Carson City School District has released its plan to allow limited spectators to high school athletic contests, starting with 100 fans at games, with that number increasing to 250 after March 14. Only home-team spectators will be allowed during the Fall and Spring 2020-21 athletic seasons. Public gatherings and events will be capped at 250 people or 50 percent of fire code capacity once phase 2 begins March 15, which will be the third week of the Fall sports season.
“Our top priority right now at Carson High is to safely roll out Fall Sports contests for our athletes and support groups like cheer, band and ROTC following required NIAA guidelines,” said Coach Blair Roman, Carson High School’s athletic director. “Carson High School would like to thank parents and families at CHS for their continued support.”
After the conclusion of the Fall Sports season and Spring Sports begin, district administrators will reevaluate this plan and address any specific needs for Spring sports and improve or adjust to best meet the needs of all athletic programs.
As part of the plan, football players and coaches will be tested weekly per NIAA guidelines as a contact sport or if they become symptomatic. No other sports this spring will require testing unless a participant is symptomatic.
Each qualifying participant will be given two tickets one day prior to their contest to distribute to parents, family, guardians or close friends of their choice. The ticket will be the only way to enter an athletic contest with which it is assigned. All spectators who have a proper ticket to gain admittance to an athletic contest will be health screened prior to entrance. No exchange of money will take place this season, all entrance is FREE.
All participants in all NIAA sanctioned events (athletes, coaches, game workers, administrators, and officials) will be health screened prior to all contests. Each Head Coach of each sport is expected to fully implement and execute the NIAA guidelines for their sport that have been provided by the NIAA.
Masks will be required to be worn at all times by all spectators at indoor and outdoor events. Social distancing of all spectators and school personnel will be in effect for the entire duration of each contest.
The coaches of the sports of Girls Golf and Cross Country will monitor their own venues, follow NIAA guidelines, and ask parents or spectators at their event to mask and social distance in areas that athletes and coaches would congregate.
Once contests have concluded spectators should leave the premises immediately and wait for their child at their vehicle. No congregating of parents or spectators after contests. Athletes will be released to their parents in the parking lot to get a ride home.
For a complete list of the full guidance and protocols, procedures and policies, please refer to the link on the Parents Tab found on the district’s website,
Photo credit: Jeff Mulvihill, president and photographer of Instaimage.