When schools in Carson City open for the 2018-2019 school year Monday, August 20, the Carson City School District will be connected to a 24/7/365 (24-hour, 7-days-a-week, 365-days-per-year) safety tool. SafeVoice is a live tip reporting system for school safety and student well-being offered in partnership by the Nevada Departments of Education, the Nevada Department of Public Safety and, more locally, the Carson City Sheriff’s Office to all K-12 schools, students, parents and community members in Nevada.
“SafeVoice includes and goes beyond bullying to create a confidential way to also report threats of school violence and friends at risk of suicide, self-harm, drugs and more,” said Superintendent Richard Stokes. “We want students to speak up for their friends and themselves to stop bullying, support students in crisis and, above all, prevent school violence. When it’s not possible to come to school leaders directly, we want students and parents to use SafeVoice.”
After the SafeVoice Communications Center fields a tip and determines the engagement level of law enforcement, it then passes along the information to the school(s).
Students, parents and community members can report concerns about their friends or themselves by using the free SafeVoice app, calling 1-833-216-7233 (SAFE) or visiting safevoicenv.org. The reporting tool is easy to use, and when the person who reports an incident logs back in, he or she is able to dialogue with SafeVoice Communications Specialists who will determine if law enforcement is needed immediately to protect life safety. Reports are sent to the schools where administrators and counselors will respond with support, intervention and a safety plan for the child of concern. Similarly, any reports where law enforcement are needed, will be sent directly to the sheriff’s office and dispatchers in Carson City. Reporters may remain anonymous, and by law, all reports are confidential – they are never shared outside of the SafeVoice response system.
The new approach is designed to integrate education, law enforcement and behavioral health agencies in response to student concerns and school safety threats brought forward through this new reporting system. SafeVoice empowers students to report any situation that may put their friends, themselves or their school at risk. In the classroom, teachers will have materials to discuss risky behaviors and describe steps students can take to stop or prevent issues.
“With the new SafeVoice reporting system, it means that somebody is there at any time, day or night, to take reports and respond appropriately,” Stokes said. “We are grateful for the partnership with the Carson City Sheriff’s Office who are fielding and responding to these reports and requests.”