Freshman health students at Carson High School took courses this morning from Advocates to End Domestic Violence (Advocates). The non-profit organization provides shelter and support services to victims of domestic violence within Carson City and surrounding communities.
Advocates' primary mission is to keep families together and break the cycle of domestic violence. Services include shelter, emotional and psychical support, legal advice, children's group, parenting, counseling and sexual assault response advocates (SARA) volunteers.
"Domestic violence impacts everyone," said Becca Singleton, SARA program assistant for Advocates to End Domestic Violence. "There are victims from every walk of life, every economic background and every race. It affects children, teenagers, adults and seniors."
During the calendar year of 2016, Advocates provided nearly 7,000 nights of shelter with an average stay of 48 nights along with case management, court advocacy, life skills and parenting support.
"The main goal of this class is to introduce them to community resource and seek help or at least have the courage to speak with someone," said Erin Been, heath teacher at Carson High.