The Carson City School District’s Nutrition Services is reminding students and families that in order to be eligible for the Summer Pandemic EBT (P-EBT) Card Meal Program, all Free and Reduced Lunch status applications must be turned in and on file before the end of the school year, Thursday, June 1, 2023.
In order to receive a summer P-EBT card, the student must either attend a Community Eligibility Provision school (Empire, Mark Twain, Fremont, Bordewich, Fritsch, Carson Middle, or Pioneer) or have a Free and Reduced Lunch application on file with a Free or Reduced status.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has provided free lunch and breakfast for all students 18 and under for the past few years. This has been done for all students, regardless of their status and application for Free and Reduced Lunch. Now as USDA’s Food and Nutrition Services are releasing new P-EBT guidance, school officials worry some students who haven’t applied to the program will miss out on P-EBT funds.
The USDA’s national school meal programs have long been a vital source of nutritious meals for students. Families normally need to meet income requirements to qualify for free or reduced breakfasts and lunches. But as Nevada recovers from the repercussions of the pandemics, the state has provided funding so schools can focus on providing meals while keeping families and staff safe. CCSD’s Nutrition Services is excited to continue to do this through the 2023-2024 school year.
For more information, please contact the nutrition office at 775-283-2150.