Jacqueline (Jackie) Estrada Diaz is all of the things one expects of high achievers – hardworking, exuberant, persistent, but somehow also she is so much more – resilient, compassionate, inventive, hilarious. Jackie is a firm advocate for newcomer English Language Learners, and as a first-generation student who has only lived in the U.S. for six years, she has first-hand knowledge of the barriers they face.
Academically, Jackie is a standout student. She is in the top 50 of her class, and she boasts a 4.22 GPA. Jackie takes AP courses, and she often is found studying vocabulary or grammar rules that her other peers learned early in their American educations in order to keep up. Jackie rarely gets discouraged, however, and she always goes out of her way to find helpers that will assist her in achieving her desired level of excellence.
Outside of academics, Jackie contributes to Carson High in a way that is unique to her. Last year, seeing a need for better support for students entering the school as newcomers from other primarily Spanish-speaking countries, Jackie stepped up to give tours to all of the students. She gets to school early when a new student arrives, takes them on a tour in Spanish and explains school processes in a way that helps students feel safer and more connected. She explained, “when I first came here, I did not understand simple things – like how to respond to attendance – and it made me feel scared and alone. I always want kids to know they have a person to go to when they feel that way.” In addition to her work through Blue Crew giving tours and connections to new students, Jackie serves as a CHS Leadership officer, and she is an essential CHS Library Aide.
Although she was born in the U.S., she was raised primarily in Mexico. Jackie moved to the U.S. to live with her grandmother and to improve her situation during middle school. Her goals are big. Jackie hopes to attend college out of state to study social work or English Language Education; however, she must fund her education solely through scholarships and her two after-school jobs. Her dream is to continue opening doors for other students and to help make a world where all feel welcome and included. CHS is proud of the work Jackie has done, and we are excited to see what her next chapter holds.
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