Carson City School District is pleased to announce Carson High School Senior Tierney Frost, 17, has earned a contract with the Three Ravens Publishing Company for her graphic design work in creating a winning book cover design for “The Raven and the Crow: Shores of Blood,” the third book in a six-book epic fantasy novel series.
Frost was recognized for her work created as part of Ms. Patricia Ababio’s Graphic Design class at Carson High School. More than 10 students participated in the design competition.
Written by Michael K. Falciani, the pen name of Mr. Kinkade DeJoseph, a teacher at Bordewich Bray Elementary School, the first book of the series, “Dark Storm Rising,” was released on June 15, 2021.
In March of 2021, two CHS seniors Jaden Anderson, and Damien King, earned publishing contracts for their work in creating winning designs for the cover of “Dark Storm Rising,” and the logo for the complete six-book series. And later that year, CHS senior Edwin Iza earned a contract for his work in creating a winning design for the cover of “The Raven and the Crow: The Gray Throne,” the second book in a new six-book in the series.
Both the teachers and the publisher recognized the excellent learning experience for the students in Graphic Design. Frost has been given a contract with Three Ravens Publishing Company for her work and a chance to further her career in graphic design.