Retroactive Diplomas

CapsFollowing the guidance of the state of Nevada, Carson City School District (CCSD) will be administering retroactive diplomas to all former students who qualify under the new requirements set by the Nevada Department of Education.

Due to the High School Proficiency Exam (HSPE) no longer being required under the Nevada Revised Statutes and Assembly Bill 7’s removal of the requirement to pass the End of Course Exams (EOC), the Department of Education stated that students in Nevada are no longer required to pass the HSPE to receive a Standard High School or Adult Standard Diploma.

Any student previously denied a Standard High School or Adult Standard Diploma solely because the student did not satisfy the requirement to pass the HSPE will be issued a retroactive diploma if:

  1. The student submits a written request to the school where they were last enrolled to determine if they satisfy the necessary requirements.
  2. After reviewing the transcript and any other relevant documentation, the school will determine the student’s eligibility to receive the diploma.
Please click here to print and complete a written request for Carson High.
Haga clic aquí para imprimir y completar una solicitud por escrito para Carson High
Please click here to print and complete a written request for Pioneer High.
Haga clic aquí para imprimir y completar una solicitud por escrito para Pioneer High
click here to print and complete a written request for Adult Education.
Haga clic aquí para imprimir y completar una solicitud por escrito para Educación para adultos

For those without access to a computer, students may also visit individual schools to fill out the written request in person.