Carson City School District
School Begins for K-12 students on Monday, August 15, 2022
and Pre-K students begin on Monday, August 22, 2022
The first day of school will be a full school day with lunch and regular bus service.
Variances must be approved by school sites. For additional information call (775) 283-2009.
Nevada law requires BEFORE the first day of school:
- 7th & 8th grade students to have their T-DAP and MENINGOCOCCAL vaccinations
- 12th grade students to have a 2nd MENINGOCOCCAL vaccination
- Kindergarten students must be 5 years of age
Annual online updates for returning students and online enrollment for new students is now available
for the 2022-2023 school year through the Infinite Campus Portal.
Returning Students: All parents or guardians must update their student’s information every school year, which includes annual permission & consent forms:
- Go to Carson City School District website; www.carsoncityschools.com
6. Enter Username & Password & click “login”
- Click on “Parent Dashboard” located in the center of page
7. Click “More” on the left side menu
- Click on green “Infinite Campus” button
8. Click “Online Registration”
- Select “Annual Registration Renewal & Updates”
9. Click “Begin Registration”
- Click “Get Started”
10. Complete the annual online updates and click red “Submit” button
If you do not have an Infinite Campus user name and password, please contact your neighborhood school.
New Students: Parents or guardians will need to log onto www.carsoncityschools.com and click on “Parent Dashboard”, click green “Infinite Campus” button, select “New Student Registration” to complete the enrollment process. New student enrollment requirements: copy of the student’s birth certificate, immunization record, proof of residency (Utility Bill/Lease Agreement.) and parent/guardian photo ID. For additional information, please contact your neighborhood school.
Directions and other information can be found on our website at www.carsoncityschools.com under the Enrolling Students link.
To confirm the zoned school of attendance, select “Find my School Zone” on the Quick Links tab @ www.carsoncityschools.com .
Bordewich/Bray Elementary
110 South Thompson St.
(775) 283-2400
Mrs. Cheryl Richetta, Principal
8:25 am - 3:15 pm
Empire Elementary
1260 Monte Rosa Dr.
(775) 283-1100
Mr. Jon Tuttle, Principal
8:25 am - 3:15 pm
Fremont Elementary
1511 Firebox Rd.
(775) 283-1200
Dr. Jennifer Ward, Principal
8:25 am - 3:15 pm
Fritsch Elementary
504 Bath St.
(775) 283-1400
Mr. Dan Brown, Principal
8:25 am - 3:15 pm
Mark Twain Elementary
2111 Carriage Crest Dr.
(775) 283-1000
Mrs. Chelise Crookshanks, Principal
8:25 am - 3:15 pm
Seeliger Elementary
2800 South Saliman Rd.
(775) 283-2200
Mrs. Paula Zona, Principal
8:25 am - 3:15 pm
Carson Montessori Charter School
2263 Mouton Dr.
(775) 887-9500
Mrs. Jessica Daniels, Principal
8:45 am - 3:15 pm
Carson Middle School
1140 West King St.
(775) 283-2800
Ms. Amy Robinson, Principal
7:45 am - 2:25 pm
Carson Middle School “Back to School Sneak Preview”
Students must be accompanied by a parent. All parents must update their student’s Infinite Campus information, which includes annual permission & consent forms; i.e., computer usage, field trips, etc., in order to receive a schedule. Computers and assistance will be available during the “Sneak Preview” for any parent that has not registered or completed their update.
6th Grade
Wednesday, August 10, 2022
4:30 – 6:30 pm
7th & 8th Grade
Thursday, August 11, 2022
4:30 – 6:30 pm
There will be a variety of information stations; student schedules, transportation, and sports. Items available for purchase include; P.E. Uniforms, Yearbooks, and CMS PTO membership. (cash or check only.)
Eagle Valley Middle School
4151 East Fifth St.
(775) 283-2600
Dr. Lee Conley, Principal
7:45 am - 2:25 pm
Eagle Valley Middle School “Back to School Bootcamp”
Date: Thursday, August 11, 2022
6th Grade
3:00 – 4:30 pm
7th & 8th Grade
4:30 – 6:00 pm
Location: Main gym/main entrance
The purpose is to distribute student schedules, pick-up Chromebooks, pay for PE clothes, gather information about school sports and other activities, and pay any applicable fees. Students will be able to meet teachers and locate classrooms. Make sure Infinite Campus updates are completed prior to attending; there will be NO assistance available for updates. If updates are not completed prior to attending, schedules will not be available; if assistance is needed, call 283-2600.
Upper basketball court area will be available for overflow parking, if necessary.
NOTE: Nevada law requires all incoming 7th & 8th grade students to have their T-DAP and MENINGOCOCCAL vaccinations, and all 12th grade students to have a 2nd MENINGOCOCCAL vaccination BEFORE the first day of school.
Resources for Immunizations:
Nevada Health Center
School Based Health Clinic
618 W. Musser St
(775) 445-3500 (Appointments are Preferred)
Open Tuesdays and Thursdays
7:00 am - 5:30 pm
Please bring vaccine records, and max cost of $24 for vaccine admission
Carson City Health & Human Services
900 E. Long Street
(775) 887-2195
Walk-ins on Thursdays:
8:30 am - 11:00 am
1:00 pm – 3:00 pm
School-age student immunizations are available by appointment only on Mondays by calling (775) 887-2195.
Administration Offices
Carson City School District • 1402 West King Street
General Information (775) 283-2000
Mr. Andrew Feuling (775) 283-2100
Mrs. Tasha Fuson (775) 283-2110
Associate Superintendent, Educational Services
Mr. Dan Sadler (775) 283-2130
Associate Superintendent, Human Resources
Mr. Spencer Winward (775) 283-2140
Director, Fiscal Services
Mrs. Christine Perkins (775) 283-1523
Director, Grants Department
Mrs. Cheryl Macy (775) 283-1504
Director, Equity in Curriculum & Instruction
Dr. Ricky Medina (775) 283-2110
Director, Assessment and Accountability
Carson City School District Board of Trustees
Richard Varner, President
Laurel Crossman, Vice President
Lupe Ramirez, Clerk
Stacie Wilke-McCulloch, Member
Mike Walker, Member
Joe Cacioppo, Member
Don Carine, Member
Carson High School Grades 9-12
1111 North Saliman Rd.
(775) 283-1600
Mr. Bob Chambers, Principal
7:40 am – 2:05 pm
New Student Registration
Students new to the Carson City School District who are enrolling at Carson High School for the 2022-2023 school year will need to complete the online new student registration. Visit www.carsoncityschools.com and select the Enrolling Students block under the Quick Links area located on the left-hand side. New Students must be prepared to provide their birth certificate, previous school records (transcripts), immunization records, proof of residency (utility bill/lease agreement) and parent/guardian photo ID. CHS does have a dress code. Please refer to the CHS website www.carsonhigh.com for complete information.
Senator Kick-Off - Upper Classmen Monday, August 8
Upper Classmen (grades 10, 11, and 12) will meet outside the North Entrance, gym location during your scheduled time. All returning students must complete the Infinite Campus Online update prior to Senator Kick-off to receive their class schedule, schedule elective classes, access to their Chromebook and purchase parking passes. etc. The Infinite Campus online update must be completed yearly to ensure the students contact information is correct and includes annual permission and consent forms. Login to the Infinite Campus Parent Portal to review and update student/family information. Contact Lavon Sollberger at [email protected] or 775-283-1838 for assistance.
Seniors – 8:15 am
Juniors – 9:15 am
Sophomores – 10:15 am
Big Blue Welcome – Freshmen Orientation Tuesday, August 9
Freshmen (grade 9) will meet outside the North Entrance, gym location. Freshmen and their families will receive an invitation indicating the time their student is to attend. Students must complete the Infinite Campus Online update prior to the Big Blue Welcome to receive their class schedule, schedule elective classes, receive their Chromebook, etc. The Infinite Campus online update must be completed yearly to ensure the students contact information is correct and includes annual permission and consent forms. More information with details of the Big Blue Welcome are outlined in a letter being sent out to Freshmen Families. Parents/guardians will not be allowed to accompany students to freshmen orientation but may meet up with their student after.
Student items available for purchase at Senator Kick-off and the Big Blue Welcome
Parking Permits $20.00 - Parking Permit requires Application, Payment, Valid Driver’s License, and current online update
P.E. Uniforms - $25.00/set or PE shirt $13, PE shorts $13
Student Body Stickers - $25.00- requires current online update. Student Body Stickers provide students access to all home, non-playoff games and discounts on dances/events throughout the year.
Yearbooks - $85.00
Student Locker - $10.00 a one-time payment for all 4 years of high school.
Cash and checks accepted. No access to credit card payment is available prior to school starting.
Student Pictures
Student pictures will be taken on Wednesday, August 31 and Thursday, September 1; additional information will be sent home with students.
Updated information about orientation will be posted on www.carsonhigh.com. Please check the website before arriving.
Pioneer Academy (Grades 1-12)
202 East Corbett St.
(775) 283-1300
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://pioneer.carsoncityschools.com/
Mr. Jason Zona, Principal
Mrs. Jill Council, Distance Education Coordinator
Class Period Hours: 7:35 am -2:15 pm
Pioneer Academy is a consortium of three schools: Pioneer Online Elementary School (1st – 5th grades), Pioneer Online Middle School (6th – 8th grades), and Pioneer High School, a fully accredited high school serving 9th – 12th grades in both a traditional campus and online options. The elementary and middle schools are only for full-time online off campus students.
The Pioneer Academy consortium of schools prepares students for college and career readiness in an online educational environment by providing flexible, non-traditional scheduling options. Online school students and parents/guardians are typically motivated, independent learners who can generally advocate for themselves. As the majority of the curriculum is online, students need to be at or near grade-level and possess good reading comprehension skills to be successful in an online environment.
Due to limited space, students must apply for acceptance to Pioneer Academy’s online program for elementary and middle school students. Once capacity has been reached, additional applicants will be placed on a wait-list. Students who attend Pioneer Academy 1-12 are expected to attend for a minimum of one year. Students who wish to leave within the year, will need to apply for a variance back to their home zoned school.
Pioneer Online Elementary School (1-5 Full Time Online Only)
Apply online at: http://pioneer.carsoncityschools.com
Pioneer Online Middle School (6-8 Full Time Online Only)
Apply online at: http://pioneer.carsoncityschools.com
Pioneer High School (Grades 9-12 On-Campus and Full Time Online by Application)
PHS is accredited by the State of Nevada and has been recognized by the Nevada Department of Education as a “Highlighted School” for achievement in 2011 and 2018. Students at PHS have been able to earn an Associate’s Degree from WNC along with their high school diploma free of charge. In addition to the small campus, smaller teacher to student ratios, hands-on discovery based learning, and core curriculum offerings, PHS offers Project Lead the Way courses in Engineering. Pioneer continues to build class offerings in (STEAM) Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math. Students are encouraged to earn dual college and high school credits through Jumpstart. PHS offers Standard and Advanced high school diplomas. Through partnerships and grants, PHS is able to provide students with elective choices in AVID, communications, art, ceramics, graphic arts, journalism, physics, foreign languages, anatomy and physiology. Other unique options at PHS include; rock climbing, cross country and downhill skiing, volleyball, yoga, Jobs for Nevada's Graduates (J4NG), speech and debate, a podcast and recording studio, and a student leadership organization.
Application and Registration
Please call 775-283-1320, 775-283-1301 or complete the application for online programming at our website listed above. Pioneer Academy students who are enrolling for the 2022-2023 school year must be prepared to provide their birth certificate, previous school records (transcripts), immunization records and proof of residency.
Transportation Information
Students attending Pioneer Academy may ride the existing CCSD school bus routes.
Adult Education
Adult/Prison Education
275 East Park St., Building E (775) 283-1350
Mr. Sam Santillo, Director
The District has established an Adult Education program, consistent with the requirements of the Nevada Administrative Code (“NAC”) and statutes for students 18 years of age or older who complete the educational requirements established by the NAC and desire to obtain a diploma. Students who are 17 years of age, but less than 18 years of age and who participate in an alternative program for education of students at risk of dropping out of school (pursuant to NRS 388.537) may enroll in the adult education program.
Special Education
Student Support Services
710 West Fourth St. (775) 283-2350
Dr. Christine Lenox, Director
Special Education students follow district enrollment procedures.
The Student Support Services Department of the Carson City School District provides a framework of assistance and support to the school district community as a whole, and specifically site level administrators, staff, students, parents, and community partners. In turn, this framework enables each individual school site to provide appropriate programs for students whose educational needs can only be met through differentiated approaches.
Pre-K Registration 2022-2023
Children who will be 4 years old by August 15, 2022 may qualify for the Carson City School District Pre-K program for the 2022-2023 school year. Upon turning 4 years of age the child, who will be attending pre-school will need to complete the following vaccinations: 5th DTap, 4th IPV, 2nd MMR, 2nd Varicella, 2nd Hepatitis A and 3rd Hepatitis B. For additional Pre-K information, please contact the school district Pre-K office at (775) 283-2350.
Inscripción para Pre-K 2022-2023
Los niños que tendrán 4 años de edad para el 15 de agosto del 2022 pueden calificar para el programa de Pre-Kinder del Distrito Escolar de Carson City para el año escolar 2022-2023. Al cumplir los 4 años de edad el niño, que asistirá al Pre-Kinder necesitará completar las siguientes vacunas: 5ta DTap (difteria, Tétanos, tos ferina), 4ta IPV (Vacuna anti polio inactivada), 2da MMR (sarampión, paperas y rubéola), 2da Varicela, 2da Hepatitis A y 3ra Hepatitis B. Para más información sobre el Pre-Kinder, por favor comuníquese con la oficina del Pre-Kinder del distrito escolar al (775) 283-2350.
English Learner Program Description
The Carson City School District is dedicated to serving the needs of English Learners. English Learners are defined as students for whom a language other than English is spoken in the home and the student has demonstrated that he/she is not yet proficient in English upon entry to the school district. In accordance with the Office of Civil Rights (OCR) regulations, the school district follows a standardized process of the identification of students that meet these criteria. The highly qualified staff of the District’s English Learner Program provide services to ensure that any student has an opportunity to fully participate in all district education programs, regardless of their level of language proficiency. Our goal is to provide a supportive environment for English Learners with a focus on academic achievement in addition to assuring access to an excellent educational experience. Please contact Dr. Tanya Scott, Assistant Director of Equity and English Learner Programming, for more information regarding the Carson City School District English Learner Program. She can be reached by phone at (775) 283-1507 or via email at [email protected].
El Distrito Escolar de Carson City se dedica a atender las necesidades de los estudiantes que están aprendiendo inglés. Los estudiantes que están aprendiendo inglés se definen como estudiantes que hablan un idioma distinto al inglés en casa y que han demostrado una aptitud baja en las evaluaciones de inglés cuando ingresan a nuestro sistema escolar. De acuerdo con las regulaciones de la Oficina de Derechos Civiles (OCR), el distrito escolar sigue un proceso estandarizado de identificación de los estudiantes que cumplen con estos criterios. El personal altamente cualificado del Programa de Estudiantes de Inglés del Distrito proporciona servicios para asegurar que cualquier estudiante tenga la oportunidad de participar plenamente en todos los programas educativos del distrito, independientemente de su nivel de competencia lingüística. Nuestro objetivo es proporcionar un ambiente de apoyo para los estudiantes de inglés con un enfoque en el logro académico, además de asegurar el acceso a una experiencia educativa excelente. Por favor, póngase en contacto con la Dra. Tanya Scott, Subdirectora de Equidad y Programación para Estudiantes de Inglés, para obtener más información sobre el Programa para Estudiantes de Inglés del Distrito Escolar de Carson City. Puede comunicarse con ella por teléfono al (775) 283-1507 o por correo electrónico a [email protected].
Free and Reduced Lunch Program Information
The Carson City School District offers a Free and Reduced Lunch Program for grades Pre-K – 12. Applications for this program can be accessed on the District website; www.carsoncityschools.com or there are copies of the application available at each school site office. If you would like more information about the Free and Reduced Lunch Program, please contact your child’s school office.
El Distrito Escolar de Carson City ofrece un programa de almuerzo gratis o reducido para los estudiantes de los grados Pre-K - 12. Para obtener la solicitud para este programa Ud. puede acceder en el sitio web (Internet) del Distrito Escolar de Carson, o hay copias de la aplicación disponibles en cada oficina de la escuela. Si desea más información sobre el Programa de Almuerzo Gratis y Reducido, por favor póngase en contacto con la oficina de la escuela de su hijo.
Notice of Non-Discrimination
The Carson City School District does not discriminate against any person on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, age, or on any other basis protected by state or federal law, and it provides equal access to the Boy Scouts of America and other designated youth groups. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the District’s non-discrimination policies: Title IX and 504 Coordinator, 1402 W. King Street, Carson City, NV 89703 (775) 283-2130. For further information on notice of non-discrimination, contact the United States Department of Education, Office of Civil Rights, 1-800-421-3481.
El Distrito Escolar de Carson no discrimina a ninguna persona por motivos de raza, color, origen nacionalidad, sexo, discapacidad, edad, o sobre cualquier otra base protegida por la ley estatal o federal, y este proporciona igualdad de acceso a los Boy Scouts de América y a otros grupos designados de jóvenes. La siguiente persona ha sido designada para atender las consultas relacionadas a la Política de No-Discriminación del Distrito: Título IX y Coordinador 504, 1402 W. King Street, Carson City, NV 89703 (775) 283-2130. Para más información sobre el aviso de la No-Discriminación, comuníquese con el Departamento de Educación, Oficina de Derechos Civiles, 1-800-421-3481.