In celebration of National Digital Learning Day Thursday, Feb. 27, students throughout the Carson City School District, in particularly from Fritsch Elementary School, spent some time to learn online coding programs (equivalent to Javascript) and other coding programs that enabled them to command a robot to move and perform based on the code the students developed.
“Infusing technology as part of daily educational experience is really what digital learning and Digital Learning Day is all about,” said Irene Waltz, technology teacher at Fritsch Elementary School. “Computational thinking enables students to decompose problems, recognize patterns and understand abstract concepts.”
Digital Learning Day started in 2012 as a grassroots effort and quickly blossomed into a world-wide celebration of learning with technology. Today, the event promotes the effective use of technology to enhance the student learning experience.
The term ‘digital learning’ is a broad and encompassing ideal that includes various technology implementations, including EdTech tools, applications, Project Based Learning and blended learning instructional models. The goal is to engage students, personalize their learning experience and enable anywhere, anytime learning opportunities to ensure all students reach their full potential.