More than 50 Carson High School (CHS) Seniors were recognized Thursday night for collectively earning more than $5.1 million in scholarships (a number that will continue to rise). Their accomplishments, which highlighted the academic success of the Class of 2022, were celebrated in an awards ceremony Thursday, May 19, in Senator Square at Carson High.
“We applaud all the local organizations and community support who’ve made these scholarships possible,” CHS Principal Bob Chambers said. “The Class of 2022 has really embraced the opportunities available to them, and I couldn't be more proud. I am excited about their futures and what they will do after high school. My hope is that they will continue to keep choosing education.”
The students applied to more than 500 scholarships available. Mr. Chambers also noted the total amount of scholarships will continue to rise as graduation draws closer. Many applications have been extended, so the overall all total in scholarships may be significantly higher than what is represented as of May 19, 2022.
Mr. Richard Stokes, superintendent for the Carson City School District, also provided a keynote address. He used a familiar academic tool, the basic scientific graph, to help illustrate the general slope of an individual’s life measured by data points of life’s experiences, represented by the ‘Y’ axis, and life measured in years, represented by the ‘X’ axis.
“Because we are all human and prone to experience both successes and failures, we will always be challenged to keep the slope of our life’s line moving in a positive, increasing direction,” Stokes said. “In other words, our future is influenced far less by our starting point and much more by the direction and value of our ‘life’s slope.”
Stokes said in the closing of his remarks. “I encourage you to continue taking the necessary steps to further your education and increase your learning as you attend the great university of life. I have every confidence that the class of 2022 will carry on the honorable tradition of building the foundations of tomorrow so the lives of all who come after you will be blessed as you have been.”
Scholarships were presented for more than two hours by contributing organizations and representatives. To view the evening’s entire program and slideshow, please click here.
Carson High School’s Class of 2022 Scholars, listed below by first name followed by their last name (alphabetized):
- Lauren Abbott
- Nasser Abdelhady
- Jennifer Acosta
- Bryce Alvarado
- Kora Ashton
- Cole Bannister
- Nicholas Batien
- Dylan Bloomfield
- McKenna Budd
- Sophie Camelon
- Jacob Campbell
- Luis Carrillo
- Audrey Cook
- Jennifer Croley
- Ginger Cullom
- Vincent Dao
- Wesley Dunkin
- Mikha Grace Espiritu
- Caydee Farnworth
- Kyra Fields
- Megan Finnerty
- Kaylee Garcia
- Allison Gerow
- Isaiah Griffin
- Ben Heaton
- Kayce Johnston
- Julia Kaiser
- Isaac Ledesma
- Kevin Lopez De Rios
- Reese Mackenzie
- Trevor Marlin
- Kai Miller
- Ethne Myler
- Sokhna Ndoye
- Sam Nichols
- Pedro Oropeza
- Diana Pierrott
- Diana Quintero
- Lilly Ralla
- Melany Ramirez Prieto
- Fatima Ramirez-Hernandez
- Kelly Robles
- Fernando Santiago Roman
- Christian Service
- Yasmin Sevilla Santoyo
- Sophia Shepard
- Stevi Simmons
- Mackenzie Tackett
- Brandon Thompson
- Talia Thornburg
- Grace Turner
- Danielle Van Dusen
- Heracrio Vega
Carson High School would like to thank the Class of 2022 Scholarship Sponsors and Committee Members who have made the following scholarships available to their students:
- Albert & Frances Seeliger Elementary
- Alyce McCraken/Sierra NV Assoc. Realtors
- Bourque Music Education
- Carson Administrators Association
- Carson Host Lions Club
- Carson Masonic Lodge #1
- Carson Republican Women’s Club
- Carson Rotary Club
- Chartwells Nutrition
- CESA/Brandon Putzer Memorial
- CHS Class of 1977
- CHS Class of 2001
- CHS Craft Fair
- CHS Football Mac Wilson Memorial
- CHS National Honor Society
- College Bound Cadet
- CTE Greenhouse Project
- Carson Valley Quilt Guild
- Debbie Elder Memorial
- Dick Stoddard Memorial
- Edith Milo Memorial
- Eric Abowd Honorary
- CHS Future Business Leaders of America
- George E. Reading Memorial
- Greater Nevada Credit Union
- Holiday With a Hero
- Jake Sullivan Roman Memorial
- Jim Frank Memorial
- John & Grace Nauman
- Jordan Woodward Memorial
- Kerri Oxoby Memorial
- Kiwanis Club Jim Albee Trade
- Kiwanis Club Marilyn-Elaine Memorial
- Kiwanis Club Ralph Denny Memorial
- Merry & Jason Bayer Broad Horizons
- Mike Jackson Legacy- Carson City Schools Foundation
- National Pony Express
- Navy League
- Nevada Ag Foundation
- NIAA/One Credit Top 10
- Opportunity CCSD McKinney Vento Program
- Pay It Forward
- PEO Chapter X
- PEO International & Local Chapters
- Reach Out
- Robert Z. Hawkins
- Soroptimist Girl of the Month
- Shane Quilling Memorial
- Steele Sustainability
- Stephen Anderson Memorial
- Tiger Drive
- Timothy Jones Memorial & HOSA
Military Recruits of Carson High School’s Class of 2022, listed below by first name followed by their last name (alphabetized):
- Chris Barrientos USMC
- Klare Benitez USMC
- Devanie Woodward USA
- Ryan Campbell USA
- Job Gutierrez Lopez USA
- Joseph Morris USA
- Hannah Mahlmeister USN