Students at Carson City’s Empire Elementary School were inspired in the art of storytelling and writing throughout the day yesterday. Children’s Author Gary Hogg hosted a writing assembly with the entire school where he shared helpful and easy tips on how they may put their thoughts and ideas down on paper.
Following the assembly, Hogg provided writing workshops to individual grade levels where every student began a specific, detail filled composition. He also met with Empire Elementary teachers to show appreciation and to remind them of their role in every student’s life story.
“He was great,” said Susan Squires, principal at Empire Elementary School. “During our assembly this morning, he [Hogg] entertained the students with hilarious stories and constructive writing instruction. He really left them [students] with an increased enthusiasm for writing and a greater appreciation for their teachers.”
Nationally known, Hogg is the author of 26 books including ‘Look What the Cat Dragged In,’ ‘Sir William the Worm,’ ‘The Great Toilet Paper Caper’ and ‘Help! My Dad is the Lunch Lady.’ He is a popular speaker at schools and conferences across the country and has visited more than 3,700 schools, presented more than 5,000 assemblies and conducted more than 18,000 writing workshops. Hogg has inspired more than 2 million students to declare with confidence, “I am an author!”
Hogg completed his visit at Empire Elementary last night with a Family Literacy Night where parents and family members enjoyed a fun-filled evening of storytelling. During the event, he provided helpful remarks that placed a higher value on reading and writing at home. Hogg also called a few students out of the audience to spotlight some of their writing samples.