In partnership with Q&D Construction, the Carson City School District is cordially inviting members of the community to join them at a groundbreaking ceremony for the Pioneer High School Phase II Remodel and Expansion Project Friday, June 22, at 10 a.m., 202 E. Corbett Street, Carson City, Nevada 89706.
A new 10,500 square foot building will be constructed on the Northside of campus where the existing portable classrooms will be removed. The block structure will contain a Chemistry Lab, Biology Lab, Career Technical Education Classroom, Innovation Center (Library), Kitchen and Servery, Commons Area and Multipurpose Room. There will also be Site, Parking lot and Landscape improvements.
“We’ve developed a successful education formula and seen incredible success in our graduation rates over the last few years,” said Jason Zona, principal at Pioneer High School. “Our graduation rate has increased from 29 percent in 2012 to 80.9 percent in 2017. This expansion and remodel has been in the works since 2009, and we are long overdue for some capital improvements.”
The project is funded through the District’s 2010 rollover Bond initiative and should be completed by February 2019.