Nutrition Program

Nutrition Services                                       



To provide nutritional well prepared meals; maintain clean sanitized kitchens and to treat all students, parents and staff with respect and courteous service.

Carson City School District families,
The Online Meal Application will be available to apply for the 2024 - 2025 school year July 1, 2024 using Google Chrome, Safari or Edge web browsers.
Your student will have the first 30 days of school with the same status that he/she ended the school year 2023/2024 with to re-apply.

If you have any questions or concerns you can call our nutrition office at 775-283-2150.


Online Meal Application        ONLINE MEAL APPLICATION (click here)  using Google Chrome, Safari or Edge web browser.  
             Nutrition FAQ (English)               Nutrition FAQ (Spanish)


Diet Modification Form

Diet Modification Form-Spanish

Titan - Online Payments for Student Meal Accounts

Click on the address below to start your set up for the online payment process using Google Chrome, Safari or Edge web browser.

Titan parent support number


2024/2025 Meal Pricing

Elementary/Middle School Breakfast - $1.50
High School Breakfast - $2.75
Adult Breakfast for all grade levels - $3.00


Elementary Lunch- $3.25
Middle School Lunch - $3.75
High School Lunch - $4.00

Adult Lunch for all grade levels - $4.00

Additional Milk - $.50

Student Low and Negative Balance Meal Procedures

                                                   Meal Charging Policy

The goal of Carson City School District is to ensure that students have access to nutritious meals to support their academic success through the National School Lunch Program at designated campuses. At the same time, it is imperative that the financial stability of each campus's nutrition program be protected. The purpose of this policy is to ensure compliance with federal reporting requirements for the USDA Child Nutrition Program and to provide oversight and accountability for the collection of outstanding student meal balances.

The intent of this policy is to establish uniform meal account procedures for Carson City School District participating in the National School Lunch Program (NSLP).

Carson City School District will maintain records to demonstrate how the policy was implemented and communicated to households.

Students identified as eligible to receive free meals will be allowed to receive one (1) free reimbursable meal during breakfast and lunch each day. Additional meals must be purchased at the full-price rate.

A student with pay status can incur negative charges up to $15.00 on their lunch account whereas a student with reduced status can incur negative charges up to $5.00. When the student can no longer charge they will receive an emergency snack.

The emergency snack will consist of three food items: Milk, Fruit and Vegetables.

The responsibility for meal payments to Carson City School District Nutrition Program belongs to the parent/guardian. Elementary students may turn in meal payments to their teachers during attendance in the morning which is sent to the lunch room daily. Payments may be given to the cashier at breakfast or lunch time. Middle and High School Students are encouraged to pay before school, however meal payments are also made during breakfast and lunch with any cashier. Meals may also be prepaid online at Funds should be maintained in the students' lunch account to minimize the possibility that a student may be without meal money on any given instructional day.

At the end of the school year, any remaining funds for a particular student will be carried over to the next school year unless the parent/guardian request a refund in writing. Parents/guardians may provide Nutrition Services with a written request to have the remaining funds of a withdrawn or graduating student refunded. Parents/guardians will be given the option to transfer the remaining funds of a graduating students to a sibling's account with a written request.

If a student is without meal money on a consistent basis, the administration will investigate the situation more closely and take further action as needed. If financial hardship exists, parents/guardians are encouraged to apply for free or reduced price lunches for their child(ren) at any time over the course of the school year.

Notification to Households of Low or Negative Balances
When a student can no longer charge, kitchen managers are to send parent notification of negative balances by email or U.S. Postal. They will also call the Nutrition Office with the student's name and may also notify the Principal, Vice Principal and /or Office Manager. The nutrition office will contact the Parent/Guardian by phone and ask if they have filled out a meal application or deposit money towards their child's meal account for purchase of hot meals.

Delinquent Meal Charge Debt
Delinquent meal charge debt is allowable in the school's nutrition program and may be carried over to one successive school year.

At the end of the school year, administration will evaluate delinquent debt. Bad debt will be restored to the nutrition program from the general fund prior to the end of the same fiscal year.

In accordance with Federal law and U.S. Department of Agriculture policy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age or disability.

To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, D.C. 20250-9410 or call (800) 795-3272 or (202) 720-6382 (TTY).  USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer."

Contact Information

Nutrition Services

398 N. Richmond Ave, Carson City, NV 89703
Phone: (775) 283-2150
Fax: (775) 283-2191

Elizabeth Martinez, Director Nutritional Services
Mary Altringer, Administrative Secretary III
Athena Peters, Chartwells Dining Director