Located in Nevada’s capital, Carson City School District offers public education to approximately 7,500 students throughout Carson City. The district includes 6 elementary schools, 2 middle schools, 1 alternative high school and 1 comprehensive high school. Carson City School District boasts many successes including impressive graduation rates, strict safety measures, programs for gifted students and advanced-placement classes, among several others. In a joint venture with Western Nevada College, the Carson City School District Jump Start College program allows students to complete their senior year of high school and freshman year of college simultaneously.
We proudly endorse an educational model that focuses on the needs of each individual learner. Our teachers use powerful student data systems to support student learning and facilitate program completion. Additionally, our District and community partners meet quarterly and discuss the progress of attaining the goals, objectives and strategies of the District's Strategic Plan "Empower Carson City 2027.” The Carson School District Board of Trustees also meets semi-annually with the Carson City Board of Supervisors to discuss matters of mutual interest and benefit to our Community.
We embrace the use of technology and provide laptop computers for students in grades 3-12. Laptop computers are also available for each Kindergarten through 2nd grade student in their individual classrooms. Additionally, with support from the Nevada Legislature and the Governor, we employ 14 social workers in our schools to help families receive basic physical, social and emotional services. The district also passed a $15 million dollar capital improvement school bond that will remove all portable classrooms in the district and replace them with permanent brick and mortar classrooms.
Following the strategies and tactics of a comprehensive Communication Plan, the district's communication department distributes quarterly newsletters to nearly 16,000 individuals throughout Carson City. Recipients include students, parents, guardians, teachers, other employees and staff, community partners and more. More than three news releases are sent each week to northern Nevada media outlets (averaging more than 150 releases each year). And media coverage about the district is posted regularly on the district's "In The News" page.
While no single report can tell the complete story of our education accomplishments, the following highlights occurred during the 2017-2018 school year.
- Our district’s graduation rate increased to 83.9%. Carson High School’s graduation rate improved to 93.2% and Pioneer High School's graduation rate improved to 80.9% (a nearly 52% increase since 2012). Both high schools also completed the school accreditation process.
- Our Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs had 97.15% of its students pass the State's Work Readiness Assessment.
- We launched the University of Nevada's course "Introduction to Education (EDU-110)" to approximately 20 high school 11th and 12th graders. The dual-credit offering is the districts attempt to introduce the field of education as a career pathway to interested students and as a potential solution to alleviate future teacher shortages.