EVMS Ribbon Cutting

Eagle Valley Middle School to Host Ribbon Cutting Ceremony Friday
Posted on 08/02/2022
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WHAT: Photographers and representatives from the news media are invited Friday, Aug. 5, at 10 a.m., to capture images and video of teachers, administrators, school board trustees and other local dignitaries at a Ribbon Cutting Ceremony of the new classroom and educational space expansion at Eagle Valley Middle School, 4151 East Fifth Street, Carson City, Nev. 89701.

Carson City School District administrators and trustees will be available for interviews prior to and after the ceremony.

The event culminates a more than 13-month construction project at the school. The expansion adds more than 23,000 square feet to the campus with 12 classrooms, two STEM labs, office and workroom space, restrooms and storage areas and outdoor learning areas. The project began Monday, June 14, 2021, with a planned completion date for Aug. 5. The budget was approximately $14 million. The district hired CORE Construction as the construction manager.

When/Where: A Ribbon Cutting Ceremony will be held at 10 a.m., Friday, Aug. 5, at Eagle Valley Middle School, 4151 East Fifth Street, Carson City, Nevada 89701. Photographers and representatives from the news media are invited to arrive as early as 9:45 a.m. to capture video and to get interviews with school administrators, construction representatives and school board trustees.


Reporters and photographers interested in attending must RSVP to Public Information Officer Dan Davis with the Carson City School District, 775-247-6442.


Dignitaries, teachers and trustees will gather to celebrate a pinnacle moment in the construction process of a 12-classroom expansion by cutting a ribbon to officially open the doors of the new expansion of the school.