Per NRS 236.073, Governor Sandoval proclaimed Oct. 2-6, 2017 the “Week of Respect.” In tow with the proclamation, the Carson City School District’s superintendent has made a Pledge of Achievement to ensure consistent implementation of anti-bullying programs and practices in all schools and work environments.
“The ‘Week of Respect’ is the launching of a yearlong effort to enhance a safe and respectful learning environment,” said Richard Stokes, superintendent. “One primary emphasis of the program is to ‘Be an Upstander,’ which essentially encourages students to stand up and take an active role against bullying.”
Throughout the week, class curriculum and social activities will center on the five standards of Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) while prompting students to reflect on and share personal experiences of what respect means to them, how they give and receive respect and how they react when they perceive they are being disrespected.
The “Week of Respect” highlights skills and interactions that facilitate positive student relationships and empowers students to observe the impact they can make, simply by approaching each day from a place of treating others the way they wish to be treated.
Information about Nevada Law NRS 388.122-135 will be provided to students and staff so they know how to recognize bullying, how to report incidences when bullying occurs and the steps the district will take when allegations of bullying have been made.
“In today's world, it's important for our students to understand that we do not need to share the same opinion as others; however, we do need to learn to be respectful of other's opinions,” said Carson High School Principal Tasha Fuson. “It is our sincerest hope that the activities will bring that concept to life for our students.”
All weeklong student organizations and administrators will promote the culminating activity of “Get your Blue On.” All students and staff will wear blue Friday, Oct. 6, to show their commitment to being Upstanders, not bystanders.
In addition to the weeklong activities, the Nevada Department of Education has developed a website that focuses on resources in bully prevention for students, families and school staff. The site is The district has a similar page here:
Some of the schools’ visually enticing events include the following:
Tuesday, Oct. 3 (Carson High School)
The Week of Respect theme will be "Respect Yourself:" Students will write and read essays aloud on what respect means to them, how they show respect and receive it. ASL students will perform a Sign-A-Song of respect at lunch in Senator Square. FCA will be serving free root beer floats to their fellow Senators. Link Crew leaders will promote self-respect through posts on twitter, Instagram and Facebook. Students can take a "Smile Selfie" at the Respect Information Table and learn more about how they can become an Upstander.
Wednesday, Oct. 4 (Carson High School)
The Week of Respect theme will be "Respect Each Other:" Student posters of positive messaging will hang in the "Hall of Respect." Enjoy some good ole fashioned fun in Senator Square with board games like Twister, Jenga and Pictionary. Staff will be on the lookout for observable acts of kindness and students will receive a "Be Kind Like Josh" bracelet ( Link Crew leaders will promote responsible social media practices and highlight acts of kindness through posts on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.
Thursday, Oct. 5 (Carson High School)
The Week of Respect theme will be "Respect Your School:" Don't be a bystander! Take the pledge to become an Upstander by signing up online. Visit the "Respect Stars" hanging in CHS main entrances created by students. Grab a trash bag and join CHS athletics in Senator Square for a school-wide clean up during lunch. Take a photo with Link Crew leaders and show your respect for CHS on social media.
Friday, Oct. 6 (Carson High School)
The Week of Respect theme will be "Get Your Blue On:" Show your CHS Senator pride by wearing blue and making the Week of Respect go viral on social media. Students and parents can follow along on social media sites by looking for the following hashtags:
#PositiveCarson, #CarsonUpstanders and #CarsonGetYourBlueOn.
Friday, Oct. 6, 8:30 a.m. (Fremont Elementary School):
Each student will be participating in a Kindness/Respect challenge. First, the students will make at least one or two paper chains, which will be connected together throughout the entire school. After the chain is linked, the students will observe how many feet of Kindness and Respect they’ve created. Following the paper chain display, the students will line up on the field and spell out the word “Respect,” where a drone will fly above and photograph the human lettering/word.
Friday, Oct. 6, 8:45 a.m. (Empire Elementary School):
Students will be participating in a Rock Garden Planting Ceremony where they will each place a hand-painted stone, which symbolizes a bully-free zone and emphasizes how each student will make the world a better place.
Friday, Oct. 6, 2:00 p.m. (Mark Twain Elementary School):
Students will be painting stones, to be a Rock Garden which symbolizes a bully-free zone and emphasizes how each student will make the world a better place.
Friday, Oct. 6, 2:30 p.m. (Fritsch Elementary School):
Each of the schools’ students will be participating in a Kindness/Respect challenge. First, the students will make at least one or two paper chains, which will be connected together throughout the entire school. After the chain is linked, the students will observe how many feet of Kindness and Respect they’ve created. Following the paper chain display, the students will line up on the field and spell out the word “Respect,” where a drone will fly above and photograph the human lettering/word.
Click here to read the entire news release.