Carson City School District
Family Life Advisory Committee
Dear Parent/Guardian:
The Carson City School District (CCSD) offers a Family Life Education program for students in grades 6-12 as mandated by Nevada Revised Statute (NRS) 389.065. The course of study for this program was developed by the Family Life Advisory Committee and was adopted by the School Board of Trustees in 1999. The state philosophy of the program is:
The Carson City School District Family Life Advisory Committee believes that this curriculum should provide accurate, scientific information about human reproduction and all sexually transmitted diseases at appropriate age levels; stress key human behaviors such as trust, courage, honesty, respect, self-control, and responsibility; emphasize the advantage of premarital abstinence; and accurately depict the consequences of irresponsible decision making regarding sexuality for those NOT in long-term monogamous relationships.
On the reverse of this letter you will find an outline of the course content. In order for you to better understand the program, we would invite you to preview the curriculum and materials. If you would like to meet with your child’s teacher to review the materials please call or email them. Additionally, you may contact Education Services at 775-283-1521 to set up an appointment to review the materials.
Written permission is required before your child can participate in this program. If you do not wish for your child to participate in this program, alternative health-related curriculum will be provided during the regular scheduled class time in an alternative classroom.
Carson High School Health Department
Please complete the permission slip below, tear at dotted line, and return it to the health teacher no later than January 20 of this school year.
Carson High School
Student’s Name:
___YES, my child has my permission to participate in the Family Life Education Program
___NO, my child DOES NOT have my permission to participate in the Family Life Education Program
Parent/Guardian Signature Date
Nevada Academic Content Standards for Health
NRS 389.036 Establishment of course or unit of course of instruction concerning acquired immune deficiency syndrome, human reproductive system, related communicable diseases and sexual responsibility; appointment of advisory committee; notice to parent or guardian; consent of parent or guardian required; materials to be made available to parents or guardians of pupils.
PCE1.HS.2 Evaluate the impact of communicable and non communicable disease
HRS.HS.1 Analyze the role hormones play within the structures and functions of the human reproductive system
HRS.HS.2 Analyze how brain development has an impact on cognitive, social, and emotional changes of adolescence and early adulthood.
HRS.HS.3 Analyze the scientific process of human reproduction.
HRS.HS.4 Explain the impact a pregnancy has on the body.
HRS.HS.4b Compare and contrast the advantages and disadvantages of various methods of contraception, including abstinence and condoms.
HRS.HS.4c Examine prenatal practices that can contribute to or compromise a healthy Pregnancy.
HRS.HS.4d Compare and contrast the laws relating to pregnancy, abortion, adoption, and parenting.
HRS.HS.5a Describe signs and symptoms, treatments, and modes of transmission of related communicable diseases (STDs/STIs), including HIV/AIDS.
HRS.HS.5b Describe current preventative approaches, including, but not limited to, HPV vaccinations to combat HIV/AIDS and related communicable diseases (STDs/STIs)
HRS.HS.5c Describe the laws related to sexual health care services, including related communicable diseases (STD/STIs) and HIV/AIDS testing and treatment.
HRS.HS.5d Evaluate the effectiveness of abstinence, condoms and other safer sex methods in preventing the spread of related communicable diseases (STDs/STIs), including HIV/AIDS.
HRS.HS.6 Describe characteristics of healthy and unhealthy romantic and/or sexual relationships.
HRS.HS.7a Analyze factors that can affect the ability to give or recognize consent to sexual activity.
HRS.HS.7b Analyze laws relating to the sexual conduct of minors, including consent, and criminal sexual conduct.