The ‘Kindness for Chris’ Campaign invites everyone to perform an act of service each day and take a picture, either during or after, of the service provided. Then, send pictures to @kindnessforchris on Instagram and/or post them using the hashtag #kindnessforchris on social media. And wear lime green Friday in support of Lymphoma Awareness.
Repeats every day until Sunday, March 13, 2022.
- Tuesday, March 8, 2022 (All day)
- Wednesday, March 9, 2022 (All day)
- Thursday, March 10, 2022 (All day)
- Friday, March 11, 2022 (All day)
- Saturday, March 12, 2022 (All day)
- Sunday, March 13, 2022 (All day)
Carson High School Seniors Nate Thornton, 17, and Ethne Myler, 17, co-authored the following write-up after organizing the ‘Kindness for Chris’ Campaign.
Carcinophobia. The fear of cancer. I think we all subconsciously have this fear, whether we ever vocalize it or not. Because of this fear, we often avoid conversations about cancer to try to deny its existence or possibility in our lives. However, this fear becomes real and overpowering when you or someone you know is diagnosed with cancer.
Chris Coulam, a young freshman at Carson High School, was recently diagnosed with Primary Central Nervous System (CNS) Lymphoma, having two cancerous tumors in the back of his head. The news came as a shock to any and all people who were blessed enough to know him.
Chris, the sweet, gentle boy from school and church was suddenly rushed to the hospital and later into surgery in late October of last year to try to remove most of these masses. Currently, Chris is undergoing rigorous chemotherapy to try to fully eliminate these masses in a battle for his life.
What are we doing for a boy who deserves so much yet has to face such a difficult trial? How are we showing our support to a community member that needs our help and encouragement? We are serving and doing good to honor him.
Nate Thornton, a close friend of Chris’s, initiated a week-long Kindness Campaign to show support for Chris and his family during this difficult time for them. The intention with this campaign is to bring light and hope into the lives of this incredible family and our community through daily acts of service.
We ask you to join in this challenge and that you encourage anyone else you know to do the same! From now until Sunday, March 13th we ask that all people who get involved perform an act of service each day and take a picture, either during or after, of the service provided, whether large or small.
If the act of service is one in which a picture is not possible, write a post about it on social media. It doesn’t matter how involved the act may be, all acts are appreciated! In the words of Aesop, “No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.” As you serve, think about Chris and dedicate your work to him and his family. Once you have a picture of your deed, we ask that you send pictures to @kindnessforchris on Instagram and/or post them using the hashtag #kindnessforchris on social media to raise awareness for Chris’s story.
To wrap up the challenge, a collage of all the acts of service will be compiled, shared with his family, and dedicated to Chris. To be included in the final project, pictures of acts of service need to be posted on social media by 5:00 pm on Sunday, March 13th (the end of the week).
Finally, if you are comfortable and willing to do so, Chris and his family would greatly appreciate as many prayers and positive thoughts as possible to be sent their way at this time to help support him. If you have any questions about this challenge, please direct message @kindnessforchris on Instagram.
Think of how powerful it could be if we all came together to support Chris and his family! We could change our community for the better and show support to a young friend in need. Let us overcome the fear we have of addressing cancer so we can bring light and hope to Chris during this difficult time! Let’s overwhelm the community with Kindness for Chris!