Carson City Students Celebrate Dr. Seuss Day, Reading Week
There were several “Things” running around Seeliger Elementary School and throughout the Carson City School District this week as students dressed in costumes of some of their most beloved Dr. Seuss characters. Each year, National Read Across America Day is observed on March 2, the birthday of children’s book author Ted Geisel, a/k/a Dr. Seuss. And in celebration, many schools dedicate an entire week as “Reading Week.”
In Carson City, students and teachers at several schools hosted special events and activities designed to encourage reading. This year marks the 25th anniversary of the weeklong observance.
In many cases, guest readers visited schools to take time to read, and in some cases entertain, students. The volunteer reading efforts are organized by committees of teachers who come together to create several fun and engaging events to encourage students to gain, increase and appreciate their love for reading.
Many other schools in Carson City also celebrated the start of reading week with book-related themes and dress-up days. Some days included Twinning Tuesday, Hawaiian Shirt Day, Dress Like a Dr. Seuss Character Day, to name a few. Mark Twain Elementary School sold stovetop hats, similar to “The Cat in the Hat,” for students to wear throughout the week. In one case, at Fremont Elementary School, the Wild Horse Children’s Theater featured a special ‘remote’ reading from “Beauty and the Beast’s” Belle (Chrissy VanGeel).
Nationally, an estimated 45 million educators, parents and students across the U.S. will participate in the observed reading day. This will be the 25 year, since 1997, the National Education Association has called on every community to enjoy the benefits of reading.