Michael Hoffer, affectionately known as “Mikey” at Carson High School, is a student who radiates joy and resiliency in a way that very few do, and it is because of this and his service to others that he is Carson High School’s Senior in the Spotlight. Academically, Mikey stands out in a class of incredibly competitive young people. He boasts a 4.15 GPA, and he constantly challenges himself by taking honors courses. Mikey has lettered in academics the last two years. He excels in courses that require teamwork and community engagement, and all of his teachers highlight Mikey’s positive attitude as infectious amongst his peers.
Mikey has contributed to the CHS community in a way that is hard to compare; he has set a standard which underclassmen work hard to meet. Currently serving as CHS’s Student Body President, Mikey has been a four-year participant in CHS Student Leadership. Beyond his work in leadership, Mikey serves a critical leadership role within CHS’s Blue Crew, which works to bring freshmen and new students into the fold. He also has worked to establish a Rotary Interact Club at CHS this year, and the group has grown tremendously under his co-leadership. One thing that sets Mikey apart is that he participates in these things not for the notoriety nor the resume building, but rather, he participates because he truly believes that CHS should be a place where everyone feels welcomed and seen. Mikey has been fundamental in shifting the focus of Student Leadership at CHS to include voices from diverse populations, and his efforts have not gone unnoticed. Mikey’s leadership is quiet, gentle, kind and welcoming, which sets an excellent example for those around him.
Locals will know Mikey’s sunshine from their weekend shopping trips to Trader Joe’s where Mikey has been employed for the last three years. His work at Trader Joe’s has given him an outlet to engage with the community in a positive and constructive way. Mikey’s mom is an incredible support of Mikey; as a single mom, she works hard to show up for him daily. In all things, Mikey and his mom are a team, and this kind positive support has greatly contributed to his personal success.
Mikey is unsure which college he will be attending in the fall. He will need to rely solely on scholarship and financial aid as well as a part time job in order to afford college. He is actively pursuing scholarships all while continuing his volunteer work at CHS and in the community. Carson High School is grateful to Mikey for his ongoing commitment to those around him, and we wish him luck in his next endeavor!
For more information, please visit senatorsnow.org.
(By Bridget Gordon-Johnson, Carson High School Counselor)