Eagle Valley Middle School (EVMS) went ‘dough to dough’ in the Parent Teacher Organization’s (PTO) annual cookie dough fundraiser. In total, the gross sales were equivalent to more than $15,597. The school earned about 70% of total gross sales, bringing the net total to $11,034. A total of 888 units were sold.
“We mostly wanted to thank all of the community members, parents and family members of our students for finding value in education, especially given this year’s circumstances of the pandemic,” Leah Brekken, EVMS PTO president, said. “This annual fundraiser provides an invaluable funding resource to help educate our students here in Carson City.”
The top three fundraisers from the school each earned a cash prize. Kaily Ann Lewis, a 11-year-old 6th grader, earned $100 for First Place, selling 45 units. Sydney Espinoza, a 11-year-old 6th grader, earned $75 for Second Place, selling 37 units. And Liam Marler, a 11-year-old 6th grader, earned $50 for Third Place, selling 30 units.
“Our students and our PTO members are the real super heroes in all of this,” said Lee Conley, principal for Eagle Valley Middle School. “Without their concerted efforts year-in and year-out, our school would not have near as much of what we need to educate our growing and probably our city’s most valuable population…our students.”
The money, raised for the PTA, will be used to support and enhance the students’ education through various enrichment activities throughout the year including teacher needs, snacks for after school programs and teacher appreciation week in May 2021.