The Carson City School District has produced and shared a ‘You Belong’ video, which emphasizes the importance of having a sense of belonging. Initially premiering on the district’s YouTube channel, the video was also emailed to nearly 15,000 students, families, teachers and employees within the school district and posted to other district social media.
Given recent events and other activities throughout the world, the district felt it was in its best interest to remind each student, family member and employee the significance they have as a resident of Carson City and as a contributing member of the school district.
“The social ties that accompany a sense of belonging are a protective factor that helps students and individuals manage stress and other behavioral issues,” said Michelle Cleveland, Project Aware coordinator for the Carson City School District. “When we feel we have support and are not alone, we are more resilient, often coping more effectively with difficult times in our lives.”
Coping well with hardships decreases the physical and mental effects of these situations, she continued. The sense of belonging is fundamental to the way humankind organizes itself. If it was unimportant, we would live solitary lives having no families, communities or organized government. Nearly every aspect of our lives is organized around belonging to something.
As part of the video, the Carson City School District reminds everyone “You belong…You fit in…Stay with us…You’re good enough…You will make it.”