Due to the number of employees and students who have been advised to isolate from confirmed cases of COVID-19 at Mark Twain Elementary School and out of an abundance of caution, the Carson City School District will temporarily transition the school and its students to full-remote learning until further notice. For further information on the total number of confirmed and active cases, please visit the school district’s COVID-19 Information page where data is updated regularly.
While students and staff function via remote learning, the school will undergo thorough cleaning and sanitizing. Additionally, no meals will be prepared and distributed from the school until further notice.
The district is working closely with the Carson City Health and Human Services on contact tracing and will continue to follow the enhanced cleaning protocol in all schools including additional cleaning and disinfecting of the facilities per the Centers for Disease Control guidelines. Contact tracing is conducted through the county health department by a contracted firm, Deloitte. Members of the public are urged to respond to telephone calls from Deloitte.
Finally, the school district asks that all Mark Twain Elementary School parents and families make arrangements to ensure their child(ren) are able to login, be present and able to learn remotely from home.
For more information on this announcement, please visit the school district’s website at CarsonCitySchools.com.