The NOCTI Board of Trustees has named Carson High School’s Agriculture Science Teacher Mr. Charles Mann the winner of the 2021 Carl J. Schaefer Memorial Career Technical Education (CTE) Teacher award.
The Carl J. Schaefer Memorial Award was established in 2013 to honor Dr. Carl J. Schaefer. As a lifelong champion in CTE, he gained national recognition as a CTE educator and author. He was also one of NOCTI’s founding fathers. This memorial award is a tribute to Dr. Schaefer’s memory and recognizes an outstanding CTE teacher or CTE teacher candidate.
Criteria for the award included an application describing personal goals, work experience, awards/honors received, professional memberships and leadership and community service activities. Mr. Mann received a personalized award and $500 to be used toward tuition, room and board, books or any other educational-related expense.
Mr. Mann has served as an agriculture science and agriculture mechanics teacher at Carson High School for more nine years. Currently, he is working toward a Master of Science degree in curriculum and instruction. As an agriculture mechanics teacher, he works with business and industry to align his lessons to the latest trends and to provide “real world” experiences. His floriculture and welding students also run school businesses selling floral arrangements and creating custom orders for barbeque trailers and custom coffee tables.
“As an agriculture educator, I strive to have every student develop a productive supervised agriculture experience which helps to strengthen their education by applying the curriculum they have learned to their own personal lives,” Mr. Mann said.
Ms. Randi Hunewill, assistant director at the Nevada Department of Education, referred to Mr. Mann as an “amazing agriculture teacher who deserves to be recognized.”
The Carson City School District congratulates Mr. Mann on receiving this national honor and applauds his commitment and dedication to Carson City students and the CTE program.