Safety Services is dedicated to assuring that all District employees and students are prepared to react to any emergency situation in a reasonable and responsible way and thus ensure that the highest level of safety during an incident is achieved.
Working to make Carson City School District disaster-ready and resilient.
Safety Services provides emergency management for CCSD. The office oversees the Emergency Operations Plan and provides guidance to schools for emergency response protocols, supplies and emergency drills. The Risk Manager provides representation to Carson City, the Carson City Fire Department, the Carson City Local Emergency Planning Committee and coordinates with other agencies in a large emergency.
How We Prepare for Emergencies
We have emergency supplies
Schools have emergency supplies, including a supply of food and water, as well as first aid supplies, rescue equipment, and other basic necessities. These supplies are inspected regularly and used during drills. We have partnered with local agencies to provide food, water and medications if schools are sheltering in place for an extended period of time.
We conduct regular drills
Schools are required to conduct fire, earthquake and lockdown and/or evacuation drills on a monthly basis. These drills are conducted under the supervision of emergency professionals.
We have safe buildings
Schools are also provided with fire alarms, sprinklers and extinguishers which guard against fires. Each school also undergoes safety inspections by the Office of Environmental Health and Safety, and the local Fire Department. In addition, Carson Schools are fenced around the entire perimeter, and have gated access and single secure point of entry. During the school day, there is only one gate through which someone can access the school. Each school is secured with a state of the art video surveillance system.
We have trained personnel at schools
District administrators and those charged with emergency response receive training on the school district emergency operations plan and conduct table tops exercises periodically throughout the year. If there is an emergency at school, school personnel have been trained, and will react quickly to protect children. There are School Resource Officers contracted through the Carson City Sheriff’s Office dedicated to the school safety and security. A variety of staff are required to hold a CPR certification, and there are numerous first aid and CPR courses offered through the district for free to school personnel.
What Parents Need to Know if and Emergency Occurs
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