Spectator Protocols

Carson High School Athletics

Spring Sports 2021

Spectator Protocols, Procedures, & Policies

during Covid-19 Pandemic


Mission & Priorities:

Our number one goal as Spring Sports roll out is to assist our sports programs at Carson High, and the participants in them, to return to competition safely.  This will be done following the protocols and guidelines of the NIAA and as needed aligned with the Northern 5A Region schools.  Ultimately, we are all guided by the directives of the Governor of Nevada, and the CDC to hold athletic contests, events, and practices for NIAA sanctioned sports.

There will be an established priority of stakeholders for the holding of athletic competitions and athletic events at CHS.  The following list of stakeholders and their priority will help guide decision making for holding events at CHS as it may be needed or desired by the CHS administration in guiding the spring sports season.

  1. Student-Athletes & their Athletic Dept/CCSD approved Coaches
  2. Athletic Support groups of Cheer, then Band, then ROTC Color Guard.
    1. This hierarchy is based on Cheer being an NIAA sanctioned sport, Band & ROTC Color Guard are co-curricular activities and do not fall under NIAA sanctioned sports or activities that the NIAA governs.
  1. Senior Parents of athletes and support groups.
  2. Parents, Guardians, Family, of all athletes.
  3. The general student body
  4. Spouses, family of Coaches
  5. The general community

General Information:

As of March 1, gathering limits set by the State of Nevada increase to 100.  On March 15, gathering limits increased to 250, this continues to be in effect as of April 15.

After Fall Sports are over, and Spring Sports start, the CHS principal and administration will reevaluate this current plan to fit the specific needs of Spring sports and improve or adjust this current plan to meet the needs of our stakeholders.  

On May 1, Governor Sisolak may be turning over state control of gathering limits and decisions from state control to local control.  This may further impact our current policy for this spring semester.

*Athletes, Coaches, Game Workers, Administrators, and Officials do not count against the gathering limit.  This includes Cheer.

*Band and ROTC Color Guard count against the gathering limit.  All spectators entering a contest count against the gathering limit.  

*Officially approved media personnel do not count against the gathering limit but must socially distant and wear a mask at all times.

*CHS fans/spectators & Visiting Spectators are allowed entry to the venue for CHS Spring Sports contests.

*Gate workers will count and document all entries that come into that contest.  All spectators will be required to sign-in for their health screen to gain admittance on our CHS Athletics Health Screen Form.

* No spring sports athletes will require testing unless a participant is symptomatic, as all those sports are not considered close-contact sports.

Important Dates:

As of April 15, spectator capacity at athletic contest venues remains at 250.  The total number of spectators allowed at a spring sports contest will not exceed 250 spectators, and spectators not of the same household are required to socially distance and wear masks on the CHS campus.  

Coaches of the sport of Boys Golf will monitor their own venues, follow NIAA guidelines, and ask parents or spectators at their event to mask and social distance in areas that athletes and coaches would congregate.

Swim meets at the Carson Aquatic Center are not controlled by CHS.  All rules, protocols, and regulations of the Aquatic Center must be followed and adhered to for entry into that venue.  At the current time, there are no spectators allowed by the Aquatic Center.  If conditions change, CHS will release that information.  If pool policy changes, all NIAA regulations for spectators at the Aquatic Center will be in effect specific to that sport.

Key Policies & Information:

  1. As of April 15, Carson City School District and CHS will not require tickets or passes to gain entry into an athletic contest.  Spectators of home and visiting fans will gain admittance to CHS contests.
  2.  Each spectator must be health screened and pass the health screen at the point of entry to CHS venues to gain admittance.
  3. Contests in the stadium will be broadcast via the NFHS Network live and can be watched later On Demand.  A month subscription is $10.99 and it is advised those who subscribe wait until the day of the first contest they view to get maximum benefit out of the subscription.  If the season runs more than one month, a second month will need to be purchased.   One year subscriptions for $69.99 can also be purchased. 
    1. This information has been widely publicized so that the general community and supporters, other family, friends of athletes can view contests they are involved in.  Contests for baseball and softball will not be broadcasted live by CHS.
  4. All participants in all NIAA sanctioned events (athletes, coaches, game workers, administrators, and officials) will be health screened prior to all contests.  Each Head Coach of each sport is expected to fully implement and execute the NIAA guidelines for their sport that have been provided by the NIAA.
  5. Masks will be required to be worn at all times by all spectators at indoor and outdoor events on the CHS campus.  Social distancing of all spectators and school personnel will be in effect for the entire duration of each contest.  
  6.  No exchange of money will take place this season, all entrance is FREE.
  7. Spectators will also be given a brief and clear explanation of the Covid policies and spectator policies of an athletic event at Carson High this spring.  Spectators will be required to fully cooperate 100% with all policies.
  8. Spectators will be socially distanced according to NIAA guidelines based on CDC guidance.  Marked spots for seating and viewing  (not to exceed 250) will be marked.  Spectators of the same household may sit together and view the contest together.
  9. Spectators must remain in their seat during the contest unless to go to the restroom, and are expected to return to their seat after. 
  10. Reentry to a spring sports contest is not guaranteed because of the 250 cap on spectators at the current time.  This will be monitored by ticket booth personnel at each contest.
  11. There will be no snack bar or concessions offered this spring at contests.  Bottled water will be available for $1 during contests.  They can be purchased at the point of entry.  Note:  As conditions change the snack bar may be reopened (TBD).
  12. Proper disinfecting and cleaning will be done in accordance with NIAA and CDC guidelines at each venue.
  13. Once contests have concluded spectators should leave the premises immediately and wait for their child at their vehicle.  No congregating of parents or spectators after contests.  Athletes will be released to their parents in the parking lot to get a ride home.
  14. Senior Nights or Senior Recognition at a contest is allowed, however, the traditional Senior Night Ceremonies will be altered to include social distancing of athlete’s and their family members from others including other families, coaches, and other athletes. 

*If there is a covid outbreak and the game is cancelled, there is no guarantee of make-up, including senior nights or senior contests.    We cannot control the cancellation of a game because of Covid-19 reasons.

Contest Protocols for specific venues at CHS:
Outdoors events not held at Carson High: Boys Golf

  • Golf matches involve no parent spectators on the course, and any parents or spectators at the venue must follow the rules and policies of each golf course in respect to that course as a business entity.
    • Coaches and athletes will follow the NIAA protocols for the sport of golf. Parents at the venue will be asked to remain socially distant at all times and mask when social distancing is not maintained.
    • Health screening of parents at these venues is the responsibility of each golf course as a business entity, and all spectators will be asked to remain socially distant from participants and other spectators during the event.

Indoor Events at the Carson Aquatic Center:  Swim Team

  •  All decisions and protocols are the responsibility of the Carson Aquatic Center.  
  • If conditions change and spectators are allowed to swim events, all NIAA Swim Covid Protocols will be adhered to in regards to spectators and contest protocols.

Outdoors events held at Carson High’s Athletic Facility: Baseball, Softball, Track & Field

Baseball & Softball

  • The spectator capacity of our baseball facility is 250 at the current time.   Spectator capacity at our softball facility is 250 at the current time.  Spectators may bring their own chairs but remain masked and be socially distanced from people not of the same household.  
  • Marked seats in the stands are designated for spectators of the same household.  
  • All spectators will enter the premises and be health screened at the ticket booths at the North end of the stadium before entering the baseball and softball facilities.  No entrance from the school or from the back gates or south gate is allowed.  
  • Bottled water will be available for $1 per bottle at the ticket booths.
  • There will be no congregating of spectators not of the same household or those not fully vaccinated.
  • Officially approved Media personnel do not count against the cap but must maintain social distance and wear masks when covering an event in this venue.
  • All spectators will be expected to exit the venue directly after the contest.  There will be no congregating at the venue after the contest is over.
  • Baseball spectators exit the facility down the baseball access road to the west gate.
  • Softball spectators will exit the facility at the ticket booths.
  • Media covering the contest must remain socially distanced and masked at all times.  Media should exit the premises in a timely manner and conduct all interviews socially distanced.
  • Re-entry during the contest is not guaranteed because of the 250 limit to each venue.  This will be monitored by gate personnel.

Track & Field:

  • Gathering limit of 250 in the entire track and field venue (stadium seats, long jump-triple jump area, and shot-discuss area combined).
  • Media personnel that attend do not count against the cap but must be socially distanced and wear a mask at all times at the venue.
  •  Media covering the contest must remain socially distanced and masked at all times.  Media should exit the premises in a timely manner and conduct all interviews socially distanced.
  • Athletes in the tennis courts areas for team camps will follow social distancing protocols.  Separate camps for each team will be available. 
  • Spectators will be asked to remain in their marked seats in the stadium and remain socially distant at the jumps areas and shot-discuss areas.  
  • No congregating of spectators at the finish line.  All spectators should maintain seats in the stands to view events this spring on the track.
  • Spectators may leave their seats to use the restrooms at the snack bar or portable toilets behind the stands.  
  • Spectators may leave their seats to purchase bottled water at the point of entry for $1 per bottle.
  • Spectators that leave their seats for any reason are expected to return in a timely manner.  There will be no congregating of spectators along the fences or lawn areas of the venue during contests.
  • All spectators will be expected to exit the venue directly after the contest.  There will be no congregating behind the stands after the contest is over.
  • All spectators for Track & Field will exit the stadium at the gate near the north automatic gate which is located directly south of the ticket booths.
  • Re-entry is not guaranteed if a spectator leaves during a contest because of the 250 gathering limit.

Game Manager, Athletic Director, or Administrators Duties

  1.  Normal duties at athletic contests should be carried out.
  2.  Enforcement of spectator policies should be carried out.
  3.  Any spectator who refuses to cooperate with current policies will be asked to leave the contest and the school property.
  4.  Game managers must health screen officials/umpires/track meet volunteers immediately upon their arrival (see directions below).
  5. It is the responsibility of each coach to health screen their own athletes.  
  6.  We do not need proof of visiting team health screens, nor do we need to ask.  This is the sole responsibility of each coach of each team per the NIAA.
  7. All game workers, security, and admin will assist in eliminating the congregating of spectators during and after contests.  
  8. Spectators will be required to leave the contest after the completion of the contest.

Specific Instructions for Health Screenings of Officials, Game Workers, and Media at CHS:


Upon the arrival of an umpire, they should check in at the point of entry with our gate worker personnel or game manager.

The game manager should be present or summoned to health screen each official of each contest who comes to the game.  

Document their health screen on a separate screening form designated for officials and game workers for each contest.

Health screen each game worker at the point of entry as they arrive for their duties of each contest.  Do the same for all administrators, including the athletic director, when they are present for that contest if admin coverage is required.  Document this information on the Game Worker/Officials health screen form, as well.

Official Media should be health screened at the point of entry before entering the venue and their screen documented on the same form as game workers and officials. 

Track & Field:

All of the above procedures including the health screening of track meet volunteers for the event.

Printable Spectator Flyer