Fall 2017


Community Quarterly Newsletter | CARSON CITY, NEVADA | Fall, 2017



Richard Stokes

I would like to extend a warm welcome to our students, families and community members as we begin the 2017-18 school year. District employees have worked hard to prepare for a great school year, and we are ready to go! The focus of the school district remains constant; we care about each and every student. The faculty, staff and school board strive to live our vision every day: Our Community Inspires and Empowers Innovators, Leaders and Thinkers.

Our schools must continue to be safe places where students are engaged, challenged to meet the standards necessary for college or a career and where fun is definitely encouraged. We want students to build productive and sustaining relationships, and know that our sole purpose is to support them as they become the productive citizens we know they can be. The faculty and staff at the Carson City School District are committed to doing just that. The strength of any school is found in its employees!


Solar EclipseThe first day of school, Aug. 17, 2017, kicked off with some science and a memorable celestial event. As the solar eclipse made its journey across the country, many students were able to witness this rare occurrence first-hand…on their first day of class.

The Carson City School District purchased viewing glasses for all elementary students to safely view and experience this natural and scientific wonder of our solar system.
Solar Eclipse
Al Seeliger third grade teacher Coco Graham said the staff is beyond grateful for the school district's gift for affording students to indulge in a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

"The fact that this is happening on the first day of school shines a perfect ray," she said. "It will get them thrilled about science and keep them inspired for the school year."

Click here to read the full report by the Nevada Appeal.


New PrincipalsThe Carson City School District (CCSD) is pleased to announce the appointment of two new principals for the 2017-2018 school year: Mrs. Lisa Hutchison as the new principal of Bordewich Bray Elementary School and Dr. Jennifer Ward-DeJoseph as the new principal of Fremont Elementary School.

New VPsWith the new leadership, the district has also appointed four new vice principals: Mrs. Michelle Cleveland at Bordewich Bray Elementary, Mrs. Chelise Crookshanks at Carson Middle School, Mrs. Julie Cowan at Al Seeliger Elementary and Mrs. Cheryl Richetta at Fremont Elementary School.

"We welcome all of these leaders in their new roles,” said Mr. Richard Stokes, CCSD superintendent. “They are strong student advocates with successful track records in administering appropriate district curriculum that is aligned with the Nevada State Standards. I look forward to each of them contributing to the dynamic leadership teams at their respective schools." 


Infinite Campus RegistrationIt's time to update your child's information in Infinite Campus! The process should only take a few minutes, and we ask that you complete this as soon as possible.

Click here! And then login with your username and password to begin the update. If you do not remember your username or password, please call the individual school where your child is attending.

For more information about Infinite Campus, including training, how to navigate the campus portal, installing the app on your phone and more, please click here.


Boys & Girls ClubThe Carson City School District has partnered with the Boys & Girls Clubs of Western Nevada to house a new Pre-K (preschool) classroom at the Carson City clubhouse located at 1870 Russell Way. Twenty students between the ages of 4 and 5 will receive full-day instruction this school year Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.

The preschool will offer all the traditional amenities offered through the school district including desks and other classroom furniture, buses, breakfast and lunch (prepared offsite) and a full-time teacher and paraprofessional. The Pre-K class will follow the district’s adopted curriculum, which focuses on reading readiness, early math skills and social and motor skills. Lessons will follow a two-week theme with dramatic play and exploration. Click here to read more.


Sept.18 (Monday) Early Release Day
Sept. 20 (Wednesday) Community PLC, 6 p.m., Carson High School Library
Sept. 26 (Tuesday) School Board Meeting, 7 p.m., Community Center
Oct. 2 (Monday) Professional Development (No School for students)
Oct. 3 (Tuesday) Vaccination Clinic at Carson High School
Oct. 4 (Wednesday) Vaccination Clinic at Carson High School
Oct. 5 (Thursday) Vaccination Clinic at Fremont Elementary School
Oct. 6 (Friday) Vaccination Clinic at Pioneer High School
Oct. 6 (Friday) Vaccination Clinic at Empire Elementary School
Oct. 6 (Friday) Vaccination Clinic at Carson Montessori School
Oct. 10 (Tuesday) School Board Meeting, 7 p.m., Community Center
Oct. 16 (Monday) Early Release Day
Oct. 19 (Thursday) Vaccination Clinic at Fritsch Elementary School
Oct. 19 (Thursday) Vaccination Clinic at Bordewich Elementary School
Oct. 20 (Friday) Vaccination Clinic at Mark Twain Elementary School
Oct. 20 (Friday) Vaccination Clinic at Seeliger Elementary School
Oct. 24 (Tuesday) School Board Meeting, 7 p.m., Community Center
Oct. 24 (Tuesday) Vaccination Clinic at Eagle Valley Middle School
Oct. 25 (Wednesday) Vaccination Clinic at Carson Middle School
Oct. 26 (Thursday) Vaccination Clinic at Early Childhood (next to Bordewich)
Oct. 27 (Friday) Nevada Day (School Holiday)
Nov. 7 (Tuesday) School Board Meeting, 7 p.m., Community Center
Nov. 10 (Friday) Veteran’s Day (School Holiday)
Nov. 13 (Monday) Early Release Day
Nov. 15 (Wednesday) Community PLC Meeting, 6 p.m., Carson High School Library
Nov. 21 (Tuesday) School Board Meeting, 7 p.m., Community Center
Nov. 22 – 24 (Wed./Thurs./Fri.) Thanksgiving Break (School Holiday)
Dec. 4 (Monday) Professional Development (No School for students)
Dec. 12 (Tuesday) School Board Meeting, 7 p.m., Community Center


Energy EfficentNevada’s most energy-efficient school district wrings savings out of schools. Carson City School District, in partnership with McKinstry, a national leader in designing, constructing, operating, and managing high-performance buildings, began a series of building modernizations that will save the district $357,000 annually through reduced utility and operational costs. These savings from improvements will pay for the project over the next 18 years and will assist in improving the educational environment in eleven different campuses.
Light Bulbs
Carson City School District is also set to launch McKinstry’s three-year educational-focused energy awareness and operational efficiency program called powerED. The program engages students, staff and faculty across the district in energy, water and waste conservation efforts. This program will augment the district’s cutting-edge Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) initiatives.

Click here to read a more comprehensive report from the Nevada Appeal.

Education Quote


StudentsThe Carson City Schools Foundation (CCSF) is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting community involvement and investment in the public schools of Carson City. This project is one of the many results of the “Empower Carson City 2022″ Strategic Plan – a five-year strategic plan for extraordinary schools built by the community of Carson City.

CCSF has been created to increase student achievement through philanthropic investment and involvement. Serving at the pleasure of the superintendent and the school board, we plan to be a vehicle for education investment that traditional funding sources might not be able to reach.

How can you help? Make a contribution with your credit card. It’s easy! Go to ccschoolsfoundation.org/campaigns/donations/ for a simple self-explanatory contribution link. Click here to watch a YouTube video about the foundation.


School Based Health CenterIn partnership with Nevada Health Centers, the Carson City School District offers a School-Based Health Center open to Carson City families of school-aged children. The health center located at 618 W. Musser Street (behind Gleason School at 604 W. Musser) in Carson City provides the following services:

  • Preventive health and wellness
  • Well child checks
  • Sick visits
  • Sports physicals
  • Immunizations
  • Health Management

The health center also accepts the following payment sources:

  • Private Insurance
  • Medicaid and Medicare
  • Nevada Check Up
  • Women’s Health Connection
  • Sliding fee for low income uninsured patients

Medical Appointments Call: 800-787-2568.

Hours: Tuesday & Thursday, 7:00 am – 5:30 pm (closed for lunch 12-1 pm) 

Start Times Early Dismissal


Website HomepageThe Carson City School District website is a comprehensive source of information about district programs, schools, curriculum, policies, events and operations. It is designed to meet the information needs of parents, students and the community.

Over the summer, the site and corresponding school sites were redesigned using web best practices, which included a usability study conducted with parents, students and staff. The images and design is posed more in line with the district’s brand and is intended to enhance the visiting experiences of viewers.

The performance of the site is monitored using analytics, and a yearly online user survey is conducted to ensure the site meets key indicators and the goals of the district's Strategic Plan. The individual school sites provide parents and students detailed information about the schools. School leadership maintains these profiles which are updated regularly.


FacebookBe sure to FOLLOW and LIKE CCSD’s Facebook: (facebook.com/carsoncityschooldistirct) and Twitter (twitter.com/carsonschools) pages. Each provide real-time district and school news to the community. The pages are used as a tool to relay information of school closures, emergencies, good news, events, etc.

The pages aim to engage the community about local, state and national education news/topics, report from live board of education meetings and other district meetings and events and post student and staff pictures and achievements.


Snow BranchesIn preparation for the approaching winter months, we wanted to provide you with information that will be helpful in the event of school delays or closures caused by wintery conditions. If you would like to read more about school emergency operations, Board Regulation 805 can be found on the District’s webpage at carsoncityschools.com within the “School Board” tab or by clicking here.

Should it be necessary to delay the start of a school day or cancel school due to severe or unsafe weather conditions, you will most likely hear about the decision from local news sources. Beginning as early as 5:15 AM, watch or listen to your favorite local TV or Radio stations to get updates about changes to school schedules. Our District webpage is also a good place to learn if there are school delays or closures. A banner on our home page will display the essential information as early as 6:00 AM on a day when the weather is questionable. The third method, which you may hear about a school delay or closure, will come in the form of an automated text and/or telephone call as early as 6 AM. This text or call from the District Office will provide you with the general details for the day.

Extreme weather swings are possible in Carson City. Here are some terms that you will want to understand about school delays or closures.

Important Phone NumbersDelayed Start
– Schools will start two-hours later than usual. Principals will adjust the school schedule for the shortened day. If possible, staff should arrive at the school at least 15 minutes before school is to begin on the shortened schedule. The school day will typically end at the normal time. Breakfast will not be served

Closure – Schools will be closed for the entire day. No student activities or programs will occur. This includes afterschool programs, practices, performances and contests including interscholastic athletic events. No school services such as transportation, nutrition, or student health will be provided.

Early Release – In the unlikely occurrence that conditions warrant early release from school, after-school programs, practices, performances and contests, including interscholastic athletic events will likely be cancelled.

Parent Discretion – If at any time you feel that conditions are unsafe to take or send your student to school, you may keep your child home for the day regardless of the District’s decision to hold school. The schools will support your decision and work with you to make-up any school work or assignments.


Driving in weatherAs you and your family prepare for the winter months ahead, here are some useful tips.

Be prepared: Keep your automobile with enough fuel and in good working order for winter travel. Snow tires and/or tire chains may help while driving on snowy or icy roads. New wipers and clean windows will be important. A fully charged mobile phone may come in handy.

Plan ahead: Allow plenty of time for your student to eat breakfast at home. Breakfast will not be served at school if a delayed start has been called. If you rely on child care, speak to your provider about alternate plans if school schedules change. Leave your home early enough to compensate for hazardous driving conditions.

Stay informed: Use the local media to learn about changes to school schedules, road conditions, and relevant weather forecasts. District sources such as the website (carsoncityschools.com), automated phone calls, text messages or emails can help keep you informed.

Stay safe: Dress accordingly; have your children wear protective outer clothes articles such as boots, a hat, gloves and a coat. Automobile speeds should be appropriate for the road conditions. Use your headlights as needed. Drive defensively.


VaccinationCarson City Health and Human Services (CCHHS) is working with our schools to offer students annual seasonal flu vaccinations. There will be a team of CCHHS licensed nurses at each school to administer the flu vaccine. The vaccination is safe and a health action that benefits all age groups to protect against influenza illness.

The Vaccine will only be available as injectable (commonly known as “a shot”) for all age groups in 2017-2018. Based on recommendations from the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP), the nasal mist vaccine will not be available. The shot will protect against four (4) flu viruses.

Vaccination Dates

In order for students to receive a flu vaccine, please:

  • COMPLETE and SIGN the yellow consent form that is available on the district’s website here.
  • SEND the completed yellow consent form back to the child’s school/teacher at least ONE WEEK BEFORE YOUR SCHOOL’S SCHEDULED CLINIC DATE.
  • READ the Influenza Vaccine Information Statement. It will be given to your child on the day of vaccination or can be obtained from the CCHHS website, where you can also access more information: GetHealthyCarsonCity.org/immunizations.


For more information regarding the Carson City School District, don’t hesitate to reach out to us.

Hours of Operation
Monday - Friday
8:00 a.m. -5:00 p.m.
