The Carson City School District (CCSD) is pleased to announce it meets or exceeds the minimum number of minutes taught per day, and in turn, students will not be required to make up the days at the end of the school year due to weather-related school cancellations. The last day of school for CCSD students will remain Thursday, June 3, 2021. Teachers and staff, however, must return to school June 4, 7 and 8 to fulfill their contracts and receive professional development.
After reviewing CCSD’s submitted calendar revisions for the 2020-2021 school year, the Nevada Department of Education (NDOE) determined CCSD to be in compliance with NAC 387.120. NDOE formally approved the missed days (Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday, September 15, 16 and 18 as well as Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, January 27, 28 and 29, 2021) and, based upon the annual instructional time, counted them as ‘days in session’ for the calendar school year 2020-2021.
“Living in northern Nevada, we all have come to expect significant weather conditions that challenged our ability to safely hold school,” said Richard Stokes, superintendent for Carson City School District. “Each year, we anticipate this and build extra days into our academic school calendar as contingency days in case they are needed. Given the circumstances, we are pleased to share the end of the school year dates and activities are expected to occur as presently planned.”
He continued “We’ve done our best to maintain all state educational requirements while also following the expected protocol. Of course all of this is contingent upon having no additional lost school days.”