Invention Project Provides Summer Learning
Posted on 06/22/2017
The Invention Project is a new kind of experience for 6th through 9th graders only. During this fun and high-energy program, you'll team up to make the impossible possible. The challenges include:
1 - Design + Prototype Smart Gear
2 - Engage as a Leader, Developer or Business Owner
3 - Build and Battle Mini-bots
4 - Discover your innovation style and creative personality
5 - create marketing and advertising concepts
6 - learn what it takes to kick start a business and simulate a product launch.
Register today for Free! Send completed registration form to your site GT Coordinator or contact Melissa Osborn at [email protected] or 775-283-1591.
Courses are June 19-23 from 12:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Program Code: B-NCV57-73901-17