accepts the following payment sources:
- Private Insurance
- Medicaid and Medicare
- Nevada Check Up
- Women’s Health Connection
- Sliding fee for low income uninsured patients
Appointments Call: 800-787-2568. Open: Tuesday & Thursday, 7 am – 5:30 pm (closed for lunch 12-1 pm).
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and their continued response requirements, Carson City Health and Human Services (CCHHS) has changed the way they do vaccination clinics. This year, they will offer Seasonal Flu Vaccinations with COVID-19 Testing in a drive-through or walk-up PODS (Point of Distribution) at various locations throughout the month of October.
October 10: Carson High School, 9 a.m. to 12 noon.
October 14: Eagle Valley Middle School, 4-6 p.m.
October 21: Carson Middle School, 4-6 p.m.
The seasonal flu vaccine will only be available as injectable (commonly known as “a shot”) for all age groups in 2020-2021. Based on recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP), the nasal mist vaccine will not be available. The shot will protect against four (4) flu viruses.
Carson City School District provides a 24/7/365 (24-hour, 7-days-a-week, 365-days-per-year) safety tool. SafeVoice is a live tip reporting system for school safety and student well-being offered in partnership by the Nevada Departments of Education, the Nevada Department of Public Safety and, more locally, the Carson City Sheriff’s Office to all K-12 schools, students, parents and community members in Nevada.
Students, parents and community members can report concerns about their friends or themselves by using the free SafeVoice app, calling 1-833-216-7233 (SAFE) or visiting The reporting tool is easy to use, and when the person who reports an incident logs back in, he or she is able to dialogue with SafeVoice Communications Specialists who will determine if law enforcement is needed immediately to protect life safety. Reports are sent to the schools where administrators and counselors will respond with support, intervention and a safety plan for the child of concern. Similarly, any reports where law enforcement are needed, will be sent directly to dispatchers in Carson City. Reporters may remain anonymous, and by law, all reports are confidential – they are never shared outside of the SafeVoice response system.
The Carson City School District’s Board of Trustees is pleased to sponsor the 19th Annual American Citizen Essay Contest. Completed essays are due to the Carson City School District at 1402 West King Street no later than 5 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 3, 2020. Read more here.
Any public, charter, private or home-schooled student in Carson City may participate in the contest. The essay should be no longer than five (5) pages and may be as short as the student desires. The essay may be handwritten or typed.
Essays will be judged within each grade level as they follow adherence to the topic, their quality of writing and their originality of thought. The topic for this year is the following:
“As we celebrate the 100th anniversary of the passage of the 19th Amendment to the United States’ Constitution, discuss the importance of a citizen’s right to vote to Americans and aspiring Americans.”
We are pleased to announce Empire Elementary School has met the requirements to be designated as an official Governor’s STEM School.
An Advisory Council on Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM Council) and the Governor’s Office of Science, Innovation and Technology (OSIT) developed the official Governor’s STEM School Designation based on national best practices to provide schools with a blueprint for integrating STEM into daily classroom instruction. We were pleased our team and leadership at Empire made it possible.
There is so much great news about Carson City School District. Below are links to some of the recent and popular stories from events and activities throughout the district.
ParentSquare, New Communication Tool
Posted on 08/20/2020
The Carson City School District was pleased to announce ParentSquare, a new communication platform for parents and guardians to obtain and receive information related to their child’s school. The program primarily utilizes email, text and app notifications to allow two-way communication between parents and teachers. READ MORE...
CHS Speech and Debate Students Earn National Rankings
Posted on 06/29/2020
A half dozen Speech and Debate students from Carson High School earned national rankings at an Online National Speech and Debate Tournament June 14-20. The contest featured 1,322 schools and more than 5,300 students across the nation. READ MORE...
Key Info for Students Returning to School Aug. 24
Posted on 08/17/2020
With the start of the Fall 2020 school year, hindered by a pandemic, Carson City School District officials said things will look a bit different. Here is a list of key information students, parents and families would want to be familiar with as students returned to school. READ MORE...
Log on to our website,, regularly to remain updated on all the wonderful events and accomplishments occurring across the district as we transition through the fall months together. This tool will inevitably help you stay informed as we continue through another fun and exciting school year.
And if you don’t already, be sure to “LIKE” us on Facebook, and choose to “See First” so you never miss an important news update. Also find us on Twitter and YouTube.
Be sure to FOLLOW and LIKE CCSD’s Facebook: ( and Twitter ( pages. Each provide real-time district and school news to the community. The pages are used as a tool to relay information of school closures, emergencies, good news, events, etc.
The pages aim to engage the community about local, state and national education news/topics, report from live board of education meetings and other district meetings and events and post student and staff pictures and achievements
Have you captured some amazing photos at some of our school sites? Please share your photos with us. Feel free to email our Public Information Officer Dan Davis,[email protected], with any shots you’d like to share publicly through our social media. Or tag us @carsoncityschooldistrict on Facebook or @carsonschools on Twitter.
This quarterly newsletter serves as an information tool to communicate Carson City School District news and events to the community.
You can read the latest newsletter or past issues by selecting issues from the left drop-down menu on our website here.
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