The Carson City School District, on behalf of the Rotary Club of Carson City, is pleased to announce Carson High School’s Librarian Ananda Campbell as the winner of a $5,000 Grant to fund a historical documentation project titled The Story of Carson High School. Nearly a half dozen applications from teachers and teams of teachers were received for this competitive grant.
The purpose of the grant is to provide funding for a school, department or teacher(s) to implement an innovative, classroom-based project that meets the following criteria.
- Aligned to specific Nevada Academic Content Standards (NVACS) and
- Aligned to specific strategies within Empower Carson City, 2022, the district’s strategic plan
In this case, the grant will allow for the housing, cataloguing and indexing of Carson High School’s extensive collection of artifacts dating back to 1920. The project, in collaboration with the Nevada State Library, will scan all printed documents that will then be available on a database for use in web-based information and research.
CHS student leadership and media classes will work with Library class students on cataloging and archiving. Display cases will also be purchased, and the students in those classes will work together to create the archived display. The leadership class will also take an active role in determining historical significance of items to tell the story of Carson High and to continue the story for years to come by choosing an artifact to represent each year.
To meet the requirements of the grant, The Story of Carson High School project will be completed by June of 2021. A team representing the effort will present the highlights of the project at a Carson City Rotary Club meeting during that month.