The ravaging toll of wildfires have caused thousands of residences and families in Lake Tahoe communities to evacuate their homes and be displaced to shelters throughout northern Nevada. The Carson City School District is inviting all evacuated families in Carson City with school-aged children to enroll their students through the McKinney-Vento Students in Transition program.
“If there are any families with school-age children who have been evacuated to Carson City, and they are interested in having their students attend school, please reach out,” said Christie Perkins, McKinney-Vento Liaison and special projects coordinator with the Carson City School District. “The program is designed for all those lacking a fixed, regular and adequate nighttime residence.”
The district is seeking to return a sense of normalcy to the lives of these students and families impacted by the fire, Perkins continued. Students can be enrolled in school immediately, where they can receive free breakfast and lunch, as well as assistance with clothing needs and school supplies. Counselors, peers and other resources are also available to assist.
So far, more than a dozen families have reached out and have been able to enroll their students and attend schools in Carson City. For more information, please contact Christie Perkins, 775-283-1537, [email protected] or visit the website.