Community Quarterly Newsletter | CARSON CITY, NEVADA | Spring, 2024
As the days grow longer and the world awakens with the vibrant colors of spring, it is a reminder that the only constant we have is change. We continue to have new experiences, new acquaintances, new hopes, new challenges and new opportunities. The underlying mission of our schools, is to make the most of every day for kids by empowering them with skills, knowledge and opportunities to thrive, but as our world changes we continue to adapt what that means so all of our kids are engaged and will have their best chance at success in that ever-evolving future. That is why I am excited to see the continued progress and achievements of our school community and the unwavering support of our stakeholders. From academic accomplishments to creative endeavors and everything in between, I am continually inspired by the dedication and passion displayed by our students and staff.
As we enter the final stretch of this exciting school year, we couldn’t be prouder of the accomplishments of our students. You’ll find many highlights as you continue to read below of both students and teachers doing remarkable things. We realize that the success of our students comes in part because of the tremendous support from parents and our community, but we should also recognize the dedicated employees who pour their heart and souls into our students every day. From teachers to bus drivers, secretaries, aides, custodians, food service staff, maintenance staff and administrators; we have a family approach here, and we take seriously our job of investing into the lives of every student, every day.
Andrew Feuling
Superintendent, Carson City School District
Evening News Anchor Denise Wong with KOLO 8 News did a feature story last month about how a group of first grade students at Fritsch Elementary School were learning sign language to embrace their classmate. Arlo Gelsone, is hearing impaired, but that is not stopping him or his classmates from adapting, learning and having fun. The video shows how an American Sign Language Club, which meets every week, is “Breaking Sound Barriers” and teaching students to adapt. In the process and through empathy, the students found ways to play together with Arlo, even adapting the game “Duck, Duck, Goose.” Arlo’s Interpreter Marilyn Weese and Teacher Ruth Torres help describe the excitement in learning. Watch the video on YouTube here.
In response to the growing need for accessible and affordable academic support, students in high school and middle school in Carson City now have access to "Paper," a cutting-edge online, unlimited tutoring service available 24/7.
Students can receive support in more than 200 subjects including mathematics, science, English and history to name a few. They may also submit written work for review and feedback, receive assistance in multiple languages and can ask questions in free 1-on-1 tutoring sessions. Students may access the program through Clever from the Chromebook Student Dashboard. In addition to tutoring, students will find games, learning tools and college/career readiness such as ACT practice. Read more here.
The robotics team from Eagle Valley Middle School in Carson City, known as the Metallic Eagles, took the top prize at northern Nevada’s FIRST LEGO League Championship. With the win, the team was selected as the sole representative from the state of Nevada to receive an invitation to compete at the FIRST Lego League World Festival in Houston, Texas, April 17-20, 2024.
In order to achieve this dream, the team is hoping local businesses and organizations will step up to provide financial support for the trip. Their goal is to collect $20,000 to ensure all students on the team may participate. Donations are being accepted at the EVMS front office. Team members include Hunter Budd, Nicholas Budd, Edwin Curiel Leon, Kassandra Mosqueda, Allen Riley and McKenna Weber. See video in English and Spanish here.
Here is a quick reference to the 2024-2025 Academic School Calendar. This document details the start and end times of each school within the district, as well as minimum day dismissal and early release times for each school site. Please note those early release days for Professional Development will be on Wednesdays again.
Take some time to plug in all those important school dates in your calendar. These include Early Release Days, Minimum Days, and Holidays. Also take time to note Winter and Spring Break dates as well as Parent Conferences and Graduation and Middle School Promotion dates. Additional links to school calendars can also be found here.
IMPORTANT AND NOTABLE FUTURE DATES (Dates & Times are Subject to Change)
Please refer to the School District’s Academic School Calendar for additional information regarding district professional learning and early release days, school holidays and other important information. Below are some notable and important future dates.
- March 10 (Sun.) Daylight Savings Time begins, set clocks forward 1 hour
- March 12 (Tues.) School Board Meeting, 6:30 p.m., Community Center, Bob Crowell Board Room
- March 14 (Thurs.) Choirpalooza, 7 p.m., Carson High School big gym
- March 20 (Wed.) District Professional Learning, Minimum/Early Release Day
- March 21 (Thurs.) Elementary Parent Conf. Min. Day, elementary schools dismiss at 12:40 p.m.
- March 21 (Thurs.) Band-O-Rama, 7 p.m., Carson High School big gym
- March 22 (Fri.) Elementary Parent Conf. Min. Day, all elementary schools dismiss at 12:40 p.m.
- March 22 (Fri.) Mr. Carson High, 6:30 p.m., Community Center, theater
- March 26 (Tues.) School Board Meeting, 6:30 p.m., Community Center, Bob Crowell Board Room
- March 27 (Wed.) District Professional Learning, Minimum/Early Release Day
- March 29 – April 5 Spring Break (School Holiday)
- April 8 (Mon.) School classes resume
- April 9 (Tues.) School Board Meeting, 6:30 p.m., Community Center, Bob Crowell Board Room
- April 17 (Wed.) District Professional Learning, Minimum/Early Release Day
- April 19 (Fri.) Father-Daughter Ball, 6-9 p.m. in the big gym at Carson High School
- April 23 (Tues.) School Board Meeting, 6:30 p.m., Community Center, Bob Crowell Board Room
- April 24 (Wed.) District Professional Learning, Minimum/Early Release Day
- April 24(Wed.) Community Connections Meeting, 6 p.m., Carson High School Library
- May 11 (Sat.) The Day of the Child event, Carson High School, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
- May 14 (Tues.) School Board Meeting, 6:30 p.m., Community Center, Bob Crowell Board Room
- May 15 (Wed.) District Professional Learning, Minimum/Early Release Day
- May 24-27 (Fri-Mon) Memorial Day Holiday Weekend (No School)
- May 28 (Tues.) School Board Meeting, 6:30 p.m., Community Center, Bob Crowell Board Room
- May 29 (Wed.) Minimum Day, Carson High School, dismiss at 11:40 a.m.
- May 29 (Wed.) Minimum Day, Pioneer Academy, dismiss at 11:50 a.m.
- May 29 (Wed.) Minimum Day, Carson Middle School, dismiss at 12:00 noon
- May 29 (Wed.) Minimum Day, Eagle Valley Middle School, dismiss at 12:00 noon
- May 29 (Wed.) Eagle Valley Middle School 8th Grade Promotion, 1 p.m., EVMS gym
- May 29 (Wed.) Pioneer Academy Graduation, 6 p.m., Community Center, Theater
- May 30 (Thurs.) Minimum Day, Last Day of School
- May 30 (Thurs.) Carson Middle School 8th Grade Promotion, 1 p.m., CMS gym
- June 1 (Sat.) Carson High School Graduation, 9 a.m., Carson High School, Football Field
- June 5-27 (Tues-Thurs) Ready to Rock Kinder, summer school development, 8:30-11:45 a.m.
- June 11 (Tues.) School Board Meeting, 6:30 p.m., Community Center, Bob Crowell Board Room
- June 19 (Wed.) Juneteenth (State Holiday)
- June 25 (Tues.) School Board Meeting, 6:30 p.m., Community Center, Bob Crowell Board Room
- July 4 (Thurs.) Independence Day Holiday
- July 9 (Tues.) School Board Meeting, 6:30 p.m., Community Center, Bob Crowell Board Room
- July 23 (Tues.) School Board Meeting, 6:30 p.m., Community Center, Bob Crowell Board Room
- August 13 (Tues.) School Board Meeting, 6:30 p.m., Community Center, Bob Crowell Board Room
- August 19 (Mon.) First Day of School
- August 22 (Thurs.) First Day of School for Kindergarten and Pre-K
- August 27 (Tues.) School Board Meeting, 6:30 p.m., Community Center, Bob Crowell Board Room
- August 28 (Wed.) District Professional Learning, Minimum/Early Release Day
All Pre-K, Kindergarten, new and returning student updates and registrations are underway. The school district utilizes Infinite Campus (IC) for their student data information system. Parents and families of new and current students will utilize online registration through IC to provide and update student information.
This year, in order to be admitted into kindergarten, all students MUST be 5-years-old on or before Thursday, Aug. 1, 2024. To review school boundaries, please check the district’s website at and click on “School Attendance Zones” under the “Parents” tab. Or click here to view the CCSD School Site Locator on the district’s here to view it in Spanish. Read more here.
Elementary schools in the Carson City School District will again host “Ready to Rock Kinder,” a summer school development assessment for all students planning to attend Kindergarten this fall. The 12-day program (June 5-27, Tuesdays through Thursdays, 8:30-11:45 a.m.) will focus on kindergarten readiness and will allow parents and teachers to discuss school readiness and activities to help children be “Ready to Rock Kinder.”
The kindergarten readiness program will begin Tuesday, June 4, 2024, 8-10 a.m.) with a ‘Parent and Me’ Kick-off where parents will experience the first day of the readiness program with their student. At the conclusion of the program, Parent Teacher Conferences will be held Friday, June 28, to discuss and support school readiness. Space for the summer program is limited. To reserve a spot for a student planning to attend Kindergarten this year, please sign up at the school the child will attend. Locations may change based on student enrollment.
Students MUST be registered at a Carson City School District school prior to attending the readiness program. Bus transportation may be available. Daily snack will be provided (or parents may send a snack). Readiness reports and activities to help children be “Ready to Rock Kinder” will be provided at the parent teacher conferences. Read more here.
At their first meeting of the year, Jan. 9, 2024, the Carson City School District School Board of Trustees nominated and voted in new leadership for the Carson City school board. Trustee Joe Cacioppo, District 7, was named the newest president. He replaced former President and now Immediate Past President Laurel Crossman, District 2, as the school board’s leader. Trustees Lupe Ramirez, District 1, and Mike Walker, District 5, were also named vice president and clerk, respectively. Ramirez replaced former Vice President Cacioppo and Walker replaced former Clerk Ramirez. Each of the three leaders will serve one-year terms. Read more.
The Carson City School District and its governing board of trustees were highly distinguished at the Nevada Association of School Boards (NASB) Annual Conference in Las Vegas last year. District employees and trustees were heavily acknowledged, earning nearly half of all the awards (7 out of 16 – in 13 categories) presented among the 17 districts statewide. Of note, the Carson City School District and Trustees were honored as the 2023 School Board Governance Team of the Year.
The School Board Governance Team of the Year award recognizes the vital role of local boards working hand-in-hand with superintendents and collaborating with district leaders to improve student achievement across all levels. Additionally, Bordewich Bray Elementary Principal Cheryl Richetta was honored as the NASB 2023 Administrator of the Year, Public Information Officer Dan Davis was honored as the NASB 2023 Board Support Person of the Year, Associate Superintendent over Educational Services Tasha Fuson was honored as the NASB 2023 District-Level Administrator Making a Difference, Trustee Richard Varner was honored with the NASB 2023 Executive Director’s Award, School Board President Laurel Crossman was honored as the NASB 2023 Individual School Board Member of the Year and Superintendent Andrew Feuling was jointly honored with Storey County Superintendent Todd Hess as the NASB 2023 Superintendent(s) of the Year. Read more.
Superintendent Andrew Feuling, newly elected Board President Joe Cacioppo and the Carson City School Board of Trustees acknowledged the effort and time contributed over the past year by outgoing leadership, specifically, Mrs. Laurel Crossman as the immediate past president. Both Crossman and Cacioppo will conclude their terms as elected school board trustees the end of the 2024 Calendar Year.
Nutrition Services with the Carson City School District is pleased to offer vending machines as part of their food distribution process. The effort is designed to help meet student needs and provide alternatives to waiting in lines.
Vending machines are only offered at the High Tech Center at Carson High, but if usage is high and there is positive feedback, the district plans to implement the machines throughout the Carson High School campus. Read more or watch the KOLO 8 News report.
In February, Carson City School District employees and administrators participated in the Nevada Association for Positive Behavior Support (NVAPBS) annual conference at the University of Nevada, Reno. As part of the conference, the district celebrated the recognition of the Platinum Award for Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSSS) Implementation for Fritsch Elementary School during an Awards Ceremony Luncheon.
The Platinum Award is the highest honor a Tier 1 or Tier 2 MTSS school can receive in recognition for its efforts to create supportive and inclusive learning environments. This recognition, awarded by the Nevada Association of Positive Behavior Support Network (a panel of statewide MTSS experts), reflects the school's outstanding commitment to ensuring the success and well-being of every student. Read more.
For Christian Lynch, 28, the path to a high school diploma wasn’t traditional. Adult education is unique. Unlike K-12 education, adult education is a choice. Students can earn their GED and their high school diploma. Classes are offered both online and at night from 6-9 p.m. Those interested in continuing their educational journey, please call (775) 283-1350. The Carson Adult Education office is located at 275 East Park Street in Carson City. Read more or watch the KOLO 8 News report.
The Carson City School District was pleased to host Nevada State Superintendent of Public Instruction Jhone Ebert in a listening and outreach tour of some schools and programs in Carson City. Ebert was accompanied by Nevada Department of Education’s Deputy Superintendent Ann Marie Dickson and Deputy Superintendent Christy McGill.
The tour initiative aimed to foster a direct line of communication between state education leaders and local educators, focusing on understanding the unique challenges and innovative programs being implemented within schools. Read more.
The Carson City School District would like to thank all the crossing guards at the schools in Carson City for their commitment in helping keep students safe. Every school day, rain, snow, sleet or shine, these highly dedicated individuals serve as ambassadors for schools, and for many parents, the only interaction they have with their child’s school.
Crossing guards not only assist students to cross the street safely, but they also often help set the tone and attitude for students, parents and employees each day. They are real heroes and provide an invaluable service to the community. Their smiles are contagious. Their simple message is clear. STOP. Be cautious. Be kind.
Above it all, they know each and every child (usually by name) who crosses their path twice daily. If you haven’t already, please 🛑 STOP 🛑 and thank a crossing guard.
The Carson City School District was pleased to announce three high-achieving students have been named Semifinalists in the 2023 National Merit Scholarship Program. Carson High Seniors Jora Kurland, Mori Kurland and Dylan Olson qualified in December as semifinalists.
The students were three of more than 16,000 Semifinalists across the country vying for nearly $28 million in scholarship funding that will be offered this spring. About 95 percent of the Semifinalists are expected to attain a finalist standing, and approximately half of the finalists will win a National Merit Scholarship. Read more.
Thirteen of Carson High School’s accomplished photography students have their work exhibited in "Photo Finished 2024" at the Community Development Building (the Brick), 108 E Proctor Street. The exhibit is a Capital City Arts Initiative and is on display through March 14. The Brick is open to the public, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 12 noon and 1 to 4 p.m. Participating students include: Jose Avina, Kylie Carrigan, Tyler Currier, Ella Dooley, Ethan Hendee, Keira Jacobsen, Zach Laaker, Eli Locatelli, Jamie McGee, Alex Nerska, Lorrell Service, Angel Vega and Emily Walker-Candia.
As part of the NASA TechRise Student challenge and Future Engineers, Carson High School Engineer students submitted a proposal to measure muon count and ionizing radiation at varying altitudes.
The Carson City team became curious about the potential for investigating cosmic rays and ionizing radiation in the upper atmosphere from other research done at Georgia State University and the Department of Energy. They plan to evaluate the performance of small muon detectors that use scintillating plastic/silicon photomultipliers as well as the performance of the electronics pocket geiger counters. Once obtained, they will compare their data to other experimental values of muon flux at altitude, such as from the University of Northern Colorado. Read more.
It was an exciting day back in November at Bordewich Bray Elementary School. Dr. Cook and Mrs. Richetta were slimed by students and teachers to celebrate the success of their cookie dough fundraiser. Students surpassed their goal of $30,000 in sales!
They also celebrated their Rock, Paper, Scissors tournament where the winning classes were Mrs. Dunbar’s and Mrs. Schuhmacher's classes.
In observance of Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) Week, Feb. 12-16, 2024, Carson High School parceled-out daily activities and emphases including “Fundraising Friday” where FBLA members sold raffle tickets for a chance to pie a teacher or administrator for charity. More than $500 was raised for charity.
FBLA is the nation’s largest business career and technical student organization dedicated to inspiring and preparing community-minded business leaders. There are 72 Carson High students in this year's FBLA chapter. Mr. Cody Downing and Mrs. Angila Golik are the advisers. The FBLA team is looking forward to their state competition in Reno this coming April. Read more.
We have the best school superintendent! Last December Mr. Feuling and his wife Colleen graciously dressed up as Santa and Mrs. Claus at Empire Elementary. The activity helped put students and teachers in the holiday spirit.
Each week (usually…as they align with Noon Rotary Club luncheons), Carson High School or Pioneer Academy school counselors will feature a “Senior in the Spotlight.” These spotlights highlight the interesting and amazing things each student is doing or has done, details specific challenges they may have dealt with as well as how they were able to overcame those trials.
The brief write-ups are not only featured on the district website, but they are also featured in local news media including and the Nevada Appeal. They are also featured on the district’s social media channels. Each Senior Spotlight student is later invited as a personal guest of Superintendent Andrew Feuling and introduced at that week’s Noon Rotary Club Meeting.
The success of many of our fall and winter sports teams and other extra-curricular activities and organizations certainly provides us all with a reason to celebrate.
Primarily of note, Carson High girls cross country won their second straight Nevada Interscholastic Activities Association (NIAA) 5A Team State Title, Nov. 4, 2023, at Rancho San Rafael Park in Reno. The girls defended the title, with five runners finishing in the top 10.
As a result, Head Coach Jason Macy was selected by the U.S. Track & Field & Cross Country Coaches Association (USTFCCCA) as the 2023 Girls High School Cross Country Coach of the Year for the state of Nevada.
And congratulations to girls basketball Coach Nate Tolbert for being named Northern Nevada 4A Division girls basketball coach of the year.
Carson High Ski Team had an impressive three athletes finish in the top 10 at state including Madalyn Lind Smith, 9th all-state and 9th all-region, Thomas Callister, 4th all-state and 2nd all-region and Cale Coombs, 10th all-state.
Mo Fall was named on the all-league honorable mention team for boys basketball. For girls basketball, Lauren Finnerty earned a placement on first team all-league after being named as a second team player last winter. She led the North in points scored (397) while shooting 38 percent from the field.
The wrestling season ended in 12 athletes being named on the first and second all-region teams including Konnor Crisp, JT Heaton, Keona Basa Holokai, Ethan Linehan, Matt Manley, AJ Marhevka, Izaiah Oliva, Jesse Oliva, Dominic Porter, Jett Rupert, Ean Thomas and Lucas Wold.
For girls volleyball, Sarah Miller received first team recognition for the second season in a row. Additionally, Dayna Myrehn was a second team all-region selection as was sophomore Abigail Franco.
For the third year in a row, both Madeline Roberts and Jamie McGee qualified for the Class 4A Nevada girls golf state tournament.
For girls soccer, Monse Iza and Addison Morgan were both named to the all-league first team at forward and midfield, respectively. Earning second-team honors were a handful of Carson players, including Vanessa Lara, Makayla Rabideau and Ashley Waiksnoris. Rounding out the selections for the Senators were freshman Grace Turner, junior Jailey Tijerina and sophomore Lillian Turner.
For the boys soccer, Josue Gomez was named the defender of the year. It was Gomez’s second year in a row on the all-league squad after being named a first-team all-league defender last season. Three more Senators were selected for first-team consideration. Johan Lizarraga got the honors in midfield, Angel Flores was a first-team all-league choice on defense and goalkeeper Joshua Lopez was chosen as the first-team all-league goalie. Carson had four more players earn second-team all-league honors. Jaden Gomez and Kael Walt both picked up recognition for their play in the midfield, while Trigo Burciaga was picked as a second teamer at forward. Diego Valdovinos was the fourth member of the Senators selected for second-team honors on defense.
In another season marked by unwavering dominance, and for the second year in a row, the Carson Middle School eighth-grade boys basketball team finished the season undefeated. The same group of boys finished in a similar manner last year as seventh-graders. The team has never lost a game and remains 36 and 0.
Additionally, back in October, the Carson Middle School eighth grade girls basketball team also celebrated another undefeated season and overall Tah-Neva Champions.
We would like to remind students and families that there is help at the touch of their fingertips. In July of last year, the U.S. transitioned the 10-digit National Suicide Prevention Lifeline to 988, an easy-to-remember three-digit number for 24/7 mental health crisis care.
The move to the three-digit 988 phone number makes it easier to dial when emotions are running high. It also alleviates suicide-related calls to 911, redirecting the caller to a mental health professional who’s able to better assist them and their immediate needs. Read more.
There is so much great news about Carson City School District. Below are links to some of the recent and popular stories from events and activities throughout the district.
Pioneer Academy Students Learn About Avalanche Mitigation, Rescue
Posted on 02/28/2024
Pioneer Academy students involved with Project Discovery were able to make a field trip to Palisades Tahoe to learn about avalanche mitigation efforts and rescue. The educational activity is summarized best in the words of Mike Selbey, executive director for Project Discovery. READ MORE...
$5,300 Donated to Support Comprehensive Life Skills, Special Education
Posted on 02/27/2024
The Ormsby Association of Carson City, on behalf of the Carson City Schools Foundation (CCSF), was pleased to donate $5,304.30 to Mr. Lance Hendee, Comprehensive Life Skills (CLS) and Special Education teacher at Carson High School, for the school’s Alternate Standards Program. READ MORE...
Carson High Students Admire Latino Artist Guillermo Bert Exhibit at NMOA
Posted on 02/26/2024
Guillermo Bert, an artist who was born in Santiago de Chile in 1959, was recently featured at the Nevada Museum of Art in Reno. Carson High Heritage Spanish 2 students, who had previously studied the artist and some of his works, were able to visit the exhibition. Through their studies, the students knew from what perspective to observe Bert’s art including topics such as commercialism, indigenism, futurism, heritage and more. READ MORE...
District's Quarterly Community Connections Event on K-12 Career Quest
Posted on 02/22/2024
News 4 and Fox 11 broadcast LIVE from Carson High’s Tech Center to promote the District's Quarterly Community Connections Event, which focused on K-12 Career Quest for students and parents. WATCH VIDEO HERE...
Empire Elementary Gets Hands-on Experience with New 3D Printer
Posted on 02/09/2024
Empire Elementary School in Carson City was excited to get hands-on learning experience with their new 3D printer and apply the technology as part of their STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) education. KOLO 8 News came to visit and report on the progress WATCH NEWS REPORT HERE...
Carson’s Clint Vondrak promoted to MLB umpire
Posted on 02/13/2024
Clint Vondrak, a 2007 Carson High School graduate, is officially a Major League Baseball umpire. He was one of two men promoted on to replace two retiring MLB umpires. 📸credit: Aaron Doster, Associated Press. READ MORE...
Carson High School’s 2024 Winterfest King and Queen
Posted on 02/03/2024
Carson High named AJ Marhevka and Brooklyn Grundy as the 2024 Winterfest King and Queen. Additionally, Kekoa Mitchell and Addy Morgan were named the 2024 Junior Class Winterfest Prince and Princess, Alex Martinez and Norah Schultz were named the 2024 Sophomore Class Winterfest Prince and Princess and Cruz Gonzales and Maria Pimentel Avelar were named the 2024 Freshman Class Winterfest Prince and Princess. The underclassmen crowning events were held at the Galaxy Movie Theater. READ MORE...
Carson City School Board Honors All-State Band Students
Posted on 02/01/2024
Freshman Jacob Blandford, French Horn; Senior Drea Cabral, Clarinet; Senior Nathan Parsons, Trumpet; and Senior Tessa Payan, Percussion, all earned a spot in All-State Band, which comprises the top band students from across the state of Nevada. Additionally, Parsons and Cabral are both celebrating their sixth consecutive year being selected for an all-state ensemble. READ MORE...
Anna Shane Selected for High School Youth Forum
Posted on 01/28/2024
Carson High’s Anna Shane was selected by the Nevada Section of the Society for Range Management to participate in the High School Youth Forum, an SRM sponsored youth activity held jointly during the 77th SRM International Conference. Anna was selected for this based on her academic performance and ability to apply science to understand and help solve land management challenges during SRM’s 2023 Nevada Youth Range Camp. READ MORE...
Carson City School District Host Reunification Training for Administrators
Posted on 01/08/2024
Administrators, office managers, nurses and other operations staff members participated in a parent/student reunification training and other emergency table-top exercises as part of professional development. The training was organized by the district’s risk manager and coordinated with Carson City’s emergency management services and the Community Emergency Response Team (CERT). MORE PHOTOS...
First Band and Choir Concert at Fremont Elementary
Posted on 12/10/2023
Band and Choir students at Fremont Elementary School held their first concert last December. They did fabulous practicing in front of students and then performing for their families. MORE PHOTOS...
CHS NJROTC Earns Fourth Place at National Competition in Fort Knox, Ky.
Posted on 12/04/2023
Carson High School’s Naval Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (NJROTC) program earned fourth place overall (All-Service – Mixed division) at the National Raider Team Challenge in Fort Knox, Ky. last year. The inaugural event hosted by the U.S. Army Cadet Command brought together talented cadets from across the nation to compete in a series of physically challenging events. READ MORE...
CHS NJROTC Supports Cancer Patients, Spreads Awareness with Aiguillettes
Posted on 11/30/2023
Carson High School Naval Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (NJROTC) cadets sold pink aiguillettes to wear on their uniforms with all proceeds donated to the Carson Tahoe Health Cancer Resource Center. The battalion provided an oversized check in the amount of $1,500 to Carson Tahoe Health representatives. READ MORE...
STEM Night at Mark Twain Elementary School
Posted on 11/24/2023
Sierra Nevada Journeys hosted a STEM night at Mark Twain Elementary School. Hawk families tested their engineering skills as they built wind cars. Thanks to our community partners, Partnership Carson City and Carson City Health and Human Services, along with Carson High School's Early Childhood Development students. MORE PHOTOS...
Carson City Schools Foundation Awarded $10,800 in Grants
Posted on 11/20/2023
The Carson City School District was pleased to announce mini and department grant winners for Fall 2023. Each semester, CCSF gives back to educators and students alike. This last semester, the foundation awarded a total of $10,800 in mini-grants as well as grants for a department, school or grade-level project(s). READ MORE...
Kindergartners at Fritsch Don Sterile Gowns, Learn Turkey Science
Posted on 11/17/2023
There were some exciting turkey scientists at Fritsch Elementary School in Carson City last November as kindergarten students donned sterile gowns and explored the anatomy of the beloved bird. The young scholars also calculated diagrams and created turkey traps as they prepared for Thanksgiving. READ MORE...
Student Winners Announced for American Citizen Essay Contest
Posted on 11/15/2023
The Carson City School District’s Board of Trustees was pleased to announce nine student winners of the 22nd Annual American Citizen Essay Contest. Each winner was recognized at the school board meeting Tuesday, Nov. 14, and received the following cash prizes: First Place: $100, Second Place: $50 and Third Place: $30. Grade level winners include the following. READ MORE...
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The channels aim to engage the community about local, state and national education news/topics, report from live board of education meetings and other district meetings and events and post student and staff pictures and achievements.
Contact Information:
For more information regarding the Carson City School District, don’t hesitate to reach out to us.
Hours of Operation
Monday - Friday
8:00 a.m. -5:00 p.m.
Carson City School District
1402 West King Street, Carson City, NV 89703 | Phone 775-283-2000 | Fax 775-283-2090