Key Info for Return to School

Key Info for Students Returning to School Aug. 24
Posted on 08/17/2020
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With the start of the Fall 2020 school year, hindered by a pandemic, Carson City School District officials said things will look a bit different. Below is a list of key information students, parents and families will want to be familiar with as students return to school Monday, Aug. 24.


Lockers will not be offered for the 2020-2021 school year unless there is a medical or specific educational need (schools ask students and parents to contact school counselors for these needs). The reasoning for no lockers is because students will not have access to their school locker three days each week (sometimes with several days in between). Also, if the district is forced to close schools for pandemic reasons and they end up having to go full-remote education, school officials do not want to have students’ educational materials stuck in a locker they are unable to access.

At Carson High School, if students were unable to clean out lockers last spring because of the abrupt school closure, they will need to complete that task by Friday, Aug. 28. Any items left in the lockers after that point will be donated or disposed.


Due to COVID 19, senior projects have been cancelled for the 2020-2021 school year at Carson High School. Senior English teachers will have portions of the project that will remain as part of their classroom curriculum. 

For more information regarding these changes or other aspects in returning to school, please visit the Carson City School District website at, or contact an individual school site directly.


Students will have a digital homeroom class every Monday where they will check-in, participate in a lesson and have the opportunity to work with their classroom teachers digitally as needed.

(At Carson High School, the check-in period will be from 7:45-9:15 a.m. After 9:15 students are expected to begin their school week. It is recommended high school students check all of their google classrooms for weekly assignments and lessons).

Students will then attend school in-person either Tuesday/Thursday or Wednesday/Friday. Students are expected to check into their classes digitally (via google classroom) on the opposing remote learning days as if they were in class. Teachers are taking roll the first 10 minutes of each class. And remote attendance does count.

  • Cohort 1: Tuesday/Thursday in person, Wednesday/Friday asynchronous (remote) learning
  • Cohort 2: Wednesday/Friday in person, Tuesday/Thursday asynchronous (remote) learning

All students should, by now, have been assigned their specific Cohort. If any parent or guardian did not receive this notification via personal phone call, robo call, email or letter home; they are encouraged to contact their child(ren)’s school directly.


For Grades 6-12: students who do not attend school in person will be enrolled in a software platform that provides online instruction. Their progress will be monitored by licensed staff, but course content will be delivered online through the software. In addition to online readings and practice exercises, instruction and assignments may include other activities such as video tutorials and projects. All courses necessary to fulfill Standards of Learning and graduation requirements are guaranteed for students.

For grades K-5: Students will receive both synchronistic instruction (class meetings, small group, and one-on-one) and asynchronistic instruction (pre-recorded lessons that focus on essential standards in each core subject area of reading, writing and math). Students will be engaged in synchronous learning, approximately 2.5 – 3.5 hours of screen-time per day, and approximately 2-3 hours of asynchronous teacher assigned activities (i.e. individual reading, math practice, etc.) per day.


Parents and guardians who have not already done so, will still need to complete their annual online registration updates in Infinite Campus for each of their students.


Students at Carson High School will still park in the North parking lots. No individual parking spots will be sold this year. Rather A Lot (northwest) or B Lot (northeast) parking assignments will be offered. Parking will also be reduced to $10 this year.