School Safety

The Standard Response Protocol (SRP) is based on the response to any given situation not on individual scenarios. Like the Incident Command System (ICS), SRP demands a specific vocabulary but also allows for great flexibility. The premise is simple - these five specific actions that can be performed during an incident. When communicating these, the action is labeled with a "Term of Art" and is then followed by a "Directive." Execution of the action is performed by active participants.

HoldHold - in your classroom or area.
Hold is followed by the Directive: "In Your Room or Area" and is the protocol used when hallways need to kept clear of occupants.

SecureSecure - Get Inside. Lock Outside Doors.
Secure is followed by the Directive: "Get Inside. Lock Outside Doors" and is the protocol used to safeguard people within the building.

LockdownLockdown - Locks, Lights, Out of Sight.
Lockdown is followed by "Locks, Lights, Out of Sight" and is the protocol used to secure individual rooms and keep occupants quiet and in place.

EvacuateEvacuate - to a stated location.
Evacuate and may be followed by a location, and is used to move people from one location to a different location in or out of the building.

ShelterShelter - State the hazard and the safety strategy.
Shelter State the Hazard and Safety Strategy for group and self protection.

Handout: An introduction to the Standard Response Protocol that gives parents the basics in a single handout in both English and Spanish.