The Carson City School District wishes to thank Karen Abowd, president and co-founder of The Greenhouse Project (TGP), the Rotary Club of Carson City, Mayor Lori Bagwell and others who gathered for a ribbon cutting event for two new hoop houses and a continuous worm composter Monday, June 6, 2022. The new greenhouses are part of TGP’s main location at Carson High School.
The Carson City School District has partnered with TGP since 2011 in providing work-based learning opportunities for local students and other community youth. In addition, TGP has provided a variety of learning opportunities for individuals in greenhouse and garden settings that promote public wellness, education and career opportunities.
TGP received a grant for over $4,500 dollars to purchase the vermi compost unit. The team is beginning to fill the 16-foot-long unit with compost products and worms to break it down. They will compost green waste from Carson High School next school year.
TGP is also expanding with a new location at Pioneer Academy to be opened later this summer and is looking at expanding agriculture programs at both Eagle Valley and Carson Middle Schools.
Over the past year, the Carson City School District has worked with TGP’s Board of Directors, local business partners, students and supports to design and plan construction projects at Carson High School and additional schools. In May of 2020, students from Carson High’s Civil Engineering and Architecture classes worked alongside TGP staff to design and construct a new outdoor classroom structure. The classroom and expanded office space was deemed a crucial next step due to the growing number of students and volunteers taking advantage of the facilities.
Photo Credit: The Carson City Chamber of Commerce.