With the anticipation of students and employees once again physically going back to school in Carson City this week, the Carson City School District has provided a guide for parents to use to perform health and wellness screenings of their student(s) before they step on a school bus or enter a school campus each day.
In a Daily Self-Screening tool available on the CarsonCitySchools.com “Parent Tab,” the district reiterated its concern for the health and well-being of all those caring for their students. The Daily Self-Screening tool directs parents and students to perform a self-assessment of their health--every day--before leaving their home.
The daily health and wellness check focuses on specific symptoms students or family members may have experienced within the last 24 hours. They also characterize those symptoms as “new” and “different” from on-going health issues such as asthma, allergies, reflux, COPD, etc. These symptoms would be “Not Normal” to the parent or the student.
In addition to identifying symptoms, the Daily Self-Screening tool advises what families should do if any member of their household experiences any of the listed symptoms within the past 24-hour period. Namely, contact the local health department and arrange for testing.
The school district is also advising parents to visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention at CDC.gov for the most up-to-date information. From the CDC website, individuals may take a Coronavirus Self-Checker survey to guide and help them make decisions on when to seek testing and appropriate medical care.
The school district webpage also details hotlines and other online resources such as GetHealthyCarsonCity.org for families who feel they may have been exposed to a close contact who is positive for COVID-19. The Carson City Health and Human Services COVID-19 Hotline is 775-283-4789, and the Washoe County Health District COVID-19 Hotline is 775-328-2427.