All current 12th graders (seniors) attending any Nevada public, private or charter school for the 2022-2023 school year, must have a second dose of the MCV4 (meningococcal) vaccine and all 7th graders must have their first dose of MCV4 and Tdap prior to the start of the school year, Monday, August 15, 2022.
There is a regional shortage for both vaccines, but Nevada Health Centers does have MCV4 and Tdap doses available and is working diligently to immunize as many students as possible within the next week. We have also been made aware that many local pharmacies like Save Mart, CVS or Walgreens may have additional supplies. If you have not already, please make an appointment.
As such, if you or your student is not immunized prior to the first day of school, they will be “conditionally enrolled,” and will be notified (by phone and mail) when additional supplies become available.
For more information or questions, please contact Sheila Story, chief nurse, 775-283-1675 or [email protected].